Will there be ...children?

The compromise of everyone acting totally normal, except they can’t be damaged.

You aren’t solving anything with your method, there are only more potential issues while still being unrealistic, with the difference being that you’re making more of the game unrealistic instead of just their health bar. It’s realistic for parents to guard children all day, every day, from every single angle? Nope.

I see, so I take it that you don’t want any children in the game.

Maybe the children are only outside during the day when their parents are with them, at all other times they are indoors hidden from the player.

I do want them in-game. Them being there, but being immortal is worth it. They’re immortal in skyrim, I wouldn’t prefer them not be there at all.

If they aren’t there at all, it’s unrealistic on the face of it, but if they’re there and immortal, it’s only apparent when you try to kill one.

More unrealistic solutions. They’re going to be immortal no matter what you do, all these ideas only make it less realistic, which defeats your purpose in thinking of these.

Good, I would accept that, if you are happy for arrows and swords to bounce off them without causing damage. Or to have them running around and playing with arrows sticking out of them.

I’m not happy about that, but it’s necessary for ratings boards.

Of course.

Mods can fix it.


Let’s hope that the Warhorse team agree too… Mwuahaha

I hope you enjoy your game, thanks for the discussion.

One of the first mods I ever installed for pc, was killable children. I then paid a visit to the honor hall orphanage in riften and killed every single child inside, the re loaded my save and repeated the process probably a dozen times.


polygons has feelings too


Wait, didn’t Dan Vavra say that they don’t want to add children to the game because they would be immortal and hence if player suddenly decided to go on a rampage the entire world would be left with orphans.

Can anyone please correct me if i’m wrong, but as far as i know there will be no children in KC:D?

Well if that happens then there will still be one adult in the game left (The player).

Maybe he could adopt them all. :wink:

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Or slaughter them all one by one.



Sadly, I think that this is/will be the case, as the whole topic is a can of worms that is probably best left unopened. (Says he belatedly)

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I can probably mod in some nice child skeletons if you like.


Absence of children is no hot news. It was decided at a very early stage of development, like 2, 3 years ago… your chidlkilling ethical discourse certainly wont change the state of things :wink:


Especially it wasn’t only because of ethic, it was also because of the needed Special AI for childrens. Even the implementation of the dog failed because of the AI.

For me the issue is settled until the next game made by Warhorse.

Maybe in Germany or some other country where people suffer from total control obsession.

Define wilderness. I used to run in the woods as far as 2 kms from my grandma’s house, often also in the night, and I wasn’t older than 5.

A 15 century kids did not play peek-a-boo, they worked the fields. Usually until total exhaustion, which prevented them from running wild around at the evenings. Unless we are talking about winter time, but that is not in the game.

Yes, let’s be aggressive to a random person that turns out in the middle of nowhere with a weapon in his hands. Sounds as a good idea.

Maybe in some safe-space themed game.

Most people never think about that possibility in advance and when it happens they stare in confusion. Only after several seconds of actual shooting they react, and by this time everyone who is physically close enough to do anything is moved down.

Those who actually take such possibility in mind and carry concealed firearm know that the proper response is “first move then shoot”, i.e. either moving away from family and attracting the perpetrator to self or moving family out of the view (behind table, wall) and reacting when an opportunity arises (attacker is occupied with anything that is happening in different direction).

The country was invaded by ravaging hordes. Keeping children close does not protect them, it only makes sure that family dies together.

Because there are three ways to have children in the game: No children, realistic children, unrealistic childred. Unkillable is unrealistic, breaking the immersion much more than lack of children.

That was concerning the age rating in most countries. I.e. to make the game sell in these countries well, they would not be able to make killable children. Thus leading to the outcome you describe.


Just have kids in the game and don’t let the player kill them. Why? Because the game could get banned. Skyrim has kids and you can’t kill them, and it’s one of the best games in gaming history.

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it’s one of the best games in gaming history.

coughNobodyplaystheactualgametheyjustmodthelivingfuckoutofitbecauseitsBethesdawhocoulntwriteadecentstorytosavetheirlives cough

If anything, try the Witcher series. Now THAT’S an RPG (or Oblivion, Always gotta love Oblivion)