1.4 on console

Console users, based on your current experience and sentiment, please indicate your preference for the next WH game purchase:

  • pre-order next installment
  • purchase next installment <1 month after release
  • purchase next installment 1-3 months after release
  • purchase next installment >3 months after release
  • don’t intent to purchase next installment

0 voters

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I think Xbox is the main issue. PS4 players seem to have less problems.

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I have to preorder next time because I lost out on the maps from the first one. They will hopefully iron out there issues before there next release.

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What would you have them do differently? It’s unfortunate that they had to relies it in it’s current state and I can understand your argument with that. Its also clear that communication could be handled better. But the majority of WH is working there buts off and deserve a little credit for that.

Same here. I’m on xbox1, if they could just fix the stutter I would still be playing this great game.


this is what I wanted to say…

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people need to grow up. the last patch fixed the crashes I had been getting, yes there’s quest bugs but show me a game that doesn’t. ive finished game as such and started second which I’m going to wait for next patch but that’s only since I finished one play though or I would still be playing.

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Apparently people who play on the xbone are still experiencing fatal errors. if they can hang on until the next patch maybe they will be satisfied.


I have to agree with the majority here, please start to communicate with each other at Warhorse Studios, so you can properly communicate with your community. It’s been 2 weeks now since Easter and as a console player I’m still waiting on the Easter update, with an official of your company telling me every few days (through various media platforms) that the patch is almost here, just wait a few more days, while I sit and watch being that same patched be released (with fixes every few days) on PC. I get that it takes more time to release a patch on consoles, but come-on now! We’re at 1.43 now that’s coming “complete with all the other stuff, we promise, for real this time”. How am I supposed to believe you? My experience tells me that we’re going to have to wait probably untill 1.48 in May or something like that. Maybe you’ll even release it wit 1.5 in June? How about together with the dlc/actual ending? I’m sorry, I love your game and the idea behind it, the world and it’s characters, but I had to replay basically half of the missions just because of bugs. I can’t even properly finish the game, because the ending cutscene after the epilogue quest won’t start. Please, release the patches on all platforms simultaneously or at least communicate properly, so we know what’s up. I for one don’t plan on buying your next game for at least 3 months after release because of this mess, nor do I plan to buy any hypothetical dlc for KCD. Furthermore will I not recommend this game to my friends, (those who don’t already have the game) until you fix the serious issues there are with the game itself and the way you as a company are handling it. I’m very sorry about this since I personally love the core game and appreciate your hard work and I do whole heatedly believe that all of you at Warhorse Studios mean well and put your heart and souls into this amazing project, it’s just that I feel mistreated and lied to, which I don’t appreciate. I hope that this can change in the future and I really hope that patch gets released someday. My birthday is in July, so maybe as a birthday present?
Anyway, I just created this account to leave you guys this message and I hope you understand my intentions. Again, I’m a huge fan and I want to support you and I think feedback in any way, shape or form is the most important thing to improve, so I’m hoping for the best :slight_smile:


Communication doesn’t get any clearer than this. Have a little more patience. Its a virtue.


I’m one of them with a fatal error and I’m holding on. I hear nothing but good things about the next updates🙂

Ok now i understand! The fact is this game is so enjoying, deep, funny, and even me, if forced to leave IT on the shelf, would be so disappoibted!

Thanks for the update Dr. I’m also very annoyed I can’t finish the game but I will reserve my anger for when you guys stop working on fixing the game and it lands in it’s final condition. Until then, you guys seem to be working hard at it, and can’t be blamed for the console certification process.

I was wondering if you’re aware of any further performance updates coming in 1.4.0-1.4.2 to fix the stuttering in late game. I’ve stated my opinion that it’s caused by too many items in the world many times, are you aware of anything pertaining to this that’s being patched in the upcoming updates? (I’m talking about things such as Halberds being dropped by guards in Rattay. I believe this is the root of the issue and I have reported it as an official bug.)

I for one am glad you are leading the charge against warhorse.

I just don’t have the time in my life right now to lead a war on twitter, Facebook, snoozer, Reddit. I wish I had so little going on like that so I too could be a hero.

You read the open explanation about the patch process.

You say “Why are you holding back patches??? Whyyyyyyyy are you lying”

Did you read all the issues pc users had from that patch you are crying foul about. Jesus Christ and you are complaining that console is not getting that patch. That instead they used logic to hold it off and use the latest patch.

Come fucking on. What the hell is going on here.

I’m sorry, but not even the gaming news sites (in my country at least) know what’s up anymore. They haven’t even reported that a patch 1.43 is coming at all. So the fact I had to go from gaming news sites, to Reddit, to Twitter and finally to this forum to even get this information doesn’t really speak for good communication now does it? Also the fact I’ve got contradicting information through the various media outlets (on Twitter Daniel Vavra said console players would go directly to 1.42 for example) isn’t really an example of good and consistent communication now is it? Again, my critique comes from a good place, I want to see this company and game thrive and I think for them to better themselves we as a community have to be honest with them and ourselves.

Things evolve rapidly when programmers are working overtime to patch things up. I’m sure at one point v. 1.42 was on it’s way. I’m glad they were able to deliver an even more stable build (1.43)only a few days later. If your relying on gaming news and Reddit to get updates on the latest patch then your going to be disappointed. They are under no obligation to track that for you. Your best bet is to come hear first. Though with so many posts like yours, your going to have so search for it.

Hears Something that might help

Thanks a lot, so it looks like a may release after all.
All I want is a beard for my Henry :frowning:

Patience, in due time you may be able to give Theresa a van dyke

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And what if you make another patch AGAIN after 1.4.3 because of more bugs found? reset us console users once more…? This is getting tiring of trying to keep updated on when we will eventually get a patch because every time we are told we will get it you make another one making us wait again. It’s boring now. Btw can anyone say if the minecraft rain will be fixed by the patch we get because it look absolutly awful…