A question for the resident Germans - what is this?

Pretty much the only reason this forum has stayed alive over the past two years, is due to shit posters and trolls.

The people (most) on this forum are capable of having fun, and also writing a nine paragraph essay on why the carrots aren’t historically accurate. Newer people like yourself just aren’t used to the way this forum operates. It’s much more friendly and less uptight than other forums, so lighten up a bit, we don’t need you policing other people’s behaviour, there are mods for that.

If you think he’s a troll then stop responding to him.


You forgot how threads repeat over time. How many times did we see “3rd person view or die!” or “MMO PLS FFS” or "chainsaw katana rocks!"
Without trolling and best mods this forum would be dead most of the year.


KiKa-Gate? You mean the outcry of the BILD?
Explanation: BILD is a shitty Tabloid in Germany, primary for the conservative. They posted a “scandal” of a kids-Show wich showed the problems of a reletionship of a 19th year old syrian and a 16 year old german girl. The Syrian was first Falsly anounced as 17 year old, but they changed it after airing. One day later the same Tabloid wrote an article of a 45 year old man who banged his 14 year old nice and fled to south africa with her. Now 5 years later they want to marry. Both are Germans so instead of the title “pedophelia scandal” like in the KiKa-Gate the titled it “dramatic romance”.

That is the type of conservative media we have to deal with.

We’re still fighting with them together with Savyym at steam forums, ha-ha. :sweat_smile:

That is definitely outrageous. Would have been more realistic to portray a 35 year old Syrian child migrant dating a 12 year old German girl.

So, you are okay with incest but not with a caucasian girl dating an arab man. It seems I found a winner :smiley:

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I think it may be time to close this thread.

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Yes first he was 17 then 19 then 20 within a few days, meanwhile he looks like 35, sounds totally acceptable and normal to me.

Oh before I forget: He also rambled on Facebook about converting the Germans to Islam and he liked the facebook page of famous german ultra conservative salafi preacher Pierre Vogel.

Nice Whataboutism right there btw.

Point to the part in my post where I said incest was acceptable.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and blame this on language barriers and, not accuse you of being a chickenshit liar.

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irrelevant of age these people are suffering and the western world should be taking these people in and offering them a roof over their head and a chance at a new life .

Europe should be taking them in by the millions a few thousand doesn’t help these poor people .

to be fair @SirWarriant you are dating your cousin , thats evidence enough .

its fantastic to see at last some police resources being diverted to these kinds of horrible crimes that can have such an effect on people lives . :slight_smile:

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Incest is the best, relatively speaking.



i often find its cheaper to buy two left shoes so incest can really save you money in that department

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Old, good times. But, people are like that, we can’t change it. :slight_smile:

i dont remember you being here in the "old, good times " .

I was here as a spectator. But then, mad thought came to my mind and i’ve registered. :sweat_smile: