Playable female characters

I recently created a wish list thread and the most common thing I’ve seen recently is having the option to play male or female.

Anyways I figured I would make a thread dedicated to the discussion. Do you guys want the choice of playing male or female?

Personally, I don’t want this, mainly because the DEVs have said they want it to be historically accurate to some degree. This is medieval times. Women in medieval times did not brandish blades or piece together armor save but a few like Joan of Arc or Elizabeth the 2nd I think.

While I do believe there should be an option later on to play the game freely how you want, for the sake of the 3 ACTS being released, it should focus on a male protagonist.


I wouldn’t mind it if you played a female and were treated appropriately. People belittling you, taunting, just giving you a hard time in general. It would be a strange game to play but it would certainly be interesting.


Do not underestimate the active role of women in medieval times.
Medieval stories tell about men, male heroes, male leaders, and so on.
But the number of unreported women’s cases is estimated as pretty high. The few stories about women show options how women actually can stand their ground.

!And in an economical view of the devs: It’s worth thinking about potential female players who would not buy the game as they miss their personal identification.


I don’t really see the need for a female protagonist, it wouldn’t fit properly into the world.
Though of course if you chose to play as a female, people had to react accordingly to your gender.


i disagree. it’s their loss, but don’t put in a feature just to appease some fans regardless of the story and gameplay can be reconciled with the new addition. we have members here who aren’t caucasian or male, or young. nothing stops them from missing their personal identification with the game character. so that i would say is not a very valid reasoning on the part of those who would refuse to buy the game on that basis alone.


Don’t forget that there are images of women fighting against men in judicial duels. Sure, they weren’t physically on equal grounds (man had to stay in a pit up to his waist), but it’s still a medieval woman legally fighting for herself.


There are plenty of examples of women fighting or serving in a position of power, it just wasn’t common. Yes I would like to be a female if given the choice, but if not that isn’t anything that won’t be modded into the game.


By that logic since i am not a 14th century bohemian son of a blacksmith, or christian,or white for that matter then how can i have personal identification this character,perhaps the same way i have with Garret in the witcher or Artyom in metro etc etc etc


Being female, I would like the option to play as one. There are many women , (ruthless or otherwise) who have changed the course of many battles throughout history.

However, if it’s not an option, playing as a male (think hundreds of hours in Oblivion and Skyrim) doesn’t keep me from playing a game I’m interested in :blush:


I think with a female character, it would be a totally different game with a totally different story.

And I don’t want the “blank slate” characters devoid of any personality you find in games like The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, or any game with customizable characters. I suppose Mass Effect did a decent job with both a male and female character, but as others have mentioned, this wouldn’t work in the Middle ages.

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There is already going to be a playable female character in the game. Granted it won’t be the protagonist, but still. Female players don’t necessarily need their character to be a female in order to play a game. If the game’s good, it doesn’t matter if your protagonist is a dude, a gal, or some kind of genderless alien.


Well said Dyalad! If people refuse to play a game because a certain gender/race isn’t in the game then that’s quite silly in my honest opinion. The game should be judged for its story and game mechanics and should not be judged on what gender, race or colour the characters are.


Well, when the lords were not home. They would arm the lady for battle if they came under siege so that she could lead. So women fighting is not unheard of, just not as common. It really depends on how they make the story for the female character to be honest.

It was not common for women to brandish swords or don armour, but neither was it common for orphaned blacksmiths to play a major role in a country’s politics using murder, no matter what fantasy has tried to tell us.

I propose that a story set in the period could definitely star a female protagonist and still be believable and perhaps even more interesting than a story starring a male one. One has to remember that most of European written history was written by men, during the period especially by clergy and noblemen, but also afterwards, and thus what accounts we have are coloured by that. But there are definitely examples of women playing a part in history despite the uphill battle of culture, not being the frail, meek beings who would go ugly if they educated themselves as 19th century authors would like us to believe. It is only the last couple of decades that historians and similar has really started exploring the true role of women through history.

What we have to remember, and that is easy to forget even if it sounds obvious, is that people were still people back then as they are now. History is not another dimension or a different planet. People had as varied and complex personalities and beliefs (if maybe not religious belief, at least not openly) as we have today, both men and women. And then as now some people, of either gender, broke away from the social norms and achieved spectacular things.

The catharism movement, which was a Catholic heresy a little earlier than when the game is set, had gender equality among their core tenets and even allowed female clergy. There are also notable female authors and nobles from the time, even then widely considered competent.

Most speaking example of all, though, considering the peasant origin of the player characters, is the relative prominence of women in revolts. The Peasant’s Revolt 1381 featured at least a few women as leaders for a band of rebels, as you can read here:

From there it should be easy to find more scholarly sources if you want to. And if you don’t want to click the link at all, here is a quote:

“On 14 June 1381, rebels dragged Lord Chancellor Simon of Sudbury from the Tower of London and brutally beheaded him. […] It was the leader of the group who arrested Sudbury and dragged him to the chopping block, ordering that he be beheaded. Her name was Johanna Ferrour.
In court documents she was described as “chief perpetrator and leader of rebellious evildoers from Kent”. She also ordered the death of the treasurer, Robert Hales. As well as leading the rebels into London, she was charged with burning the Savoy Palace - the grandest townhouse in London at the time - and stealing a chest of gold from a duke.”

That sounds like game protagonist material to me. So to conclude my long rant, I end pretty much where I started; a protagonist isn’t common. Even in a realistically, historically anchored story such as this, a female protagonist is in no way, shape or form an impossibility.


I would love to have the option to play as a female. I understand it may not necessarily fit with history, and they have a story in mind that suits a male, but I really feel like this is one of those options that needs to be available. It’s different than in, say, Skyrim, where it’s fantasy and playing as a kickass female Nord makes sense, and I get that. But this is one of those areas I’d like them to make a small concession to historical accuracy and allow us to play our way.

That said, it’s also not a deal-breaker. I’ll play the hell outta this game as a dude.

@DeathDaisy Who said the blacksmith will play major role in a country’s politics? Definitly not Warhorse, they stated quite opposite. Actually, the fact that history was written by men and no one had studied women role in the middle age for so long kinda speaks for its self. And these rare examples of exeptional women in history maybe prove it wasn’t impossible, but definitly prove it was almost impossible.

I find these arguments kinda absurd. If Warhorse announce realistic meadieval RPG with a main hero - woman, they would be mocked so hard. No one could take it seriously. And the fact it wasn’t completely impossible doesn’t change a thing. Also, ingame world would have to react adequately to rarity of situation, so probably your woman character would be treated like a freak and with not much respect (which actually your examples even confirm - “heretics”, “rebellious evildoer”). And here we go, this would be surely considered sexist by the very same people who calls for a female character in realistic medieval game (sic!).

And this was speaking only about when a main woman character would be the only one playable. To make such a game with both genders playable would require actually to make kind of two different games in which every single NPC would have to react properly different. Not speaking about universal strong storyline… I don’t think anyone sane could ask Warhorse for making playable male and also female and still insisting on realistic medieval setting.


Tbf, most female gamers are pretty used to having to play as a male character. In fact the first game I played when I had a choice between the two genders I still picked male as I was so used to it (it was also for roleplay purposes). It’s not alienating at all and if one or two women are put off by this then it’s very petty reasoning.


I think that you missed the main issue. They have already written a story for a particular character. It is not so simple to replace him with a different one without changing the story or making it more generic so it would fit both. If you read the stretch goal description, they state that quite clearly there.

While it’d be nice to have the choice between a male or female character, if Warhorse have written the story to fit a male character then trying to force a female character in would require script changes and probably programming in a lot more realistic reactions.

If they were forced to shoehorn in a female choice the results might end up with a lacklustre script and characterisation because they had to split time between both genders’ dialogues/voice acting/ reactions from NPCs, and in the end I’d rather have the one gender protag written well than two badly written ones. (That isn’t to say it can’t be done, but Warhorse have a pretty strict budget right now and they’re an Indie company without the bcking of one of the big game industry players like EA or whatever).

And I agree a lot with what others have been saying that it isn’t impossible for there to be a female protag (Noble ladies taking up arms to defend their fort, female rebellion leaders etc… also it’s pretty out there but a woman crossdressing as a male to fight in the war would be frick frackety fantastic imo)

I’m really hoping they reach the goal budget though so a playable female character can be added in, but as a female player I’m kind of used to playing a male character. As I said it’d be really great if Warhorse gives us female backers a bit of a nod and gives us a female character, but if the story calls for a guy I’ll happily play a male character (realistic characterisation is always a massive bonus too!)

You’re making it seem like for every 3 male heroes there’s a female hero, this is not the case, the vast majority of tales told revolve around men because the vast majority was men doing heroic things, it’s not like females were given the option to go around and do as they please, they were married off when they came of age and they were raised in a culture and age that told them where their place was, very very, few did anything other than what they were told. That being said, why pander to a very small playerbase?