What I hate in Alpha 0.3

I don´t know, what they changed. Maybe the shadows?
They have changed many apple trees. The tress are now smaller and more different. The apple plantation on the hill looks more realistic than before.

The new zoom is like the old (0.21) Archery potion, … I don´t like the zoom.

And with the new 0.3 Archery potion, super easy. You stand like rock-solid.

Yes, but it depends on your herbalisam skill level how many nettles you get. At the beginning only one per pick. But later when your skill is up you get much more.
Thistles always only one…

After 9 or 10 picks you get the first skill upgrade. The second last longer,… and so on

After some picking you have a money maschine, too easy. Warhorse must adjust this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Warhorse uses the same mechanic for herb collecting as Red Dead Redemption and i have to say after a while i got really sick of this animation.
KCD is supposed to be a real first person rpg so it kinda breaks a bit of the immersion there for me.^^

I must say I also hate the animation.


i don’t know why the nettle merchant thing needs to be adjusted.
Change only the merchant. It would be better if Sagitta, the Kräuterhexe buys them from you.
For what the merchant need flowers, herbs etc.?
Change it to a Sidequest.
You can search and harvest herbs etc. for the herbalism women (Sagitta).
She need them more as other people.
And people who want a potion can go to her! Trainer and merchant in one. Ready :smiley:

The problem is the number of nettles you can harvest! If you can harvest thousends of nettles in x minutes and get hundreds of groschen, the game is not balanced. Dosn´t depend who buys this… :smiley:

Back to the performance of 0.3!!!
I have a AMD/Radeon 6950-6970 OC 2 GB.
Try this: Go to the border of the “map”. Look to the sky (works best in the night).
–>I have~ 60+ fps.
Now go into the center of Samopesh (marketplace).
–>Only ~15-20 fps. Same sky!!! Nothing else! Stars and maybe moon (with birds).
There is something really fishy!!!
Do you have a Nvidia-Card? The same problem? Or a better performance?
Check this :wink:.

here is my test… do you have the same drops in areas like me?

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Yes, I have the drops in the center areas. South area and innkeeper!!

The north area(Jerrys house) I haven´t tested yet. Maybe tomorrow…(I´am not a home) :smile:

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Don´t be afraid - the stats for the herbs were not set up yet. :wink:

At Jerry´s house I have also drops (of frames). If I look in the direction of the center, the hit is really hard…

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Gtx 970 @ 980

I have the same drops everytime i look at the center of Samopesh.
Just not as hard as yours but i have the same FPS drops: At the innkeeper i have like 35-45 FPS, at the herb house like ~ 45 Fps same for the view from jerry’s house.

Note that everything is at max


Playing on gtx970

  • FPS drops in locations as other people have

After Playing through the Alpha for about 2 hours, I wrote my personal feedback, I apologize in advance for me not capitalizing many of my i’s.

Annoying Things

merchant exits conversation when i want to buy more than just 1 round of items

Dialogue system feels clunky, just talking to people in general like waiting for them to finish their animation and then they turn to me and then start the dialogue is really awkward/feels sluggish the menu’s are sometimes counter intuitive, you should be able to exit dialogue at any moment in time that would definitely help get rid of the sluggishness instead of me having to say to the bailiff i don’t have any more questions (i’m check the questions to see if anything has updated or if I have new options) and then him giving me a response and then me exiting i could just exit after.

Buggy Things

i play with subtitles on, the text should not appear near the npc that says it, should be at the bottom above the stamina bar

Hotkeys for various things such as map quests etc.

Sometimes after i made a solution in dialogue it gives me the dialogue of another solution ie the smith refers to me finding his lost hammer when i merely just bought 1 from the merchant

Quest Feedback
i tended to re-talk to several people when it came to questing because i wasn’t really sure where the quest was hinting, i got to a standstill at the poison quest because his wife would ignore my questioning, maybe have the bailiff after i have spoken to his wife or gotten to a certain point could give me a hint but only 1 hint per quest or something that way when you are really stuck you don’t have to wonder around and waste a ton of time.

Hopefully in the future, the quests will diverge into politics of the city a bit more, for example you can see a nice power struggle between mariana and the rich farmer but you don’t actually see the effect it has on the town, ie they would react negatively or maybe you can see his punishment etc.

Misc Feedback
Highlighting useable objects or making them standout more?
At least atm the pickup-able objects don’t standout so if let’s
say you could actually find the bailiff’s key right now the
only thing that would pop-up is the tooltip of the item
maybe a slight glow around it or something would help distinguish
the item is useable, unless all items would be useable in the
final version then forget what i said.

I do enjoy the menu part of the inventory screen its nicely laid out and everything seems nice the graphics of it are really good, The only real clunky part about this screen is the navigation of it like I can’t just click on an item that is on henry to unequip it.

Archery seems ok, I can’t really tell much from just aiming and
shooting, though because of there not being a crosshair it does
seem harder than most games and a little bit more realistic, however
my only solid complaint is that i can’t knock my arrow, like
lets say i don’t want to shoot the arrow as i’ve held it too long
there should be a way for me to release the arrow without shooting it

to the first point in Misc Feedback,
No Hotspots, KCD isn’t a Retro Classic Adventure Game,
like Broken Sword (Remastered too) or The Whispered World.
or as it is in the Thief Series!

As i said in another thread,
Please rework the Time Skip Button.
It is very annoying to open the inventory and Map to skip the time of day.
The “T” button must also be used without inventory.
I tolerate no such system like in The Witcher (Saga).

Right click (with mouse) should work…
(Worked in Alpha 0.21)

Sorry, no! Not realistic.

A new subject:
Quest Items! >Flute, Blacksmith´s Hammer

You can´t drop it! (Alpha 0.3)
You can sell it or put it into chests, but not drop…

That´s not realistic! > I have not the (full) control over my inventory! Or is this a bug??? :wink:

Marking of Items as quest items

You find an Item and it is marked as quest Item.
–> Attention, don´t sell me, i´am special feature!
This information comes from nowhere…

It would be okay if I could mark objects as quest items, or I get this information only if I have the quest in progress, but so…

Dead link…
Was curious

Yes because it was a joke^^
But maybe in future we can find a section on nexusmods :sunny:

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