If you're sick of the save system, here's a guide to fix it

Throughout the development, it was stated that autosave on exit would be present. Never it was mentioned that it would not be here. In december, I started testing the game, and was surprised that its not there - I just thought that its oversight and will be added later, even community managers still though that save on exit would be present.
it was only about month later when we got version 1.0 to test, that we learned that SaveOnExit was scrapped (for the dumb reason I wrote above). I think that some designers just went bit over their heads with this one. I also read that there was HUGE disagreement throughout the studio over this feature - so I hope that the reasonable part can now use our support to convice the unreasonable part of studio to add this fucking basic feature :slight_smile:


That we can’t save all the time is fine.
but that the game don’t save where we are when we quit the game is just idiotic. Sometimes real life get in the way of gaming…


I noticed that some people have a real problem with the save system. If Warhorse had implemented a automated save when leaving the game the outcry would be smaller.
I only say that I have no problem with the system. I left Skalice with 9 save-potions.
So best at the moment is in my opinion to look for quick solutions.

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Absolutely crazy to not have save on exit.

This needs to be fixed by the dev in a proper patch. Not just let the community do the work for them and mod it. Its clearly a hated feature by most and only a hardcore fan group are singing its praises. Well I hope the “core” have deep pockets to keep the company going with any future release as things like this can kill a new developer.

As for leaving with 9 potions - if you have time enough to play to gain 9 potions good for you. A lot of people can only play for half hour/hour before needing to go do something. SAVE ON EXIT NEEDED


Yes, this one small addition would keep the system intact and workin as intended, without the further frustration.

I played start of the game few times… but it still annoys me to hell. And its not fair, that somebody who can play only in 1 hour chunks throughout the day has worse experience then somebody who can give it 10 consecutive hours.


TY for this mod, i hope it’ll work.

And yes, actual saving system is horrible idiocy, worst part of the game.

Tried this it didn’t work

Really? Worked for me. You sure you put it in the right folder? Also I used the “needs a single Schnapps” one just for the hell of it. Maybe the other one doesn’t work.

Options are the key. I love Survival Mode style gameplay but even I kinda want the option for a Temporary Save on Exit feature, as this is an Indie Open World game… bugs happen. Sometimes, I just need to reload my Game because for some inexplicable reason, I can’t sprint anymore. Or sometimes, I need to stop playing the game and I’m not at a convenient spot to do that.

A casual option to disable that hardcore element is not something that’ll hurt.

Would like to see Devs add an option to have a schnapps potion that never runs out. Give people the choice to use or not use it. Give us the freedom to have some power over our game experience.

A footnote. I am going thru chemo, and it makes me sick…sometimes without warning. I am sure there are others like me who would appreciate some mercy from a tyrannical save system. Please Devs, hear our plea.


It was the other one I used and I don’t have the Schnapps in my inventory

I am personally in the camp of adding in manual saves, but to be honest as long as we can get a save-on-exit system, I will be much happier with the game. I love pretty much everything else about the game, but this save system just feels like such a hurdle sometimes.

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Nice, thanks. Now if I can only find lock picks.

Just adding that we need a save on exit for the consoles at the very least. I wasn’t 20 minutes into my first play and I got a call to pick up my daughter from school. I ended up just restarting, which was less than ideal.

I get and respect the idea of limiting save options, but removing “save on exit” was stupid and short-sighted. The developer just guaranteed that I will play the game less than I would like to.


I got the unlimited save mod.

Am enjoying the game more.

Feel sorry for our console brothers that they can’t get this.


Cool. Hopefully they add something like this in a future update for us console players.


Yeah, I bit the bullet and picked this up.

I am trying to stick with the spirit of the game and only use it when I’m quitting the game - or otherwise pay a Schnapps to save - but it still does create an advantage and does undermine things when you can’t delete the save and go back to the previous legit one.

Please, please build a Save on Exit feature that creates a temporary save when you leave the game, then allows you to load from that point… and deletes the save.


To not be able to save when you need to stop playing and when you are out of saving potions is just silly. This is a waste of our precious gaming time.


Love that this has been posted 50 times to knew vewiers, why cant one of these be pinned?

Found it quite bothering as well,doable for now,but what happens when you start open world roaming etc