Hardcore combat system

When you look at the loading screen, you will see there is written that only combat 1on1 is supposed to be implement, so I’m pretty sure that combat against more oponents simply doesn’t work as it should. Same goes imo for archery and even AI of oponents is unfinished.

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Im horrible at reading cursive I was only able to make out a few things thanks for pointing that out!

I have a save for combat I have been continuing, I currently have 30 strength I want to see if I can kill them more effective with that stat increased.

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I know it is written on the loading screen, I just wanted to share some of my ideas. Also I expect things not being finished in alpha version of the game.

Sorry for my cursive writing, I just liked the style…

And yeah, try it out if player stats are actually working now, but I don’t think so that there will be some massive difference now. Maybe if you’ll manage to get like 60+ strength you’ll be able to make the simillar amount of damage as they do to you.

I was referring to what @Freix was talking about.

Combat is best with joypad! - this is the only one I can read completely.



‘‘Combat’s best with joypad!’’

‘‘Work in progress features rai zones be heavily uppiable Amming love loposnt’’

‘‘c mnsur maukuar atardioz all wights wernewneed.’’

That’s the best I can do with the images. Sorry it doesn’t make too much sense.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone adding on, this is what it says now. :smile:

‘‘Combat’s best with joypad!’’

‘‘Work in progress features are gonna be heavily unplayable during development.’’

‘‘© 2015 Warhorse Studios all rights reserved.’’


I have now clue about the third but the most I get from the second is

“Work in progress features are gonna be heavily unplayable (something) development”

Clearly its: "Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!"
Which told us who will be the final boss.


Combat is too much easy, need better AI opponents.

Ha, cracked the third one!
"c mmxv warhorse studios all rights reserved"
c stands for ©
mmxv is Roman for 2015

As for the second text:
(something) = during

Can’t resolve the word before that. It does look like ‘unplayable’, however features are playable so far and it’s not a word I would expect in this context.
‘unstable’ perhaps? Maybe ‘upgraded’? (spellt ‘upgrade’ and being a typo)?

Also the ‘are’ in ‘are gonna be’ doesn’t look like ‘are’ at all :slight_smile:

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I think I got the second one:

but i really thing the “upgade” is really some kind of typo.

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Continuing the discussion from Hardcore combat system:

[quote=“TheKnightinBlack, post:7, topic:23803, full:true”]
’‘Combat’s best with joypad!’’[/quote]

Surely, the game is actually better to play on joypad right now. But the game itself is supposed to be played on PC with mouse and keyboard, it’s just matter of time until developers will improve overall gameplay.
I haven’t played KCD on joypad yet, but I can’t imagine how hard it must be to aim with the bow, actually I don’t understand how it can be soo shaky when aiming, is it because of your player stats and the aiming will be steadier when you got more skill with a bow, or it’s just how mechanics work right now? :grinning:

Brew yourself an archery potion (ingerdients can be bought at shop in samopše).
It will give you better skill with bow so you can find out yourself how it will affect your experience.

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They never said this, it’s not going to be made “better” for either one. They plan to make a game that works perfectly with both. It is planned as a Cross Platform game afterall

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I didn’t say that it will be better on any of them… But the game was planned to be played only on PC with mouse and keyboard. :slight_smile:

Originally but that has changed, it’ll be made equal on both I’d imagine, in regards to your comment about the bow and joypad, its really not that bad. I sorta prefer it if I must be honest

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This seems to be getting brought up allot lately and is simply untrue.

From the kickstater campaign page.

I have been following this game closely, and I have yet to see once that the game is designed to be PC only or even KB/M only.

Since the first gameplay video you can see Developers using controller (first stream Dan is using controller) and KB/M depending on who is playing, presumably because just like most people out there not everyone who plays PC strictly uses KB/M.

Depends on the player, I cant shoot for shit with KB/M but I hit bulls eye almost every shot using Gamepad.

Your skill in archery is supposed to be that of a beginner so that’s how it is represented in game. Currently you can make the archery potion which simulates what effects increasing your skill with the bow will be like.

It was either a recent video update or one of the E3 videos Dan mentions that the potion will not be in the final game, its just a placeholder to demonstrate skill development.

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If you look at the picture you shown, there is a little star next to Xbox and PS4, it was just matter how much money they’ll get so it would be possible to make version for consoles as well… :wink:

Also I’ve read somewhere in the forum that the game on gamepad is easier but I kinda don’t believe it… :grinning:

The asterix is explained right in the picture.

*Publishing on closed platforms is subject to approval by the platform holder. This can also influence release date there.

This is licensing deal not money issue. It was never mentioned that they don’t have plans to publish on consoles, on the contrary form start they were saying that they want to create user interface that is comfortable to use from both controller and keyboard with mouse.