Young NPC's should be added to game. Babies, Children, Teens

Children should be only for playing and working in the background. Not as a guard with a weapon. And you mustn’t get quests from them. They should be only there because of an accuracy world if that’s the goal of a game and in this case it is.

Wolves and bears were shown before release. They have their models just not implemented as they wanted so they cancelled them.

that was a joke. Bannerlord devs wanted to see what it looked like.

not sure why. FO4 has child quests and they don’t wreck the game (other things do). if game in question involves character development across decades, then really don’t get the aversion. in RL, few things curry a person’s favor more than doing something to save his/her child(ren). not sure why this would have to be avoided in an RPG that chose to have kids in it

i get they couldn’t get them right by release. wish they’d invest in making them right before the end of the DLC timeline

only thing i miss on this game are kids. without kids the world looks unatural for me. expecially a medi evil world where everyone has much kids.
about that thing with the kids killable: look at witcher 3. there where tons of kids that are not killable. better that then the unatural world without kids. hope you think about this in Kingdom come 2.

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I’m sure no one would play this game if bows and swords were made realistic in terms of being absolutely worthless vs any sort of armor, and used only as a secondary weapon when your main mace, or polearm breaks.

Realism balances itself© There are a lot of much more realistic projects in the world with a bigger auditory than KC:D. X-Plane, Prepar3D, MSFS, ArmA 2/3. Somehow realism DOESN’T break immersion in that games.

If their modding support is good we could have skeletons for children

Totally support this, no reason why we can not have children NPCs, if anything i rather have invincible ones than non-at all.

Somewhere, in the future, when i get 70 years old, they maybe finished the game! day dream starts

The guy’s green; just graduated this year. Sounds like he’s deep into it now though. The project seems so ambitious that its not impossible that he might be 70 before Bannerlord gets released.

Combat looks janky but otherwise look forward to its release.

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Im sorry i would actually love to think one could get away with something as depraved as this in a video game. But not gonna happen.

Where’s the problem killing kids in a video game? There are horror games like “Outlast” that are much heavier than killing children.

Yea me neither understand that bullshit in my opinion u could do everything in game what u want its just a facking game ! there is reason why some games are +18 tagged but truth is all little kids still play those games.

So much arguing over a single player game, I don’t understand. Can’t we all just do a group hug?

I want my army of cannibal children too!

this game could most definably do with kids similar to the way the witcher 3 implemented them. But I think the main reason for them not being present is a cost cutting measure with regards to the animations required for them. Basically every man in KCD is exactly the same (except for one or two important NPC that are used in the cut scenes) . what ever man you loot and strip down always has the same underclothes and limbs the only thing that differ (sometimes) is their heads. There are no fat men/thin men/muscular men anywhere in this game, under there normal cloths they are all the same. Same goes for women. Just reuse of the same assets with a different coat of paint. The kids were basically left out to save on animation costs…why animate kids when you can just change the head of a random adult with a change of clothes and have them populate an area instead of putting some kids instead, it cheap…less animation…and easy to impiment

Same body is not a problem here, but I was in a camp of Radzig upon the hill of Talmberg, all his guards were same, I ran there so their helmets did not load yet, they all had same faces, all. That was a bit lazy, I think.

oh I came across henry’s dead fathers head on some NPC more than once lol

I saw this sometime ago and I saw copies of Kunesh and Zbyshek recently. There are supposed to be 140 faces of different people used, at least they were in credits.

pretty sure you’re spot on.

got me thinking about average height Henry fighting against more mobile and taller guys. fighting people with a reach advantage (both in limb and weapon length) can change your style.

with more money in the coffers would be nice to see more variety in NPC body types (some old, some young, some tall, some short, etc) in the next WH game

And the focus of the game is on something other pointed. Kids playing no role on the story.
And to ensure everything which we now can see, something other has to go.
Where we can say too, it is a plus for the performance. More NPC’s means more activities to calculate. The A.I. is not the easiest one for the CryEngine^^