Is this legal?

but that is not just games it happen on everything phones, tvs, cars in generall all brand new product is bound to have some issues on day 1

It’s bound, because business people are greedy little ******* and they never ever listen to the tech folk.

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Lmao cars are built to specification of the buyer which means you can be waiting for month. That is preordering, try buying a Bentley without doing it cus I can guarantee they don’t even begin to built it without an order in place for it. You can also put your name down on a brand new model to your specification before it’s released which is preordering.

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i think that for a new company is doing great. when i start it was a mess too publicity, internet issues, the cars did not arrive in time. the start is always hard give the time and their games will be awesome

Yeah they all can have issues and if they are bad you have product recalls.

If being a new company makes them excusable for putting out a broken game then they shouldn’t have been charging full price.


thast not preorder thats buying a custom car dude i have done that my cars are all custom made so yes i have waited for 5 moths on mines. pre order is something that is already done and you pay in advance before arrive to the store

exactly in this case patch are recalls and they are in process

Preordering a game, since this is a forum dedicated to a game, has nothing to do with buying a faulty, unfinished product. It’s paying in advance for a product. You pay them two years in advance so they could finish a product you are interested in using later, when it’s finished.


im not saying that the game is playable. in fact i give 100% reason there are a lot of game breaking thats why im just playing dice

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How is it a custom car? All cars have extras that you can chose when ordering a new car, it doesn’t make it custom. Your putting money down before it’s built so that’s preordering. Also my other example buying a new model car before it’s been released. It’s common… dude you can preorder a house if you buy it off plan before it’s been built.


A patch is not the same as a recall. A recall gives a refund.


money down to hold a car is a fantasy i stop that on my dealers is to much issue with accounting my policy is first come first serve and for custom i mean like you can modified the hole car like you said Bentley those you dont find in a dealer you have to order it and they come from the factory at your taste

lest stop talking about cars is my day off i have to spend my life in a dealer LOL

I should probably specify, I live in the UK. I’ve worked in bentley…, bentley has its own dealership. If you wanna buy a bentley then you have to preorder it because they won’t build it without you buying it.

off course no luxury car will build a car for you if you dont put at least 60% down at least is like that in us

Maybe it’s an expectation thing. In the UK we have a lot of laws and rules that protect consumers from faulty products. In fact it’s really strict over here when your selling stuff it’s got to be right and that’s what I’m used to. Only in the gaming industry do I come across such broken products that seems to be a generally acceptable thing.

135+ hours into the game (PS4), so far:

1 crash

1 “gamebreaking bug” but I can get around it, just takes some time. (Baptism by Fire)

3 minor bugs

1 EXTREMELY minor visual glitch

It ain’t fraud, it’s just a bit glitchy. Warhorse had $5 million to work on this, and I hate to see people compare it to Skyrim which had $85 million to work with. They’re doing their best and ironing out the glitches as best they can. It might be glitchy and annoying to you but at least they listen to their community and try to fix them.


“Fraud” is a legal term, that’s why. Claiming fraud and being able to prove fraud are not the same thing. Over the decades I have seen cries of “fraud” falling like turds from a seagull with diarrhea and “fraud” is not caused by making people unhappy. neither is the other good old rallying cry “false advertising”.

Are you asking me if it is a legal matter in other industries or “telling” me it’s a legal matter? We are online and I can’t tell if you are “up-talking” or not. Please use question marks only when asking a question, for clarity. your second sentence is a statement, not a question, if you are unaware.

if you are telling me it is fraud in other industries, you’d have to cite the reason so we could compare it. If you’re asking me, I would never assume that is so as no definition of the “fraud” is made here, apart form the “players are mad about a broken game” argument which is probably not the way you’d like to prove fraud.

I have read many threads here in which the proverbial “They” are issuing refunds. Refusing a refund is not an immediate proof of guilt concerning “fraud” as far as I can see. It probably violates other ethics in business practices that may or may not be legitimate legal matters.

The yells of “fraud” and “false advertising” always fascinate me. Almost anyone can toss them out and expect to be backed up, regardless of the game, so long as the fan base is unhappy. Nobody seems to mind the question of whether or not that crime has been committed; the assumption is “yes”, becasue the fan base can rationalize why it should be so. But if somebody suggests it might not be so, they are required to cite chapter and verse on law, more often than not. I won’t do it. I’m not paid to evaluate the merit of potential international legal cases based on every nuance of an upset crowd. Hire a lawyer.


That’s your experience. My experience was by far worse, I’m glad your experience was tolerable but that doesn’t invalidate everyone else who’s had game breaking bugs one after another.

I’ll compare it to any game at the same price point. If the budget was so low then why wasn’t the price? What your saying is warhorse are making more profit than Bethesda did on skyrim because they have a smaller budget to recover?

Also warhorse made the game on a large portion of backers money so warhorse are getting rich from a game paid for by others… so there profit margin is even higher?