Disappointed! This guy was right about KC:D all along

It’s kind of solipsistic of you to only talk about skyrim instead of acknowledging all of the valid points I make, and attempts to understand your point view. Have fun with your day, man, I’m good on this thread.

I never once denied any of the bugs in this game, all i said was it’s common for open world rpgs to be buggy especially near release.

I never played Skyrim on the ps3, but i remember reading it was horribly buggy.

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Well, I had my reservations about the project, but I bought the game shortly after release and I have to say I am not disappointed at all. In fact I like the game very much. Much more than I anticipated I would when I first heard about it. While there clearly are issues present I personally ran into just one during my 22 hours of playing, which may be the reason why I don’t feel like it’s an early access game.

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ok you guys are all geting off topic here even if the game is bad there is no way this game is like no mans sky or the facial animation is like mass effect Andromeda this guy in the video clearly dont know what he is saying and he is reviewing the pc version

That sucks that you are having such major bugs and glitches. I have read several posts of game-breaking bugs ruining gamer’s experiences. I am about 35 hrs in and I did experience 1 major bug where my horse disappeared and wouldn’t return, which I fixed by reloading last save. I have had texture pop-ins, similar to early Fallout 4 before patching, but no corruption or unrecoverable items, etc… I understand that user’s expect a comparable level of quality as from other titles, especially considering they are paying the same price. I sincerely hope that patches will resolve the major issues and that gamers experiencing them will be able to get the value that this title potentially has to offer.

hey @Wanderer007 i agree but if your on the ps4 i advise you to back up your save file just in case.
if you dint know how go to setting-application save data management there u can upload to system storage or a USB. if your game crashes there is a high possibility you save will get corrupt i had this experiance only once played about 40h now

I play on xbox and have no problems. PlayStation is notorious for having bugs for ports from pc

be in the denial then

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HELL NAH ! Im on Xbox and I have plenty of issues.

I believe you meant to say “Be in denial then”

Nope not in denial matey I’m enjoying the game loads. There are bugs in it but I would ask you to point out that ‘perfect game’ if you can.

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hes either got a computer program doing the talking or sort of guy who stays in his bedroom 23/7 from the voice.

if he don’t like game that’s fair enough, cant comment on if game to short since I’m still playing but as guess hes one of those who does only the main story quest and then complains to short like in fallout/mass effect/skyrum and virtually ever other open world with a main story game. to say its early access though loses him any creditability at the start which didn’t help me care for anything else he said.

LOL that was good. Well said.

Yeah, this is a question I’d also like to get the answear too since people throw it around a lot but never give a more deeper explenation. :frowning:

Really? What problems have you encountered on xbox?

Infinite load screen, rendering issues with NPC’s and various surroundings, floating NPC’s, missing save files, corrupted save files, missing dialog options during conversations, glitched horse stuck in a wall, Pesheck has no hat…a miller with no funny hat…heart breaking i know. Thats all i can think of off the top of my head without being right in front of the game.

What kind of rig do you play on? I have a GTX780 backed up with and early i7 and 16GB of RAM abd I can run on High settings with some tweaking. Game floats very well like that!

Guess what u try is to get views; did u see those comments?
He seems to be a minecraft or Batman player.
He loves tutorials and he hates to be “someone else” in the game, instead being recognized as a god…


I’m not even going to watch the video because I pretty much get the gist of what would be said here.
It amazes me the type of gamers this generation is shelling out. People get hyped over a title, they see what the developer is working on here (and Warhorse has been putting out development diaries; as far as I can see, from the beginning of their development cycle), and are massively disappointed when the game doesn’t turn out the way they’ve imagined it. SMH!
I didn’t know about this title until a few weeks before it was released. The developer was aiming for a non fantasy, historically accurate game, with gameplay mechanics to match it.
Is this game buggy? Yes. But so was Oblivion and Skyrim, so was Fallout 3 and 4. It happens people. It’ll be one thing if the devs shipped out a buggy mess, and left it that way, but they’re on top of it as we speak.
People complain about the difficulty of the combat. Suck it up people and get gud! I hate to be this way, but Hell’s Bells guys, learn how to play the damn game!
Is combat difficult? Sure, it is at first. Pay attention to your combat training with Bernard, read the codex if you still don’t grasp it, and go out and practice. I’ve had harder fights in Dark Souls and Bloodborne than I have in this game, and I was able to overcome them. All you lose is a little bit of time if you die here. In Dark souls/ Bloodborne, you lose XP/Currency every time you die. Compared to that, this game is a piece of cake.
I’ve heard complaints about the 1st person POV. I personally like playing in 3rd person, and I had to decide if I would be okay with being restricted to 1st person before I brought this game. Those of you complaining about this feature, should have thought it over before buying this game. It’s not the fault of the developers that your personal preference wasn’t included in the game.
In conclusion, those of you who hate this game, that’s fine, it’s not for you. Move onto something else you would enjoy. I personally like this game. I like the pacing and the deep story elements. Hell, I added mods to skyrim so that it could play like this.


Even if this game actually run without bugs,

Other than its coat of paint which looks ok at best with all the pixelation, pop in and textures not rendering. It’s actually a really boring dry game.

Ride miles across country to have a boring convo with a dry voice acted NPC about something I really don’t care about… then ride across country again to talk to someone else about it. That is basically the whole game of side quests and the majority of main quests… so you start using fast travel because the environment novelty wears off when your horse keeps getting stuck on bushes that act like massive road blocks. But then even fast travel gets really tedious because it’s not actually fast. I spent so long in that stupid fast travel map I started just playing around on my phone. The mechanics of the game are so trashed and hit and miss it’s like they were never tested, they have nothing enjoyable about them.

This is over looking bugs and just looking at the game it’s still awful.

And if anyone says maybe it just isn’t for you… that’s literally nothing to do with it. I play simulation survival games a lot and they are great, this game brings nothing new to the table and does most things worse than other offerings out there. The only thing I like is the European landscapes but they downgraded the graphics in that respect anyway.


about bugs i completely agree about the game itself you just dont have the taste for it some of us are really enjoying it it has some problem like combat is not balanced in late game but all that will be fixed am sure if not mods would help.

this game is everything i wished for in a game it has some problems that need to be fixed then it will be perfect

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