Come share your thoughts/hopes/dreams for the up coming ''from the ashes'' dlc

hi all

I made this topic to go deep in on the foughts/hopes/dreams of the comunitty and to share mine.
I have been thinking this couple of days of all the possibility in the upcoming dlc and how awesome it would be if they give the players a chance to fight for his/her newly obtained rule of Pribislavitz, this would give way for many possibilities to spend money, interact and decide what to do… so pls think/stay with me on this for just a couple of minutes and imagine the following…

3 days after henry gets the appointment of bailiff(what i think should be lease lord or somthing) of the hemlet of Pribislavitz a rider comes to the player where ever he/she is. Telling the player that the locator has seen a camp in Pribislavitz forrest to the northwest of the building site and that he is worried that they are out to attack the new enterprice now that it is still undefended. The rider gives the player 2 choices: (A: tell the locator that you will check it out=starts a qeust). B: to tell the rider that the locator shouldnt worry that much=+50% chance that the bendits will attack+25% every day of joining bandits) if the player does decide to go for option A he/she will need to check out this camp where on arrival will see that the camp is empty only to be confronted by 3 rough looking man asking henry what he is doing here and that he should clear off. Where on henry asks to explain what their intention are cause clearly they are out here looking for trouble where on the bandit says: and so WHAT !! are you here to give us trouble?.. . Giving the player yet again 3 choices: (A: '‘no not at all’'leave them alone=+50% chance of attack+25% every day of joining bandits). B: fight them=killing them will lower the chance of attack to 0%+5rep for Pribislavitz+25% every day). Or C: bribe them in not attacking for 10days=10days 0%of attack±15 rep for Pribislavitz). After the player maked his/her choice he/she is to report to the locator were henry report what has happened. The locator tells henry that it would be wise to hire some mercenaries or whatchman giving the player once more the chance to choice what he/she wants:(A: ‘‘agree!!,we need to hire some man’’=let the player choose how many men he/she wants max 20 men,+20rep for Pribislavitz and +10rep talmberk). B: let us ask sir Divisch if we can rent some of his men for protection= let sir Divisch protect Pribislavitz for money for 10 days and-5 rep Talmberk(+5 rep after 10days).+15 rep for Pribislavitz). or C: decline the offer just warn me if you see any other camps or if you get attacked= sets out a rider every time the town gets attacked or a camp is spoted ) depending on the player choice this would go on till a certain moment in the story( i come back to this later).
it basically goes like this chance of attack would go up every day with 25% (cause of joining bandits) and the game engine will rolls a dice every day on whether to attack or not but the chance will get bigger every day no matter. if the player has choose to hire mercenaries(later with the ratthouse built towngaurd)(max.20 men or so)they will defend Pribislavitz for you. But towngaurd can get killed in the attack while defending the town that(the attack) will take place.(even if the player chose not to come) if the battle is lost money will be taken from the chest and buildings will need to be rebuilt/repaired . The cap of the bandits go up with 5, every time a building is built, if the bandits has more men than the gaurd the player will get notice by a rider asking for help giving the player the choice to:(A: to come=create a qeust). B: give the rider the task to ride to Talmberk asking for help=this cost money to defend Pribislavitz+5rep Pribislavitz±10 rep talmberk). C: tell the rider that it is useless to ride to Pribislavitz and that you have better things to do.=-20 rep Pribislavitz±5rep talmberk) the player can also choose to built defenses like palisade or a portcullis on the eastside
a simple single drawbridge like this:

(but than with just one side that lifts) on the west etc. All the attacks will stop if the player choose it so at the beginning of the siege of talmberk. Sir divisch will tell henry that although he doesnt like to let the men do anything else than to help with the siege he wants to send a joint patrol in to Pribislavitz forrest to scout and deal with any left over bandit in the forrest so that he doesnt get attacked in the back. If the player choose to do so he/she needs to have atleast 20 man at all times and give sir divisch some money ending the whole circle.

i think this all can be achieved with the existing systems like the chance of ambuse or to cross a wayfarer, and basicly makes two new ones 1:chance of attack 2:chance of spotting, as the battles will play out in real time.
i know that the dlc is allmost here and i hope it has a similar system if not… how awesome it would be if there would be a extra addon too the from ashes dlc in the band of bastards dlc.

i know its a hope of work for the dev. but im just dream, and sharing it with you(but still…it would be awesome if…they…, right ; P ?) please share your thoughts on this.

p.s english is not my native language so pls forgive me if its hard to read.

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I really do like the idea of residual Cuman and bandits being in the area. if Henry^ and the locator fail to build up Pribyslavitz’s defenses and/or neutralize the threat (attack camp), Pribyslavitz will suffer. structures in the town will take damage, productivity will decline, and your reputation will take a hit. those things will be able to be restored by reinvesting and potentially by doing favors for the townspeople

if we accept that (some) lawless will continue until there’s a reoslution (next game), one could accept a rinse-repeat dynamic during the Epilogue. this banditry could be an ebb and flow that continues forever or it could be squashed with a grand sweep of the area such as you proposed.

^ - or whoever takes over for Henry should you fail in the eyes of Sir Divish


I hope as bailiff:
-you can invest in walls (palisade, stone) , gate(s) (wood, stone), lookouts
-your dialog choices with the inhabitants aren’t restricted to nothing and ‘about Pribyslavitz’ [dialog choices should ideally be some combination of one offs and some rinse-repeats (a subset are just chatting; others activity oriented and optional… NOT like Preston Garvey quests in Fallout 4)]
-you have to enforce whatever curfew there is. if you don’t, there’s a chance of unruliness which can result in a loss in reputation and property damage (you have to pay for since you neglected your duty)
-you can put down drunken brawlers and criminals [speech test to stop; if fails, fight; win fight, then select appropriate punishment (restitution in form of perform generous act, pay fine and/or spend jailtime]
-you have more clout (interactions/activities) with bailiffs in other towns
-you can choose the gear used by all your guards (weapons and corresponding armor)


Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy…! :grin:


per his twitter account, Jan is a former Fallout addict so my guess is he knows (and heard) all the F04 related complaints and has helped WH avoid some of the same mistakes (Preston Garvey and not as ‘connected’ as FO NV) with ashes. that Henry can get dumped as bailiff suggests on that point alone ashes isn’t going to bludgeon users with FO4-like settlement mircomanagement (unless so desired… in some ways it appears to be an improved version of FO4 Rise of the Commonwealth mod)

very much looking forward to this

Sweet! Looking forward to this.

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I’m on board with having the ability to purchase and construct palisades given we already have a moat system running the lower part of Prizbyslavitz, though I don’t imagine it’d be anything more than wood. I’d like it if as well we could have two palisades, one running the lower part and one up on the hill as to divide the area into two separate baileys that are not connected. (Clearly gates are a must.)

I also like the idea of being able to equip your own guards in custom equipment and to be able to set them on patrols of the area for safety, but it’s not as high on my list as having outer and inner walls for defense.

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Since this is a wish list, with each customized guard I’d like to be able to pick combat capability: general (default, a jack of all trades but master of none; standard guard NPC stats and skills) or specialized (mace, axe, sword mastery with adjusted/specialized stats to handle max attribute demand of best weapon in class… bow and polearm I guess wouldnt get weapon specific buffs until WH adds those respective skills/perks)

If WH creates this framework, it’ll be huge for NPC squads and battles (via DLC and mods). It immediately creates differentiation between ragtag bandits (general skills) vs professional mercs/soldiers (specialized skills)

To bring this ‘home’… I heard we can train in Pribyslavitz. In order for guard to attain mastery (iow to enable guard customization), the pre-requisites have to be met (eg, combat arena built, a master in weapon on staff or Henry has to be master, town weaponsmith must make weapon). Then, every once in a while (1h/morning?), guards engage in training animations (mock battle in combat arena for non-bowman; archery range for bowmen). Until mastery is enabled, you don’t have to sweat it as guards get general combat capability. iow, you’re incentivized but not forced to make your guys better than riffraff bandits outside Pribyslavitz.

Give the guards unique names (Havel, etc or Guard X, etc) and then let Henry select each one’s combat capability. For simplicity, changing the capability resets all skills/stats to new one. Example: Havel the sword master changed to Havel the bowman loses his sword skills/stats and has them adjusted so he can handle yew longbow, etc

Thoughts, anyone?

End Game Spoilers

I forgot to ask Rick and Tobi at E3, but I wonder if we will be able to rebuild Rovna and/or Talmberg in the near future (not in “From the Ashes,” of course). In following history, Skalitz will most likely remain destroyed, but I’d love to restore these other two settlements.

Would be nice but to me a more immediate desire after ashes/Pribyslavitz is to have an enemy counter balance (eg Vranik as HQ for bandits/Cuman)

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I am very much looking forward to this. I have confidence that it will contain much more than we have seen in the video.

Just think about this plus mod support!

BTW, to WH. If you release expansion packs with new things to build, I will buy them.


Agree. Hope the gates come in upgrades too

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Wow, Really? I’m so excited about this upcoming DLC. IMO this is the best open world rpg to date. So glad its single player, i dont do multiplayer.

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i can agree with custumize-ing your own troops to give them just a other look than lets say talmberk soldiers to give it more of a personal appearance but for picking skill/capabillitys is some what to much micro-managing for my taste

but i really like this idee of things that have to be unlockt with some buidings or skils and hope it is already in the dlc

Picking would be optional. If you picked or did nothing, the default guard skill/capability would be used (same as now). Also, you wouldn’t pick specific skills and stats, you’d pick the profile (eg sword master). The devs would associate the appropriate skills and stats to each weapon type profile.

The longer term benefit of this is that if you’re going to battle you could pick X number of archers, Y number of swordsmen, Z number of axemen, etc. they would be trained to their weapon. same for soldier/merc enemies (no more shameful, sad sack Cuman archers esp of earlier KCD versions). if band of bastards DLC enabled squad battles, this would allow you to create a battle strategy for your squad(s)

Apologies for mixing tenses, typos, etc. just typing as thoughts come to mind

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Would be nice to have Talberk whole again.

recruiting guard and set their gears

I would have much preferred my own sustainable homestead but this looks cool too. Problem is, I really like the Huntsmans Lodge and they’ve fixed plenty of issues with it…I mean, I’ll just have two properties I suppose; I’ll be pissed if I rebuild Pribyslavitz and don’t get property lol

Although, it’s cool all the Skalitz homies get a new place to live. Except Kunesh, F*ck Kunesh

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If you’re a good Christian you could make him your wood cutter.