Is this legal?

Also, I cannot stop but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when I can climb a flight of stairs.

Works decently well for me. Few bugs here and there sure, and optimization is not the best but as of today I read the article featured on Steam page made by PC Gamer that the developers wish they would have had more time to polish the game so the good news is they are aware of the issues and do not mind recognizing what they could have done better. They also thanked the support, passion and maturity of their fanbase. Certainly I agree and it was observable from the start this is not an AAA game but not your average indie game either, and it ought not to be treated as either. Shame you are disappointed, I understand it, but it would be helpful to explain what problems you have experienced so that at least the developers and players can be aware of them.

Only can’t open my stupid global chest without crashing but other than that good game. Don’t wanna buy act 2 for the same price though…

There’s clearly been a lot of people who have experienced few or no bugs. Personally, the only bug I’ve experienced so far is that sometimes when I dismount from my horse (X key), I also whistle (which is also X key, both are defaults). Hardly game breaking and I’ve genuinely not had any other bugs after 70 hours of gameplay.

Obviously that doesn’t make it fine for the people that experience bugs, and it’s sad for me to watch some youtubers play it and see how buggy their game is (usually even though they’re on far higher end systems than mine). However, the point is that there are so many people that see little to no bugs, that it’s entirely likely that when bug testing, the QA team didn’t experience any further serious bugs. There’s so much gameplay in the game, it would take so long to play fully through it and complete every side quest. So how much money do you have to pour into QA? How many times of running through the game is enough, before you can say there’s no bugs? I swear that I saw Daniel Vavra say something before about how they actually had never experienced many of the bugs people are complaining about>

Again, I’m not saying it’s right - but with a small budget, small team development, it seems unreasonable to assume that they knew they were releasing a “buggy mess” or whatever (it’s still weird to me, calling KC:D a buggy mess, when I’ve had no bugs except the whistle and obviously the texture pop-in with my dated HDD - though that happens in all games for me, so hardly a bug). They’re working hard on fixing it, so better to just wait a few days (maybe even weeks?) and try again. Or demand a refund I guess, and go and spend it on all the nothing else that came out this month.

i’m starting to think most of these “bugs” are due to console players not being able to figure out how to play the game. on the pc, i’m experiencing virtually no bugs.

I’m amazed that people that expect a game like this to be bug free at launch actually exist. Welcome to gaming? Don’t really know how to respond to such ridiculous, self entitled, knee-jerk hysteria.

Just don’t mind them. It’s a normal process of progression. They’ll come back later, when things are gonna be fixed and will chill and play. :relieved:

that’s the problem nowadays. we expect bugs and aren’t surprised, when a game is totally broken on release-day.
you know, there used to be a time when games came out and they had no or only minor bugs.
why do you think did rockstar delay RDR2 again? from a spring release to a fall release? to get rid of the bugs.
i know… you cant compare WH with Rockstar. much bigger team, more funding etc.
but the point is: we shouldn’t accept broken products. and KCD is completely broken (at least for some of us). those bugs ruin my expierence and thats not how it should be.
if they know it’s broken, why cant they charge 20$ and say its an alpha/beta release, like it was done with Battalion 1944 and use the fresh fundings to release a proper game? But for 50$ I expect a game that is playable and doesnt stop working mid-way in the story.
I can deal with minor bugs. but thats not the case here.

I don’t know how to respond to fools who accept broken products and defend the gaming industry that is on a wrong path at the moment
oh wait… i did know how to respond


On Console the game is completely broken, it’s not that hard to believe look at how PC games turn out when they get ported bad like Batman?

The game on console is completely unacceptable unfortunately.

Also they did know they were releasing a buggy mess, they came clean and admitted it a week and half after launch.

Using the excuse that they are a small team with a small budget would be fine if the price was smaller to reflect that but it was the same price to purchase as games with 10x the size teams and budgets. So cost to produce was lower they should have charged less for the game. Specially considering on console it’s worse than an indie beta.

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That is a funny bug, where they make you pay money to speak to them. Love it.

This game on the xbox is living it’s own damn life. It’s nice and all when it actually works but when I cannot access my global chest because it will crash there is an issue. I also keep crashing after a while. (I’m on a second playthrough)

How you PC gamers are ignoring the facts that there are faults that can break the experience and that the supposed saving method doesn’t work half of the time isn’t ok.

I enjoy the game but there is no excuse for this.

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To address your points in order:

  1. The console versions didn’t receive the day one patch on day one, which is because of the certification process. I’m sure the PC version would have given me issues if it weren’t for that patch. I’m don’t actually know if consoles have received it yet, but from what I’ve seen, most of the issues are with the lack of that patch and the console save system. Personally, I think they might have been better off releasing it on PC when they did and consoles later, but I imagine there could have been even more anger from the console community over a perceived snub like that. It’s a tough call on the right answer, really. Delaying the game for PC just because consoles have an idiotic certification process should not be an option, so then it’s a choice between hoping the patch gets through cert quickly or delaying the console release at the last minute (if that’s actually possible?).

  2. I haven’t seen anywhere that they admitted to releasing a buggy mess. I saw an interview with the executive producer where he said he wished they could have polished it more before release, but that’s a long way off from saying something like “our game is unplayable and completely broken”.

  3. Small budget is relative to other similar games. Honestly, for me, this is the best game I’ve ever played (no stipulation there - I’m not saying “once it’s patched, it will be the best”; like I said, I’ve encountered only a bug where I whistle when getting off my horse). It looks better than any other AAA game has, it runs better than bloody Fallout 4 does for me (seriously!), the story is fantastic, the combat is a breath of fresh air, all of the attention to detail and historical accuracy is amazing. For me, it is an AAA game. I honestly could not point out a way in which this game would be better if it were made by an AAA studio (even in terms of bugs people are experiencing - even the new Wolfestein had people refunding it because Nvidia owners couldn’t even get it to open, for weeks after release; not to mention the extreme buginess of most games like TES and Fallout series).
    Besides all that, it depends on the purpose and audience of the game. Look at hardcore strategy games (see some of the Slitherine products) and you’ll find games with small teams, small budgets selling for more than an AAA game, even 10 years after release. It’s because it’s a niche market and the people that are into it are willing to pay that. KC:D obviously isn’t that niche of a game, but it’s certainly far less casual than most AAA games, so I think it’s fair for them to charge what they charge, given the reduces, but potentially more enthusiastic audience the game has.

I’m certainly not ignoring that console players and some PC players are experiencing serious bugs. I guess I’m just not sure what you want. A refund? They’ve clearly said that they’re working very hard to get bugs fixed and patches out. If that’s not good enough, then I guess ask for a refund, but don’t join in questioning whether it’s legal to release a game with bugs - it’s absurd. I swear it’s like half the people here have never played a game before in their lives. Skyrim was infinitely buggier for me on release than KC:D and on consoles there’s been so many recent AAA games with tons of bugs on release (AC:Unity, BF4 and Destiny are the ones that immediately come to mind). Unfortunately, especially for consoles with their long, tedious certification process (not to mention underpowered hardware, requiring a lot of optimization), that’s just the reality with most newly-released, ambitious games today. If you want to tell me that KC:D is unacceptably broken, then I’m going to have to believe you find most new games to be unacceptably broken (perhaps switch from console to PC then…or find a cheaper hobby?), have not played any other game before KC:D or are just some ResetEra shill trying to ruin the game’s reputation (I’ve seen the threads there, specifically talking about doing this).

I never once mentioned a refund? I’m aware they are working on the game issues. I have been reading the things people have said. I never even said it was legal or not? I just find it unacceptable that the game is in a state where I cannot be sure if my saves will stay or not.

Might as well say that I am demanding refunds for a game I’m enjoying. Speaking of other games as if it has anything to do with this one is stupid in my opinion. I really don’t mind minor bugs or whatever other bugs there are, but the fact that the saving method that is offered isn’t working is what is breaking the experience for me. If you want people to ignore the fact that this happens I don’t know what to say.

The experiences are different for so many players, what else is there to say? I’m waiting on patches just like everyone else. The hobby is expensive regardless if you play on PC or consoles, it has nothing to do with my point of not knowing about my saves.

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yep returning to sir devish ?

You were coming off very critically, yet offered no solution to your problems. That’s why I suggested a refund. I was just put off by you calling out PC gamers - most of us acknowledge console gamers (for once the tables are turned - not that I want anyone to actually have bugs, of course) are experiencing lots of difficulties. Saying we’re ignoring facts is silly. So since you attacked PC gamers and seemingly didn’t have any purpose in doing so, I figured you’d be better served with a refund. I’m trying to understand what you’re trying to achieve here: again, the devs are working hard to patch the game, almost everyone acknowledges the console versions are very buggy, so what’s the purpose of hating on PC gamers?

As for the point about it being illegal or not - look at the title and OP of the thread your posting in - that’s what I was referencing. If you posted a similar post in a thread that was something like “hey, here’s a list of bugs on consoles that need fixing ASAP” or even “I demand a refund for my console version” and all the posts by PC gamers said things like “nah, it’s fine on console”, then I’d certainly have responded differently to your post. But you’re saying PC gamers are ignoring facts, while posting in a thread questioning the legality of releasing a game with bugs. I’m sorry for the harsh response I gave, but consider the context.

I haven’t attacked anyone? If you find it offensive; ok, that’s cool. I’m coming here with an issue and as they aren’t taking in more bugs and complaints on this forum anymore I’m looking for options to fix my game. I’m just waiting for some patches?

I don’t know what to tell you, I have read the title and read a bunch of the comments, for me it seems it goes from one thing to another on this thread and others. There is literally barely any structure.

I’m as I have mentioned before enjoying the game, it’s just bothersome when this actually happens. I will be waiting for patches and that’s it.

Jesus Christ be praised.


Yes! Do it please a good laugh at the expense of entitled millenials is always fun. Create the peition! threaten lawsuits! its so much fun reading those post!

Let’s not forget the post of religion.

mine other night started doing it random times, been fine then other night was doing the crash then be fine for while, problem with how save works, I was on way back to bed to try save and crashed. personaly I don’t mind making the potiions and I guess its my fault not making enough but its annoying anyway.