Xbox version ok to play now?

I hit so many bugs at launch that i had to get a refund on my game. It’s currently on sale in the market and I’ve been wanting to play since launch.
Have the patches fixed the xbox version? How is the texture pop in? Game breaking bugs still prevalent?


Welp its totally fine. If ur sensitive to a bit of pop-up stay away but honestly I only noticed it in Rattay. At 1000hrs on standard Xbox its worth it. There’s been a lot less whinging since 1.5.

What is whinging? Is that the same thing as complaining? This sounds promising.

Yeah basically

Whining: to give or make a long high-pitched complaining cry or sound

Well i know what whining is. I didn’t know if whinging was something different. I’d never even heard the word until Sandor Clegane.

most likely a spelling error unless he means another thing in slang.

Nope. I live in UK and that’s a common word here. Didn’t make any errors.

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Nope. Whinging is a word. Any Firefly fan would know that! :laughing:


I have forgotten a lot of the nuances of the show. However I do remember the cursing in mandarin(?)

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Episode Out of Gas: Mal to Wash in Serenity’s cockpit:

Out of Gas (2002)

Mal: Not if all you’re gonna do is sit around here and whinge about it, no.

Wash: What do you expect me to do, Mal?

Mal: Whatever you have to. And if you can’t do it from here, then get a suit on and go outside on the side of the boat…

Wash: And what? Wave my arms around?

Mal: Wave your arms around, jump up and down, divert the nav sats to the transmitter… whatever.

Wash: Divert the… - right! Because teenage pranks are fun when you’re about to die!

Mal: It’d give the beacon a boost, wouldn’t it?

Wash: Yes, Mal, it would boost the signal, but even if some passerby did happen to receive, all it would do is muck up their navigation.

Mal: Could be that’s true.

Wash: Damn right it’s true. They’d be forced to stop and dig out our signal before they could even go anyplace… well, maybe I should do that, then!

Mal: Maybe you should!

Wash: Okay!

Mal: Good!

Wash: Fine!

Jayne: Hey! What you two think you’re doing? Fightin’ at a time like this? You’ll use up all the air.

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I thought it was a word since Clegane used it in game of thrones last season

i forgot about the title of this thread as i read the comments cuz it was sooooo off topic.

Yep. Poaster stay on topic.

XBox One:
Answer: Yes and No.
I’ve been playing for about 30 hours, since the 1.5 patch.
There are still bugs. The pop-ins are still present, especially in Rattay, but it’s not a game breaker.
One major problem is with the Henry/Runt fight.
After Henry chases down Runt the video plays.
When the screen goes black, the game would crash to the XBox Menu.
It did it several times for me, then during a black screen, I happened to press the “B” back button.
Game loaded and I was able to duel with Runt.
Game proceeded as normal.
Played several quests after that, but I now have noticed a “Save” problem, both times using Savior Schnapps (SS).
It said the game was saved, but when I came back (after an XBox power down, I don’t leave the XBox powered after playing) I loaded using “Continue”,
It loaded a previous “Sleep” save. When the screen came up, I knew something was wrong. When I checked, the “Load” menu the SS save was not there. The last save found in the Save menu was a “Sleep” save. So the sleep saves seem to be OK.
This now happened twice using SS.
I’m on the All That Glitters quest. It just happened again. I had spoken to Ratzig and done a lot of other things.
Then did a SS save. Shut the game down, and disconnected power to the XBox. All that was lost on reload “Continue”.
Now, I know I Need to check the Save menu to make sure the SS save is really there, before turning off the XBox, though I don’t know yet if powering down the XBox will cause the SS to be lost. I also make sure I do not disconnect power prematurely before the XBox light goes off. So this a not a user error.
Other than these few problems, the game seems to be operating much better then before the 1.5 patch.
You might want to wait for the next patch.

the pop ups are not bugs it will be there for ever the hardware simply cant handle the game

I figured the pop ups were a limitation of the XBox, because it would happen when playing Skyrim.
Just annoying.
But, when you lose Saves that’s much more annoying.

Nope , I have had them appear on my lower end PC tho not as frequent as clothing pop ins

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what is a pop up?

I think he means when your walking into a new area and objects just appear in front of you delayed.

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