Will armor and clothing be rendered separately?

One thing I think really detracts from the realism of the game is that all items on the body on the character is rendered as a skin rather than real separate items. This is really not a problem with clothing and other soft apparel but when it comes to plate armour and other stiff items it really detracts from realism when the stiff items move with the breathing and other movement. One example could be a curiasse wich is rigid and would not show the chest movement of breathing for instance.
I understand that it is more taxing to have the items rendered separate from each other rather than being part of the skin of the charactr, but it would be a really nice feature to have in a game.

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you clearly need to read and watch more about the game. :wink:
It layer on layer system is one of the very impressive things about it.

Read this topic:

I fear you missed his point. He wasn’t asking for several layers in general. He was asking for the seperate rendering of the layers in the game engine according to real cloth and armor physics if I understood him correctly.

he means armor having a different animation “skin” than the clothing, so breastplates don’t move while the character breaths. this feature is already in the game if you watch the videos. in fact it causes some clipping which will have to be further improved. so yes, plate armor isn’t like the one from war of the roses or war band where it acts like rubber.

doing clothing “physically” is just stupid at this point.

Yes youre right. Theres not really that much aplate in the vids but the few examples that are seem rigid.
It seems natural of course when the clothing system is layered in nature but still its easier to render everything as a skin. But as you say the clothing or soft apparel could just be rendered as a skin. The only problem I see with that is that you can end up with flat textures. Even if clothing is thin its still a layer on top of the body and should (ultimately) be rendered as such. Often you see clothing (and rugs and wall decorations) being flat with the background surface.
But still I feel confident that there will be quite som innovation in this game.

I remember when I started playing Eve online and how beutiful the game was. Not because of some new technology just a different application of existing ones. Games that are made by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts instead of trying to appeal to everyone from age 5 to 100 often achieves great things.