Disappointed! This guy was right about KC:D all along

I am on Xbox and i’m having some issues. I would agree with @Dawnforge that the engine they chose to operated this game was a poor choice. Comparing this game to anything Bethesda puts out is a gut shot. Bethesda knows people will buy their material broken or not. WH, in my honest opinion, being new in the game development scene, really should have ironed out as much as they could before releasing material to the public due to the fact that this is their first published game. It is possible that they began to run out of funds for development, and needed to release the content to rebuild revenue, but this is conjecture at best.

you’re* :joy::joy::joy:

knowing*** :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Look at the version number when you load up the game. The latest beta version was 1.0 I believe, it released as 1.1, a few days later it was 1.2, then 1.25.

You’ve got to be joking right? Fixing their errors is the lowest you can go kid, and you’re worse grammar and spelling-wise.

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i got all that and more, it’s your computer’s fault. also lol @ skyrim graphics. you just lost all credibility. this game projectile defecates loudly all over skyrim

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sorry, they only seem to be moderating people who complain about their bugs, so my posts were hidden.

I own this game on PS4. Your assumptions based on your own narrow experience deface your credibility.

have a wonderful day, sport

Not all has nothing to do with your complaints. its when you complain in a manner that violates the forum guidelines.

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oh, thanks sport. how’s the progress on fixing this busted mess of a game coming?

I am only a forum moderator and not a WarHorse team member so sadly I cannot inform you on the state of any bug fixes.

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the amount of people here insulting people who experience these bugs is absolutely staggering, and i see almost none of those posts being flagged… IDK MANNNN SEEMS A LIL BIASED

They are not moderating you at all it seems. Ive had to shift through all your ridiculous ranting posts to find ones with intellegence and relevent information in them. Your posts are missing that criteria.


If they offend you flag them. You have that power as much as any other community member.

i can only hope to continue making my issues known until they are fixed. until then, please, by all means, ignore me.

The game itself isn’t disappointment, sure they cut here and there but it’s solid game. The true disappointment is optimization, bugs, and other stuff like that.

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Your issues are known. You have regurgitated the same crap over and over and over. You are not alone. We all have issues. Might want to try some decorum in your posts. Did your parents not teach you that you will catch more flies with honey than shit? Have a intellegent conversation and not only all the other buyers and users on PS4 will chime in and talk about it with you, maybe the higher ups will as well. Notice no one is addressing your problems with the game you have mentioned? Your on a witch hunt here and no one wants any part of it.

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Oh, the thing is, i started with that approach: go look at my post history. My first thread is complaining about bugs, but calling this game a diamond in the rough.

repeated attempts at replays after patches are put through have worn me down, as have arguing with foaming-at-the-mouth supporters of this studio.

please understand that nobody developing this game was unaware of these problems before release, and that is what upsets me. this was an obvious money grab on consoles and it should have been delayed, like the MH:World PC port. it was not. it was intentionally released in this state, and for AAA price. Nobody at your favorite little studio was unaware that they were gouging PS4 players.

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He’s probably just really pissed off because the dev team are terrible at communication and so pissed that many like us can’t play a game.

It like if Donald built a wall and we are stuck on the southern side having to hear how much fun the other side is having.

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I wouldn’t call this game early access. That said, it does seem like an open beta in all but name. Feature complete, but with a lot of playtesting needed to iron out all the bugs and optimization.