Which type are you? Knight, thief or bard?

Ima be the public drunk at the tavern starting fist fights naked. That is, if this game supports roleplaying as a lunatic drunk.

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keep in mind these are not vocations, just personality categories they chose for lack of better terms.

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Yes, to the lack of better terms I was getting atā€¦ Salt in the woundā€¦:slight_smile:
Maybe not for Act 1 butā€¦the Story must grow up

Iā€™ll be a beggar Walking in the streets and asking for money :smiley:

When I was playing Fallout 3 for the first time, i was upgrading my speech skills a lot. And when I got into some trouble I talked my way out of it. I even persuaded main villain to give it up and go home. Just with one click. When I played it for a second time I didnā€™t use my points for speech skills and when i got into some troubles I had to solve them (fight, searching for hidden routes and so on). Speaking and persuading skills are making game more boring and easy, and they are stealing content of a game from you. Maybe it will be different in this game, but Im sure I will never go for speech skill in Fallout and similar games.

So Thief or Knight for meā€¦
Or a robber baron.

Thatā€™s a tough one. Usually with games with this type of openness I just see where the sword falls (so to speak.) Iā€™ll find myself in a situation where Iā€™ve got a weapon or tool and when thatā€™s what Iā€™m relying on I just go with it. Sometimes Iā€™ll think, wow, that sword looks really, really good and Iā€™ll just want to use it all the time. Other times Iā€™ll say ā€œya know, what that darker armor looks cool and those daggers seem nice, I think Iā€™ll be an assassin.ā€ Or some such. Point being, Iā€™m not too sure.

I think Iā€™ll start off trying to become a proper knight. Iā€™d like to also use bows occasionally as the bow mechanic seems quite nice and in-depth in this game. Just from the videos of the early work it seems like a lot of time and care has been put into making it an interesting weapon.

Looking forward to slaying dragoā€¦I mean chickensā€¦errrā€¦Bad guys? Soon!


A chivalrious but guillible knight, or maybe a cunning half-plated mercenary.

most likely iā€™ll play as a ranger kind of class. something in between a knight and thief, a silent hunter so to say. i also can imagine adding a bit of bard to it, tricking people into doing what you want them to. i definitely wont be playing a bold front line fighter. allways prefered leather armor, bow and a simple sword over heavy armor and a war hammer.

I would see myself as a kind of diplomatic, charismatic, noble bard-knight. Skilled in quick wapom classes and competend talking people into things, but never leaving the path of honor. Something like that :smiley:

Most likely a bard, perhaps a thief. Talking to solve matters when possible, getting all stabbity when itā€™s not.

Knight with some thief mechanics, or forester. prefer to stealth and stalk enemies, put an arrow in their back but capable of all out assaults as well

I will play as a Knight :slight_smile: No magic and other shit!!!

An extremely Christian pious (albeit murderous) Knight.

RPing the opposite of oneself is said to be very enjoyable, so Deus Vult!

I think im a Thief because i love it in games ^^

Why limit yourself? Iā€™m planning on making multiple playthroughs each with the three classes mentioned and others with hybrids. All in all Iā€™m looking at no life for a really long time.

In my 3rd playthrough i roleplayed to be a knight that gone rogue, i just wander around bohemia until stumbling to Skalitz in which i offer my service to Radzig Kobyla and after some time become one of his personal bodyguard due to my skill and loyalty to him. I always uphold the chivalrous code, and became the Henry thatā€™s loved by all.

I guess Iā€™m the heavy knight type. I prefer to use full plate armor. When I see a bandit camp I grab my long sword and go into the offense straightaway.

Thief transitioning to Knight. I start with the thieving quests. i donā€™t do anywhere near Pirkstein until way later in the game. After doing every stealth quest that I can only then do I do to Pirkstein and see Radzig to start the main quest line. At this point my Henry is trying to get ahead with his new opportunity.

More of a high class bandit really. I mean I sacked merhojed so many times I canā€™t even recall which was the most bloody. My Henry is not a nice guy.

Still a Knight for the glory of Leipa!