I seriously can't kill anything in this game

It doesn’t seem rushed though that’s the problem, I mean if people want to sit around for 20 hours stood in a practice arena sure thing, but it shouldn’t be so overkill to skill your character

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you dont get the point of the game right? YOU are NOT a HERO. work for it. and stop complaining… is there something else than complains in this forum?

To be fair, this game has always been marketed as a hardcore experience. The way to handle it is to stop fighting it. I get the feeling you want to keep trying to get it play like Skyrim and that’s just not going to happen. Try to forget all about Skyrim and act as though it were real life. What would you really do, right now, if you were accosted by four armed men? You’d probably run as fast as you could.

Train. Train. Train. Always be training. Slow it down, don’t try to rush, focus, use your mind. This game isn’t a Medieval RPG, it’s not a fighting game, it’s a not a stealth game, it’s not a survival game, it’s a problem solving game with cool sword fights.

Behave how you would in real life, think critically, focus hard, train harder, let go of what you’re used to, engage your mind and the game will engage you. Do that and you’re in for a wild ride.

Remember, just slow it down, take the time to learn and practice, you’ll may even find yourself falling into a realistic routine, a more realistic pace, enjoy that, and welcome to Kingdom Come.

but he wants to rush like superman dont you understand?

No, I’m not able to kill the two bandits lmao. I’ve been stuck on it for hours. I can knock out one of them, but the other guy really messes me up. I literally do no damage to the guy. His health doesn’t move even in a 10+ min fight. So frustrating.

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I must say the community is really keeping me around this game. If it weren’t for you guys on the forums to listen to my complaining and actually try to help, I would have been gone a long time ago. Thanks for all the help, and for being one of the better communities in the world of gaming.

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What are your current stats?

Weapon/Warfare skill

You can’t like a challenge that much then because it’s not that hard. Did you do the training ? He tells you how to fight effectively. The combat is very good and compared to skyrim which has one of the worst sword combat ever, basicly a boring button masher that requires no skill just tap button till dead. Terrible combat system. Same animation apart from kill cam too. Just keep practicing mate , the more difficult something is the more rewarding it is when you win. That loot is earned. Feels good.

Very true. I just don’t do any damage to enemies. So I’m beginning to think I’ve missed something major in the game. Hopefully it doesn’t require me to load a save that is causes me to loose several hours of play time. I

  1. Get a bow and arrow.
  2. Put an arrow in their face.
  3. Win Every Swordfight. No sword required.

I did it to Runt as well and it worked perfectly. Some of them wear helmets, just repeat the process, also helps avoid the horrible lock on with sword fighting.

That being said, I don’t think swordfighting is hard, just that archery is overpowered.

Yeah, I gotta practice with the bow. The draw back emotion really throws me off.

The swaying almost made me sick at points.

I’ve crown mostly accustomed to it.

Not really, Archery is overpowered in real life. Warhorse should consider heavily armored opponents to be more resilient to arrows though or make AI charge you down if you have a bow out

I have this same problem cant kill anyone then i start using weapon on my lvl now its beter but i still cant fight :smiley:
I want have statistics on enemy in training battle to know how dmg system work but dont want see stats in game.

Have you ever tried to get some assistance?
Get informed about where the bandits fleed and before you go into the woods talk to Sir Bernard again.

After the Neuhof mission Sir Bernard is in Rattay back again, ready for training and he can teach you also a few tricks when you are good enough (skilllevel 5 in sword, axe or mace).
Just do not forget to inform him about the results of your investigation.

If you like to practice archery talk to the masterarcher in Ledetschko or go hunting.

Spend time training with captain bernard, an hour or so will level you up well enough. Before you get to him you are suposed to be incompitent

The combat is perfectly fine, it’s just more realistic than spewing magic spells out of your hand. Henry needs people to teach him moves before he can use them and improve his combat. The game is supposed to be grounded in realism so I don’t think they’ll make it ten of times of easier. I play on PS4 and the combat is fine once you learn the basics and get some decent gear. If you want, level up your strength by asking Captain Bernard to train with combos but then just keep hitting him to level up then look up a guide to get hidden treasure with pretty good weapons in them. Hope this helped you!

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Damage is shown when you press the inventory button (Down on the DPAD for consoles, don’t know what it is on PC) and look at your stats under your character. It’ll show you how much damage your weapon does. Also, a sword is good against a non-plate armored enemy, axes are better against plate armor, and maces are good for plate armor as well.

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Awesome, great! Now how do you get Captain Benard back to Rattay so I can actually train??? He has been stuck at Nerhouf since the bandit quest…

Same here. Haven’t been able to get him back to Rattay. And i can’t kill the bandits to finish the quest that is keeping him in Nerhouf. So it’s a catch 22.