Ingame Nudity ?!

I agree as long as it’s not thrown in my face I’m ok with it.

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My take on it is this… the game is based on a realistic setting and the developers are aiming to keep it as real as possible. We all accept the violence in the game that would have you locked up in real life. Nudity in games is almost non existent compared to the violence. So what are we teaching our kids? Violence is ok but looking at the human body is bad?

What a load of rubbish. Keep it realistic and have nudity and sex in the game but also make sure there is an option to switch it off for all those squeamish Americans.


@Madaras Spartacus was a Thracian…

There’s no need for a separate option to turn off nudity. If you object to it, there’s a simple solution: don’t take off your character’s clothing. I’m pretty sure you’ll start the game at least in underwear, and there’s no particular reason to remove it if you don’t want to (and even if there is, the game is in first-person view anyway so it shouldn’t matter). And other characters are unlikely to be running around naked either.

The only possible exception is sex cutscenes (if there are any), but you can’t seriously expect Warhorse to show people having sex in their underwear. This is the Middle Ages, not the Victorian era.

Nudity = no clothes = no armor = the bees can kill you in the forest :smiley:

My first post here - I’m in my 30’s and I’ve seen plenty of nudity in my time, it has no place in a computer game unless you’re a teenage boy.

Full nudtiy is not required, it doesn’t add any value. Keep bras and pants please.

What next “pick your character cup and camel toe size”…


Even if he is a Thracian you still see him naked and you still see him battle. I referred to the Spartans because they’re well known for their brutal combat training and that they did so naked.

And they also went into battle VERY heavily armored.

Hollywood History strikes again.

You know, one could really say the same thing about glorified violence.

Like Mortal Online. Maybe there should be an option to turn Nudity off/on.

Of course, no one leaves the berries where the enemy can get to them. When training with their comrades there’s no need to worry helps a man be tough baring the harsh weather conditions in the nude. Also helps to evaluate a persons physical condition. With all that evaluating going on it encourages everyone to train harder especially in a warrior centrist culture like the Spartans.

So killing people with a sword is ok, but a bit of nudity is not??? That makes no sense.
And the exact same can be said about blood and violence.

I supported a “A first-person, open world, realistic RPG that will take you to Medieval Europe…
And back then Bras was not used and being naked was not as big a problem as in the later centuries.

Now, I don’t need to see naked breasts for it to be a good game or historical… But adding unhistorical bras would just be stupid.

A quick search in a database of frescoes in danish churches using the word “nøgen” (naked) gave me pictures of 477 individual frescoes with one or more naked persons… There are from a total of 141 Churches. (of of a total of about 1800 medieval churches) Since many of them still have white walls its not wrong to say that 10%+ of the danish churches back then would one more more frescoes with a naked person on it.


Perhaps we could arm ourselves with a pork sword and thrust in to battle!

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Call me old fashioned but I don’t like the premise of computer generated titillation. Perhaps a loin and breast cloth is sufficient, but I don’t see how naked bosoms add any ‘realism’ to a computer game.

There’s a line to be drawn, medieval realism doesn’t have to mean peasant breasts, shitting on the floor and wholesale rape.

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It adds about as much realism as dogs or cats or shirts or dresses or behavior patterns. It in itself is not a large factor, just like none of those other things are large factors in themselves, it’s the like pieces of a puzzle they are insignificant by themselves, but when all pieces come together you have a whole good looking picture. So when you are missing a piece (like nudity, by having on permanent underwear) you look at the puzzle and you know it’s missing. That’s how I believe the majority of us look at it. Though I think most have a hard time putting their instincts into words.

On a side note all female nudity should be banned from every media and let the men roam free! (:))

The above side note is a joke. Though I do tire of seeing the bias against male nudity over female nudity.


Off cause it don’t. Peasants didn’t run around naked then, just like they don’t today.
And shitting on the floor is properly just as common today as in 1403… not something you do.
Rape… well during warfare that was properly common.

If it is relevant for the story to have naked characters,(in a bathhouse maybe) then show them naked… don’t invent bras and other unhistorical items.
“Shoot” a cut screen in a way that do’t show them from the front or similar to some movies.

I agree that including a sex screen made like it was porn (like Spartacus TV show) will not add anything to the story.

I still can’t understand why killing is ok, but nudity is not?


For people who think there should be permanent underwear instead of nudity, how exactly is that supposed to work? From the character customisation video, it looks like underwear has already been modelled as separate items of clothing. So should there be fakey-looking painted-on underwear beneath the actual underwear? That’s just stupid - especially since it’s not even necessary to remove clothing unless you actually want to.

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I would suggest Barbie and Ken like genitals. :stuck_out_tongue:


that comment deserves a hate button.