The bascinets in the game are actually weel done, though i want to show up some parts that i find terrible. Its easy to see how are diferent tipe of helmets, some are carried from the older versions (those 4 dont fit with the textures that the other has and are of a lesser quality), the rest are the latest wich look more “shinny” and big. Also the new ones are like cuted by the half i dont know they seem very wierd and they left nape uncovered. I think they should change that or make new helmets as DLC.
I am the only one who hates this? Or is some other people who think the same?
Update: As i have seen the debate has gone far from what i was originally complaining about. So i have tried to do a graphical explanation of it, as better as i could. In the first image there is a scheme were the shape of a common bascinete is shown (red). Then i have taken some different bascinets from the game, there are a lot of variants but this are the main 2 bascinet.

In the images you can see the difference betwen the helmets, beeing the red the one that i consider correct. Obviusly this is entended to get an idea of what I am saying, and i didi not intended to correct warhorse. I just wanted to point, that for me the bascinets, the new ones, (not the ones that were bringed from the BETA and need rework, the second image begining from above) have a uncommon/weird shape.