Xbox One X visuals - this can't be right

Well then how can somethings be missing that we where promised ? Like better shadows and lightning ? The Gpu power of a xbox one x is 6tflops so it’s between a gtx 1060 and a gtx 1070 so not super low end.

so the publisher provided info on day 1 update for Xbox to - its not available right now, will be published on friday.

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I’m pretty sure everyone got the day 1 patch… There is no mystery 2nd patch… At least as of yet.

It was just one moron attempting to be sarcastic by feigning ignorance about the differences between pc and console hardware. Either that or he’s a true dip shit and no one should come in contact with such a person as to avoid contagion. The toxicity is real

Wrong The Publisher Deepsilver/Koch Media just told a german gaming site that the Day 1 patch will come to xbox users on friday. So right now no one has the day 1 patch on xbox.

looks like you are wrong.
How can you even argue against stuff the lead designer wrote on twitter and against official statement from the publisher?

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And yet these same consoles can play other games that have much higher quality graphics. Saying higher resolution assets cost money is silly, because we already know these assets exist already for the PC version. Nobody expects it to look as good as PC. I don’t mind the graphics in 1.01 on PS4 (not pro) personally, I think it looks pretty good, but the detail distance is quite low and the textures quite blurry. I’ve played games from 2015 on PS4 that have higher detail models, higher detail textures, good quality lighthing and shadowing and decent view distance and detail distance, so while the consoles are for sure way behind PC, they are capable of better and clearly the assets DO exist since the PC has them.
I don’t expect perfection, its not a high budget game, but lets be honest here, there is definite room for improvement.

Having said that, the graphics do not detract from MY experience. Besides some low quality textures, I quite like the look and style and think its plenty pretty. I’m also thoroughly enjoying the game and am glad I backed it on kickstarter all that time ago. Others obviously are less forgiving sadly… (As for bugs, its the only PS4 game I’ve played in the last 6 months that has crashed multiple times, first time was within 30 seconds of playing. I’ve also had a save file that would crash seconds after loading, consistently. But last night I also played for 4 hours straight without any bugs at all, so its only been a minor frustration and I’m hoping much of this gets resolved in upcoming patches).

TL;DR: I see no reason the quality on consoles couldn’t be better, but I’m still enjoying the game because graphics aren’t everything. There are some game breaking bugs, but I’ve managed to play anyway and am haivng fun.

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6 teraflops is not a magical number. It would not download you ram from cloud to compensate lack of memory. An X box One X as a whole system have same memory as a GTX 1060, 12GB. Consoles use that ram for all memory purposes. For PCs there is also system ram in addition to vram of GPU and nowadays 8 GB is the norm but someone with a GTX1060 would have atleast 16GB ram. Even if the owner of GTX 1060 have 8gb ram, your console have less than 3 quarters of his total ram. And there are other specs that didn’t become marketting gimmicks yet.

yes, but price like it is

Yes, thats my point. If you read it again you will see someone else was saying “i understand making high quality assets costs money”

You may have played older better looking games but games’ performance aren’t just about graphics and GPUs. KCD is a CPU heavy game it is doing more background calculation than most “pretty” games and CryEngine itself is a resource hungry engine. Someone can develop an adventure/walking sim that look as good as and animation you would buy ticked to watch at theatre. In fact there are artists who were used to create pre rendered animation now creating real time animations. But when you add more complex game mechanics you will have to downgrade graphics a bit.

I am now saying consoles can’t have indoor shadows. Maybe they can have lower quality shadows but it might require downgrade from somewhere else, afterall hardware limits are predetermined.

Another thing to consider is differances of patches in different platforms. Is MS and Sonny still demanding payment for patches and inspecting them before giving greenlight? Differances aren’t just in graphics. for example according to some console players there is unlocked chest with armor in Talmberg but that chest is locked in PC version.

I understand perfectly fine. The bit about textures was just me saying that i understand one has to make compromises in a mid budget game. The textures in the game are not that great, no matter the hardware.

As for your second point, you clearly have never owned an Xbox One X. The console is capable of much more than what is presently in the game.

Because now is the first time i have seen that quote.

Again, though, i’m wondering what i was downloading, the Day 0 patch? Anyway, we’ll see on Friday, won’t we…

I don’t think that next patch ( -> version 1.2 if I understand correctly) will improve graphics, maybe a little performance improvement.

At the end I think that all the consoles share the same graphics quality settings what changes is only the output resolution.

We’re not talking walking simulatiors here, we’re talking huge games like the witcher 3, horizon zero dawn, bloodborne etc. These games all run flawlessly for me on non-pro PS4 and look gorgeous. Now, obviously all of those games had a much higher budget and I certainly would never expect warhorse to compete with those on the budget they had, I’m just pointing out that huge complex games run just fine on console.

But let me also reiterate that, besides some blurrgy textures and some bugs, I love this game and I think it looks plenty pretty.

Saying higher resolution assets cost money is silly, because we already know these assets exist already for the PC version.

It is not silly. Devs might develop on PC, that doesn’t guarantee high quality textures. They have to be made to begin with, making assets costs time and money. Some spent more on it, others less.

One and One X have the same texture quality, only different ressolution

source of this information?

my eyes, i own both consoles

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First of all, the 1060 has either 3 or 6gb of ram. Also, the OS has a much lower footprint on a console, which is more optimized. 12gb is plenty of ram for a console and it runs with a bandwith comparable to a GeForce 1080. Yes, it’s shared but the CPU is much less bandwith hungry than the GPU. Shared memory has other benefits.

Anyway, the discussion is mood, there are plenty of examples of open world games with visuals much exceeding Kingdom Come.

beta with full AAA price (console version)

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