1.4.3 on PC

had a good number of crappy meals for $60. try to let the hate, saltiness and preoccupation subside within a day. beyond that, the mental and emotion cost is worth more than the original meal. to each his own

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I have an xbox 1. I also had a computer that was in a coma for a couple years ( organ failure).
spent the money to transplant new guts( needing for more than games) and thought about all the mods I heard about on pc games so I bought the witchers series and then this one.
Mods are why I got KCD on computer, faster release of patched a bonus.
Joined the “nobility”

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I do game sharing with the kids on 2 different xboxes. That is the only reason I got the Xbox. I will get me a PC sooner or later. I am waiting for them to drop prices on GPUs.

When you do move to a PC, Steam now has a Family Share feature, so different Steam accounts can share their game libraries.

Freaking crypto miners artificially driving up the price of GPUs…

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You are gonna be waiting a while. Google bitcoin mining.
It will make you furious. They’re the reason.
Even NVidia is not happy.

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I’m still a peasant. But if Henry can do it, I can too🙂

Well hey…at least it was 60 dollars and not 600 right?

All I’m saying is so many people have used your analogy. People like you troll the forums and complain on every single thread without an ounce of positivity.

You have freedom to say whatever’s you want and I respect it. And I also respect your frustration. It sucks to buy something, expect something, and be utterly disappointed.

WH is making progress. Can’t you at least agree that they are making the game, your investment, better. WH isn’t a scumbag company. They could have taken our money and did absolutely nothing to fix it. They don’t owe us anything. But that’s not the case. But They have decided to listen to our complaints.

They’re returning our investment slowly. Too damn slowly I’ll agree. But have a little patience. The patches are coming.


Gotta give credit. Unlike some other big name AAA dev that do a few patches , if at all then ignore the players but greedily eye their wallets.
For good or poorly, these guys are humping their behinds to get patches out.

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if you watch the documentary, you will know, the early unstable release wasn’t the fault by the developers. the investors wanted them to release. the develeopers would have loved to have more time. so dont blame them and be happy they have the time to fix all of the problems. i am. :slight_smile:


I’ve said in nearly all my critique posts that the game is great, it’s fun, but it’s in/was in a very bad state… That seems to be the issue, people can’t discern between hate and criticism and come to the conclusion that anyone with a negative opinion is merely trolling or hating.

60 dollars or 600 dollars wouldn’t make a difference with the logic the people I’m disagreeing with are using, purely because they’re a kickstarter company, that’s sort of my issue.

I partially agree with you, I do. The investors/publishers pushed a release date. But, it’s also partially the developer’s fault for getting sidetracked and off in the weeds, trying to add in additional mechanics rather than focusing on getting the core game stabilized. They admitted as much in the documentary.

Not a complaint, or really even a criticism…more of an observation that the blame doesn’t wholly rest with either party.

Either way, count me as one of the people patiently waiting for development to finish polishing this gem.


i agree, they could have done better,because they have had a release date. well, it is how it is :confused: lets get the best out of it. next week 1.4.3 comes to pc :slight_smile:

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The “nobility” always get served first in a feast…muhahahaha :wink:

There was actually a royal position for the people who got served first. The tasters. Fitting isn’t it. :slight_smile:

those that survived…poison was an in thing back then.

That is okay. I don’t eat much anyway lol

NMS has actually come a long way since release.

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You should see how bad it is for consoles though… I’m really hoping 1.4.3 fixes the screen shakiness because this game has potential to be in my top 5 favorite game all time.

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Yes, it’s in my top 10:

  1. Gothic, Gothic 2: Night of the Raven & Gothic 3
  2. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
  3. Penumbra: Overture & Penumbra: Black Plague
  4. Amnesia: The Dark Descent & Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
  5. Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2 & Silent Hill 3
  6. Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed (PC)
  7. Dragon’s Lair 3D
  8. Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  9. Risen, Risen 2: Dark Waters & Risen 3: Titan Lords
  10. Elex

Well according to this Book of the Peerage of the Realm here:

…my Momma is a f@cking POPE–yet she doesn’t exactly seem spiritually raptured by this revelation of yours…

And my Poppa on my maternal side thrice removed is a bleeding SAINT. With an indecent @$$hat Empire state sized cross in the game to remind me of my superior noble bloodline whenever I imperiously canter by. But rumor is my Poppa wasn’t too keen on how the game turned out either…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Seriously, it’s replies like this which pour 7 day old, pepper infused urine over the salt encrusted, plague pus tenderized wounds of those of us who CAN’T progress the @#$%&*!@! MQ. Let alone complete other game side quests without a reliance upon mods the way the game was designed. :roll_eyes:

Also recognize tantric retorts like this are doing wondrous miracles for your popularity in this thread…