Ingame Nudity ?!

Perhaps we could arm ourselves with a pork sword and thrust in to battle!

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Call me old fashioned but I donā€™t like the premise of computer generated titillation. Perhaps a loin and breast cloth is sufficient, but I donā€™t see how naked bosoms add any ā€˜realismā€™ to a computer game.

Thereā€™s a line to be drawn, medieval realism doesnā€™t have to mean peasant breasts, shitting on the floor and wholesale rape.

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It adds about as much realism as dogs or cats or shirts or dresses or behavior patterns. It in itself is not a large factor, just like none of those other things are large factors in themselves, itā€™s the like pieces of a puzzle they are insignificant by themselves, but when all pieces come together you have a whole good looking picture. So when you are missing a piece (like nudity, by having on permanent underwear) you look at the puzzle and you know itā€™s missing. Thatā€™s how I believe the majority of us look at it. Though I think most have a hard time putting their instincts into words.

On a side note all female nudity should be banned from every media and let the men roam free! (:))

The above side note is a joke. Though I do tire of seeing the bias against male nudity over female nudity.


Off cause it donā€™t. Peasants didnā€™t run around naked then, just like they donā€™t today.
And shitting on the floor is properly just as common today as in 1403ā€¦ not something you do.
Rapeā€¦ well during warfare that was properly common.

If it is relevant for the story to have naked characters,(in a bathhouse maybe) then show them nakedā€¦ donā€™t invent bras and other unhistorical items.
ā€œShootā€ a cut screen in a way that doā€™t show them from the front or similar to some movies.

I agree that including a sex screen made like it was porn (like Spartacus TV show) will not add anything to the story.

I still canā€™t understand why killing is ok, but nudity is not?


For people who think there should be permanent underwear instead of nudity, how exactly is that supposed to work? From the character customisation video, it looks like underwear has already been modelled as separate items of clothing. So should there be fakey-looking painted-on underwear beneath the actual underwear? Thatā€™s just stupid - especially since itā€™s not even necessary to remove clothing unless you actually want to.

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I would suggest Barbie and Ken like genitals. :stuck_out_tongue:


that comment deserves a hate button.

Good bill clinton video :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting I just played The Wold Among Us Episode Two and they had no worries showing breast. That bothers me on a personal level :stuck_out_tongue: mainly because of like I mentioned before itā€™s always breast breast and more breast, but never male genitalia. Though I hope they have the guy ā€œHansā€ dance in the nude in the next episode (since it was eluded in their book of fables that he really wants to dance on stageā€¦for those who donā€™t know that stage is a strip club). I mention it here because apparently there is at least one game on steam that doesnā€™t have a problem with nudity.

Yeah, one could. The character should have a choice whether or not to glorify nudity and violence. Neither should be glorified by the game itself. Also keep in mind that a good combat system is not glorifying violence but rather glorifying realism. The same goes for nudity. I do think that there should be some sort of content control in the settings though.

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I feel like it should be in there as much as nudity was there in the time period. As for sexualityā€¦ It would depend upon whether the game is open enough to build a family and have it mean something other than a quick off-screen mini game with no real impact on the game.

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I honestly donā€™t see the harm in nudity, it just adds to the setting. I donā€™t want to see medieval bras or shy away from sex scenes should the story take a route where that is relevant.

If theyā€™re going as far as they are with all the little details, Iā€™d like to see this put in too. Iā€™d love it if they actually made the NPCs, especially the guards, react if you prance on the street naked.

Maybe wake up naked in an alley after a night of heavy drinking? Itā€™d be great stuff.


I agree with the people who have said that the guards and villagers need to react if your running around naked if they just stand there and make stupid comments like in fable, skyrim etc i dont see much point being able to run around naked. On the other hand if having sex or peeking on the bathing people is possible i certainly wont be objecting to nudity being in the game. Also seeing the appeal of stealing or gambling someone down to literally nothing.

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i think that nudity is a part of medvile games it was probely wery commen during that time


This is my first post on the forums and lo and behold, itā€™s about nudity.
It seems to be the most pressing issue on the forums at the moment, at least if you go by the number of replies.

My two shillings/coppers/cents/pennies/loonies on the subject:

First of all, Iā€™d like to point out that nudity does NOT equal sex.
It seems like people are associating nudity with pornography left and right here, and that is not the case.
Also, nudity does NOT mean just seeing a pair of breasts for the player to ogle.
It means that when people remove all of their clothing (for whatever reason, be it bathing, changing clothes, being robbed, etc.) they become nude. This applies to both males and females.

The point being that the nudity in the game would NOT be pornographic in essence but just to make it feel more lifelike.
It is, after all, a game that boasts with realism, isnā€™t it?

Pointless pair of breasts just for the sake of breasts and some sex appeal, no. Letā€™s not do that.
Nudity, as a tiny, natural part of the bigger picture that makes Kingdom Come a different beast compared to all the other PG-friendly fantasy-RPGs out there? Yes please.

If someone ends up staring at the polygon genitalia of video game characters, perhaps the problem isnā€™t with the game itself but the user?


For the sake of realism, include it in a realistic wayā€¦^^

Though even thatā€™s not really a problem :stuck_out_tongue: Though Iā€™m not one to be memorized by real or fake genitalia what a person does in their private life is their business. I would just like this stigma on nudity to be over. Even in the bible (please people donā€™t take offense) men would go fishing naked. Not because they were gay the bible doesnā€™t bother going into the reasons, but one can assume so that their cloths donā€™t get full of water and salt and fish guts because they didnā€™t have washing machines.

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as long as genitalia are covered by a leaf.



It matters not on whether nudity is in the game or not, especially in this stage of development. As many have said before me regardless of the final outcome modders will cater to the needs of everyone.

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