Is this game better than Oblivion

Morrowind was the only one that was really something great although I really like Oblivion and Skyrim was ok.

Well, I assume that on the consoles there wasn’t much choice of alternatives to begin with

Yup. Morrowind was somewhat a complex RPG but cool one as soon as you learnt how everything works and can be exploited. I liked Oblivion for it’s quests and somewhat - UI. Skyrim was good in some mechanical aspects (I like it’s combat system core) but when it came to actual RPG with levelling and specialising, game wasn’t great. Sure, easy to learn, but too casual in the end. And the world
 World felt too generic. Oh, pseudo-north-european medieval-style fantasy with definitely-not-vikings. Not too bad, but not great either.

Dragon Age II, Batman Arkham, Dark Souls, Battlefield 3, Deus Ex Human Revolution, AC Revelations, COD MW3, LA Noire, TW2, infamous 2, uncharted 3, etc

Not great RPG, not RPG at all, pretty niche RPG, not RPG, not great RPG, not RPG, not RPG, not RPG, (no idea, what), not RPG, not RPG, etc.

So, what were we talking about

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You said alternatives, not alternative RPGs. All said games were alternatives.

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Sure, every day every gamer choses between completely different genres. Like, hey, I want to play RPG but maybe not, so I’ll go and play some adventure, or multiplayer shooter.

Skrim was not bad game as it is, BUT, there was no comparable alternative to it on the consoles. COMPARABLE. NOT apples and oranges.

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Dragon Age II is considered an (A)RPG. Did fairly well selling 1mil in less than 2wks, and got decent ratings (82/100 Metacritic)

No offense, but second game of DA series was cheap shit, made in a hurry. Idea in general wasn’t that bad but realisation

No offense taken. It was an RPG. You didn’t like it. So be it. Doesn’t matter. Neither the lack of alternatives nor mod support circa release were reasons for Skyrim’s appeal on console.

Morrowind great? Then we have different meanings of great. Morrowind is not even 1 % great as Gothic.

It coasted off the success of Dragon Age Origins which was pretty awesome. Alot of gamers did not like it at all, tbh. I enjoyed it for a single playthrough but it was nowhere near a “great” game and a huge disappointment as a sequal, tbh.

I agree with this, all because one game is great in someways dosnt mean another cant be in others. These are different games with Gothic being far more in depth with more complex game mechanics, imo. I was a big fan of Gothic too though but it felt more like a mature game meant for adults compsred to more of a teenager vibe i got off TES. Also, Gothic feels like a PC game and TES has always felt more like “made for console” to me, ymmv.

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played DA2. enjoyed it but found it to be quite underwhelming. that said, within the context of this thread, DA2 wasn’t mentioned as a great game alternative; it was just mentioned as an alternative

As underwhelming as DA2 was, to me, it did a better job of conveying an existential threat in the mid and latter stages of the game than KCD. Maybe that wasn’t the design intent of KCD and that’s fine. The RPGs I enjoy the most are the ones that convey this existential threat the most/longest (relative to existential threats in KCD: Run was very good and Homecoming was probably my absolute fav RPG stage of any game ever; rest of the game, meh)

Oblivion carried the existential threat fairly well 
 Kvatch to closing gates

 after about mid game I was a tank. Probably will never play again even with its bountiful supply of mods

Comparing DA2 to KCD is borderline trolling lol , their nothing alike, imo. KCD has some real R&D into it while DA2 felt like a rushed , sub par, comic book , again ,imo.

i was pretty clear
 convey a sense of existential threat. on that, not trolling. killed +3000 NPCs in KCD without companions (vast majority on console)

That was a joke, not literal. I can kind of see your point but I dont totally agree I had no problem walking threw DA2 there was no challenge what so ever at any point from any enemy. Is Inquisition worth picking up? DA2 kind of scared me away a bit, tbh.

The ‘sense’ isn’t just actual risk of harm but perception. In truth, Homecoming isn’t risky but the perception of existential threat in my 1st play through was unrivaled 
 thunderstorm, dead everywhere, a combat novice, etc. if KCD put roaming and dangerous Cumans esp on horseback in Homecoming, it would be near perfection for me

Inquisition is better than DA2 for sure but there were places that needed improvement. If you have extra coin and liked the original DA, it’s worth a try

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In my opinion KCD is a great game but with many things to be improved. Good graphics, but inmersion is killed with such a horrible HUD and everything related to information (games should go towards a way to play all the time without opening journals, maps, inventaires, etc that killl inmersion. We live with that, but at least make it as less intrusive as you can, and this is not the case. I lose a lot of time reading things that I should not to.
Of coruse, translate speech into different languages. And of course, make the game playable in 3rd person view.
Another thing is the character
, I do not like the face, and you can not customize. It is a minor thing, but this game has a lot of “minor” things that devs think it is the best way to play, and they do not realize that differetn people have different tastes.
This game needs more options to fit different people taste.

And of coruse, the ridiculous key binding that is sooo much buggy. Why game devs usually tend to thing that so many keys = a great game? it is just the opposite. Take advantage of the use of one single key for many things in differnt situatiosn, and do not foce me to bind all my keyboard (and besides making this buggy
, it is a nonsense already not fixed).


I like the first person view. 3rd person fits to a Witcher game, but not to KCD. But absolutely agree with the HUD that is an immersion killer.

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