Hunting mechanism

When I first watched the first trailer about the game, I noticed a scene where the player used a bow to hunt an animal in the woods. My question is, will a hunting mechanic be implemented in the gameplay, like skinning, transporting the animal etc or as a series of side quests? I really like hunting, in games like Skyrim or Assassin’s Creed 3 I spent hours doing this, so I would really like for it to be implemented in some way other than just going into the woods, killing animals, take the meat and then sell it to the market while ignoring the main quest.


I really hope so, I love hunting in games, did it for hours and hours in skyrim with bows. Id be surprised if there isnt some amount of depth to the hunting or killing of animals.


I as well would love to see a good hunting mechanic


I would also like to see proper hunting tied to the economy.
Skyrim style was ok-ish, but I would be absolutely agaisnt it, if it were to be like in AC IV or Far Cry 3 - the style of Kill 4 whales to create a small pouch… that just infuriates me!


I was thinking about hunting mechamism, really It can be a powerfull tool for game.

You can get skins while hunting, and use to sell or craft or many things more.
I read one time, and i am in accordance of that when i am talking about RPG and is, “i can to do the best equipment by crafting”,
mini-games to craftting sistems is a very very good idea.
but how to do real?

You can hunter an animal piece free around the world, OK, BUT you can go to hunting (is different) but if you want the best piece of leather you must go to the private hunting land of lord. You can win the favour of lord by mision, conversation skill or thinks like this…
OMG you can go to hunt to the king´s hunting land!!! I had made good things for this honor,

Is like a mini- game into craft sistem. how to access to private lord´s hunting lands.? how to get the best leather?
my English not allow me to explain it better, sorry.
corollary: join sistem hunt and crafting in one way (quest, conversation or why not? only be to lord´s land :wink: ).
Can be a randomize small maps or a zone from map," prey can escape".

And for help you have a pet , a dog for example to help on hunting, your company with stadistic, strength, follow trail, and a mini- game for pets. Feed and happy pet when we go to hunt… Is only a idea.


I’m not sure how it was in Bohemia but in England Forest law was that hunting within forests owned by the king was highly illegal. that could potentially make hunting even more interesting so as-well and sneaking up on deer and such, you would also have to keep an eye out for huntsman who are charged with preventing poaching.

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I hope that the hunting is fairly realistic. Most games that involve hunting are usually poorly done.

Animals usually have really bad AI and they usually give you critical hits for shooting for the head. Which is wrong because of the toughness of most animal’s skulls and the fact that their brains are really small and hard to hit even with a rifle. You would be shooting for the heart and lungs.

Seeing as how it looks like smithing will involve a kind of interactive mini game for making/up keeping your weapons they should have the same for hunting. Have a field dressing, skinning and butchering mini game where you have to harvest the animal if you’re keeping it for yourself. And have it where you have to actually carry/cart it to either your residence or the local market. So if you’re set upon you would have to drop it if you’re carrying it.

I hope at the very least they have a good range of animals to hunt, not just boar or deer. And on a side note it would be nice to be able to use the skin’s/furs of the animals to make custom clothing. Like a wolf fur cloak.


i’d like to see some snares for rabbits and the like. leave for awhile then come back. the likelihood of capture would be calculate thus: effectiveness/quality of lure, placement location proximity to animal activity/nests.


I hope nobody’s planning to go after a boar alone and with just a sword! Get your hunting party and boar spears ready!


Wow hunting with a spear totally went over my head. That is something that is usually never implemented in a game with hunting. I wonder if we’ll be able to throw spears in this game?

For that matter, there could also be hawking in the game if a variety of hunting methods are considered. Hawks, falcons, gyrfalcons, etc.

That could involve skills having to do with training and perhaps remembering to feed the bird of prey before the hunt, so it’s more likely to actually bring the catch back instead of feasting itself.


I would actually really enjoy the hunting mechanics to be a little like the hunting in The Last of Us. The hunting in that game is pretty good, even for the minutes it took to pass that part of the mission.

Yeah, what hunting there was in that game wasn’t bad. I definitely missed a few times before getting it right.

Which is a major part of hunting. People miss, that’s why it feels so good and right when you do hit your marker and get that kill. It makes the loot even more worth it.

If anyone wants to see how hunting worked in The Last Of Us, I found a video from the “Winter” segment, which is one of the best parts of any game I’ve ever played.

Spoiler alert, obviously.


The issue with that is that it was a scripted event in The Last of US. The deer had specific pathing in a linear area, the only AI it had was for if you made to much noise, or were in it’s sight. You would need much more complex AI for an animal in an open world environment.


Thank you @Flashfire for posting the video segment!

@MacKJames, the scripting for AI actually shouldn’t be that difficult. Of course it will be a little bit more complicated then an actual scripted event, but it should be a grid that the animals are “allowed” to walk and run on. The barricades will be the random rocks and trees. It’s not like these worlds are randomly generated, the animals should be able to follow some sort of direction. I have barely worked with the actual coding of AI so if I am missing something please let me know. :slight_smile:

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No, you’d have more experience than me at that. I was just saying that The Last of Us is more scripting than AI. But I do agree on the aspects of the hunting in The Last of Us. Tracking using footprints, and once the animal is hit it would be great if it left a blood trail to follow.
I’m just not sure if they’d be able to put dynamic footprints/blood trails in the game.


Oh okay, I’m with you now @MacKJames. Nor do I think that they would be able to put dynamic footprints/blood trails. Too much for the game to handle, especially if the game is anything like Skyrim and everything is running at once.

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Then again it is on PC and the Next Gen consoles so it might be possible on those. The blood trails and footprints could happen but they would probably have a specific window of time before they disappear.
Because when you mentioned Skyrim it reminded me of a mod someone did that added footprints.
Skyrim Footprints