It can be in the winter, in Czechia (where the game is set and you probably don’t live there) there’s (more like was nowadays) snow every winter, so the game could be set in the winter time. What do you think is better? Just winter or dynamic seasons (could start with winter)? In Czechia there really isn’t much of all year snowy places, I’m not sure, but possibly even the tallest mountain, which is remote from the location of the story, isn’t frozen all year round. This introduction of winter could also come in hand in hand with hypothermia and clothing warmness, so you would regret wearing just plates.
Hello everyone,
I would love to see fishing, snow, maybe a player can build a home, marriage, crafting.
I am having a great time playing KCD i am about 15 hours in and its a blast…
Better and smoother gameplay… I saw horse combat? Not with these controls! And easier way to fight multiple people. Currently it’s impossible for me to take on more then two people… As they constantly get out of sight and to switch targets is a thorn in the backside to do.
REDUCE the time it takes clothes and armor to get dirty… I’m bathing 3x a day already that’s inconvenient. The ability to purchase or gain land… “There’s a dlc”. Sure but why do I have to pay for something that SHOULD be apart of the game… The town is literally already in th game…
A much needed overhaul on the graphics. The game looks like Oblivion
Be nice if they put some effort into optimisation and didn’t rely on people making excuses for the shoddy development and QA testing and playing it off as “demanding” when in reality it runs worse than RDR2 on max settings.
Something else that could really use major investment is the NPC models. I mean yeah Johanka is a babe, but do we have to keep seeing the exact same character model all over the place. It starts to feel like a Delos resort populated by massive numbers of clones of the same 20 people.
Granted the detail on the models is fantastic but it also makes the repetition really noticeable. What we really need is a totally unique, fully detailed model for every single NPC in the game, as well as no more generic NPCs - everyone has a name. And since I’m in my imagination where money is no object, how about evolving dialog and NPC AI, where a bandit that survives an encounter with Henry actually remembers it and develops new reactions and dialog options because of it. Expand that stale gambling AI. How many times can the Ledetchko Player say, “I’ll lose my shirt again” while losing hundreds of Groshen to one guy?
Z herních věcí bych rozhodně uvítal stavbu tvrze, nebo nějakého hradu. Celkem fajn by mohl být třeba problém s vodou a jeho řešení(Kdo četl Niedlova Hynka Tase, ví o čem mluvím). Celkově by se taková stavba mohla prolínat hrou postupně, třeba už od začátku. Ale samozřejmě záleží na tom, jaký časový úsek budou chtít tvůrci udělat.
Co se týká míst kde by to mohlo být… Nevím jestli bych si přál nějaký extra obrovský úsek, raději třeba jen o něco větší, ale opět tak skvěle realistický. Kolem zmíněných Trosek je toho vážně hodně, teda vlastně bylo. Takové skály kolem Valdštejna a nebo hrad Kost… Ale to už je mi jedno, uvítám cokoliv. Praha mě extra neláká, ale já moc nemusím velká města i když i na tu bych si jistě zvykl.
Systém boje mi naprosto vyhovoval. Možná jen scény s větším počtem bojovníků doladit, ale když už se nebude muset hledat každá koruna, myslím, že se tvůrci odvážou. To platí i u npc, dětí atd. Když se nebudou muset tolik uchylovat ke kompromisům, tak to jistě poznáme.
Import postavy z prvního dílu co se tu zmiňuje… Já nevím. A rozhodně tvůrcům tohle domyslet nezávidím. Realistická hra nemůže fungovat tak dobře jako fantasy, tvůrci mají svázané ruce realitou a myslím, že se s tím v prvním díle vypořádali skvěle. Ve fantasy je snadné přihodit nějaké to monstrum, ze kterého vypadne meč +buhvíkolik. Ale tady prostě sundáte jednoho plecha a máte zbroj. Pokud by šli cestou některých her a nedalo by se brát vše, tak by to byl opět nereálný nesmysl. Pokud tedy dojde k importu postavy , tak brnění Zoulů bude startu zatraceně dobré. Zmizí tím tak zábavný vývoj z nuly na zabijáka. I když v realisticky pojaté hře nemůže trvat dlouho, přesto stojí za to. Asi bych import bral. Nechal bych Jindru(tedy pokud se hlavní hrdina nezmění) nastoupit v top zbroji, ale v příběhu bych ho o věci připravil(krádež, zajetí nebo porážka v souboji a následná ztráta majetku), aby si zase užil odraz ode dna.
CO se historických postav týká, je určitě z čeho vybírat a doufám, že tvůrci zachovají jistý nadhled a zachovají neutralitu. Možná by bylo fajn ukázat některé věci málo známé, třeba železné krávy, aby bylo jasné, že reforma církve byla nevyhnutelná. Na druhou stranu o tom jak naše reforma probíhala si nikdo nemůže dělat iluze. Sebekrásnější myšlenka se u lidí změní …
A third person camera! I want to finally look at my precious armor!
and a functional modlauncher which allows to have more than 1 armor mod at the same time, polearms, crossbows and an arquebuse or handcannon for the hussite flavor.
I´d love to take part in Huge tourneys taking time over multiple days with many Noblemen with their own Banners.
Also i would like bigger Side quests lines especially some spooky ones.
Smithing would be cool, since Henry is some kind of blacksmith on his own.
Companions or even sellswords you can gather for bigger skirmishes on enemy camps. So Henry dosent have to fight 6 people on his own more like Henry and 5 good men vs a small group of 10 people.
New Castles to explore of course.
Maybe it would be Possible to make things happen in Prague or Kutná Hora, im thinking scaling it to a Size of Novigrad from Withcher 3 would be big enough for a realistic feeling of a big city.
I’d like some life in the taverns, a jester, a bear dancing, band playing music
A bard telling stories that happened at that time or singing songs from that period. Or maybe telling my own adventures changing my name not realizing I’m the one he’s talking about like “Hermann, a 2 meters tall giant took his 50 pounds axe and cut the 10 Cumans in half before drinking their blood”.
I’d like to be able to actually eat something, see me drinking a beer with my hands holding a mug.
Some pickpockets so that I don’t carry 250K groschens in my inventory like I don’t give a fuck.
Some drunkard telling his story to whoever is unlucky enough to sit at his table.
Some usurers sitting at the back of the tavern with their gang ready to send the dogs on you if ever you don’t bring the money back quickly enough. Maybe hiring you if you’re in need of money to recover a debt for them.
Honestly between quests there’s nothing to do, you sit at a tavern and you hear the same dialogues over and over again. The waitress brings a beer to some dude and he replies “Am I going to wait any longer or should I get the beer myself”, dude she just brought you the beer. Entering a tavern is like “Depression simulator” right now, 5 seconds later I wonder why the fuck did I even took a seat, there’s nothing to RP.
Guards entering the tavern looking for a renegade that has been seen wandering around or doing some patrolling, or coming to get their bribe, that would be the opportunity for the tavern owner to hire us to go pickpocket the guards.
Actually, I’d like a new DLC called “Middle Age life” or something like that before there’s even a KDC 2, this game still demands some extra content and the best way to prepare a KDC2 is to have everything already tested in KDC1. If there’s a KDC2 just as lifeless as KDC1 I’m not sure I’m going to buy it. In the middle ages the only distraction people had was the tavern and in KDC it’s like people just work then go to bed at 6pm.
falconry would be pretty cool : D
I would love all four seasons to be fully represented with dynamic weather and a change in vegetation and animal life (assuming the story spans at least a whole year).
More immersive taverns as somone else suggested would be great, more conversations, people getting up to drunken mischief and getting told off for pissing down the side of the tavern those sort of details make games like this!
But yeah loved the first game, would like the series to stay away from any fantasy elements (I know you didn’t ask for actual fantasy but still) and, as much as I kinda want it, this game does not suit online. My friends rattling away would definitely break immersion