I got a broadsword

So then I can never test out the combat, or is there some area I’m missing where I can obtain a sword?

you cant test it out anymore
but it wasnt combat anyways. You could hit the peasants and they would fall on the ground but thats about it.
And because it wasnt implemented the camera went crazy (directing up into the sky) when using the sword

Well that’s only incredibly disappointing.

Combat should be implemented after they get done capturing all the animations.

the place holder combat was fun to play with but it does not leave a good impression on what the end result will be.

Can’t say it makes any sense to remove it still. It’d be cool to play around with what they’ve got so far, but I guess we’re going to have to wait until the full release before we can partake in any action.

Still disappointing. Anyone have any experiences with combat last update? How was it besides it being incredibly unfinished?

Incredibly unfinished.

It was fun but people had to be hit in very precise areas to take damage and in my experience most hits were a 1 hit kill.
there was a nice blood spurt animation too.

I for one loved it, knowing it would be replaced made me love it more. Even with all the brokenness of it it made me crave playing this game, I had 20hrs. on 0.1 a decent portion of that was doing the bow glitch and doing a medieval killing spree.

I would make a new thread petitioning it back in a small update but Im lazy. if someone makes it I will Like it I will like it so hard.

Whoever does this will be the first ever Kingdom Come hero. Sadly, I am not hero material. Too many people will look up to me and hope for greatness as I remove my shining armour and sit down in a pub to eat bread or something and then go back home to do nothing since technology doesn’t exist.

Although, if I really had shining armour, I’d wear it a lot. Even when it’s hot.

I found this:

Better than no combat example being possible to play.

Hi, not that this matters too much, and I’m probably wrong anyways, But I believe that sword may be ahistorical for this game. That hilt looks to be from about mid 1500s, much after the events of the game. Sorry if I come off as antagonistic for this post, that is not my intention, and again I’m probably wrong.

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Dammit Skorulgir it could be a light-saber for all I care I just wanna hit some shit, and how dare you antagonize me! LOL

you could be correct on the sword but im no historian or weapons expert, and the point over all is we just want something to play around with regardless if its a placeholder.

Yeah, like I said, it doesn’t matter too much. If I’m right, only me and like, 20 other dudes will take notice; If I’m wrong then it will just be me.

EDIT: Also, after further research, I’ve found swords dated as far back as 1450 with hilts similar to what is in the Alpha. That still isn’t 1401, but I haven’t researched too extensively, I still have a few sources to check.


How do you turn motion blur off?

You are searching this:

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Thanks, motion blur in this is alittle overkill.

How do you enter the cheat into the game?

Which console command are you referring to? Some of the above mentioned commands have been blocked since Alpha 0.2 such as the command that gives us the sword.

the key that is used to open the console varies for me its the ~ key.

I am referring to the broadsword cheat, not the motion blur off one. Mine’s on a Windows 8 laptop.

Sorry, there is no sword anymore.
Cheat works only in Alpha 0.1.
The only weapon you can get (in alpha 0.21) is the bow.
If you want the bow easy, look at this. :smiley:

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Not a bow person myself. Would’ve preferred to walk around with a sword strapped to my side. Oh well, thank anyways. :smile: