Who else is in love with this game?

this game is still imminently more playable out of the box than any of its contemporaries. rageaholic’s review of this game is spot on:


Skyrim came out with an ending, things to do besides the mainquest and multiple vastly different ways to do combat. It had replay value on day 1, yes.

Combat in skyrim literally makes me want to throw up.


I’m in love with it, yeah. After tweaking it with a few mods I can bare the concept better, but I’m absolutely in love with it.

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Wait there releasing mods for consoles ?

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<- This Guy is lovin it! So much I taught my horse to do hand stands!

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I love it too. I can play with it all the day. :slight_smile:

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Man this is the best RPG…I’m on my second playthrough, 166 hours so far!

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What exactly is boring with the combat system?
This is by far the best RPG combat system ever made!


Me too,

the first RPG since FFVII that surpassed my expectations.

Ingenious, unique, breathtaking.

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Skyrim also cost around $85mil vs the approx $5 mil this cost. All I’m saying is that this is a much, much smaller and a much much less expensive project then games like it; due to WH being a new company and this being their first game. Bethesda has been around and has hella money. Now that this took off, once it gets cleaned up and some time goes by more DLCs will come out and with our support this company can make another, bigger and better title. This was their first attempt at a realistic, historically accuraare RPG. People didn’t think as many of us would want something like this so getting money was difficult. That’s all I’m saying. And if a company as big as Bethesda can release games as buggy as Skyrim and Fallout then why don’t we give WH a chance to get some real money for a project and not just judge them on their very first project that cost $80mil less then it’s competitors, with which this game competes quite well I think. It is only a 25GB game, after all…not very big at all


Also there’s a massive difference in quality in voice acting, characters, story, quality of quests and side quests and combat, skyrim misses all those and only really gets points for exploration.

Deliverence has it beat everywhere else for sure.


For what it does (mass market fantasy), Skyrim is better than KCD. KCD tried to replicate an actual past and for that Skyrim is #%*+

I like them both. If KCD finishes off stuff it worked on (eg smithy, mounted units, dog companion, polearms) and add some resource maangement in DLC and more combat options, I know who’s getting my money first… WH KCD

Best game ever made period… I’m 39y old and its so refreshing to finally play a proper rpg with very little hand holding.

Thank you Warhorse x


“11/10, great game” - some random guy


I find it a very good game in most respects. It’s definitely the most fun I’ve had in a 1st-Person game since I don’t know when. Sure, it’s got its issues and there are a few things I wish it did differently (or at all) but all games have such nits to pick. KCD really makes me feel part of a real world.

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Idk for sure but I hope so…idk how all that works. I know Bethesda/Skyrim and Falout have mods but they aren’t through Nexus(?) so I’m not sure what they’d have to do to make it possible.

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This game makes me want to buy a suit of armor and change my name to Henry.


It is a masterpiece, but untill its fixed, it is a very buggy masterpiece.


The only game in which after more than 60 hours into (and 50 of them spent admiring things and taking screenshots), I’m still amazed by the beauty of the world WH created, the “natural” feeling of landscapes, vegetations details, wildlife, ambient sounds in forests…

The amount of work spent in researches for all aspects of the medieval life, especially villages, architectures, monuments is simply breathtaking.

Yes, the game is still vastly incomplete, urgently need a far better AI, and stuffed with so many bugs we want to call the Pest Control, but knowing that even in this somehow flawed state most of us is enjoying the experience, far more than we were expecting to, makes me very confident for the future.

It’s so addictive I have to force myself (litteraly) to not play the game further, waiting for many quest bugs to be fixed…
I try a bit exploration and do silly stuff to test the system limits, each time with “waaaw it’s beautiful” in my head… :stuck_out_tongue: