Good to see you Henry!

Good answer and it makes sense. I guess I’m inclined to agree. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I occasionally work on a game that I’m making with unity3d. People would have a hayday with it at the state it’s in lol.

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Agree, it should be more restricted and particularized.

I have a list of other nitpicks that should be lloked at:

Whatever you do, don’t get backed by deep silver Derek lol

Same as :laughing: has a little bit from the fable game
Sometimes the people make a retarded impression on me.

Share it with timestamp next time.

I was wondering how to do that, thank you.

Deep Silver was responsible for releasing one of my favorite games of all time. Ultima 9 Ascension. Thing was a buggy mess but it didn’t matter because it was still an amazing game for it’s time and didn’t get near the credit it deserved for being one of the first real 3d games made and having a great story.

They also released a few other games I loved but can’t think of the names right now. In fact if I’m getting technical there one of my favorites despite any short comings they might have.

But anyways playing with Unity is just a hobby. I never plan on releasing anything. My main focus is being a musician.

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