KCD player base dropped by 95%, Vavra denies

I know this is all very hard for you to keep up with.

Mount and blade is not just single player. This goes to show you have zero clue here.

Mount and blade was 3 euro to buy the other week. Civ was also on sale… Dumnn dummm dummmm… Are you building a picture here… My guess… probably not. oh simple as that :smiley:

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I’m not sure that he should answer directly to that kind of tweets. I can understand that as he is the lead director it’s a kind of personnal “attack”, but also as he is the lead director, he sould focus more on communication about upcoming patches and content than on useless political tweets. There are still many things to be improved with this game, it’s a shame because I really like their work and their approach, but for the moment it has a bad taste- “unfinished / unpolished”.

It is his personal Twitter account… I don’t see the issue to be honest. He wants to take a shit on the shitty article so be it.

Nobody forced someone to make a thread about it.

For your information the stupid shit in that article has been floating around a few threads the last while thanks to Holt or whatever he was called bringing it up every chance he got in every different thread.

And the last updated it was said the next patch is optimisation. They are working on optimization. I think it’s safe to assume this is the information you speak of.

If he start tweeting about the next plans people be pissing and moaning what about the so called optimisation. Game still has bugs and you making new content waaaa waaa.

Wow COD has more depth? Are you off your head? Ok lets grind against some 12 yearold screaming over the mic, you have no idea. @Chessqueen is right, there is no game in comparison to KCD when simulating real life gameplay, you even have to brew potions properly for god sake and you reckon COD has more depth, throw a care package on yourself please.

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Storm in a beer bottle. Rather serve yourself one cooled. I got 50 in the trunk of my car. Weekend is comming :yum:

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In terms of battling, there is no comparison. COD: WW2: War is 9-12 players a side. It’s adults (they tend to talk most) and kids. War never locks you onto a specific target. War doesn’t give you a faction killing bonus. War doesn’t give you a near death defense/resurrection perk or enemy fear perk. And, never ever do any of them stop during battle, put their weapon away, and just stand there. This happens quite a bit in KCD. And, that’s not near as farcical as KCD ambush combat

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You can not compare the 2 games together full stop as call of duty is not simulation plus the genres are totally different. I see where you are coming from but It’s out of context. If you want proper modern war simulation then go and play arma 3 as that game was developed for the military.

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COD doesn’t have the breadth; never said it did. But, it has a depth of combat (even if paltry compared to other games) that is still way beyond KCD in its current state. WW2 War for example now has 4-5 different flavors and that doesn’t even cover the many other varieties of battling available including customized battles.

If KCD adds full on mod support and if KCD gets good and proper DLC, that assessment may change. But, until then, if depth of combat is what one seeks COD: WW2 is far better than KCD (remembering that that was the comparison).

How I hate the press. I really really hate them. Dishonest, politically correct hypocrites.
They didn’t tread warhorse fairly at all. Just don’t buy from these magazines!

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Some of the gaming reviews are complimentary. Daniel even mentioned the German gaming group’s reassessment (86?) during his presentation at gaming conference

This COD/KC:D comparison, while entertaining, is about as useful as comparing chess to I Spy and is getting quite off topic.

I have no problem with Daniel’s tweet, single-player games will drop off in player count when people have completed the game and moved on to other things while potentially waiting for DLC. Trying to turn that stat in to some sort of defamatory article is quite ridiculous. I do, however, fall in to the playerbase that wishes to hear more development news from the devs. It’s been radio silence for too long now and any kind of update would be appreciated. Although, if this is due to some sort of surprise in an update (tournaments or similar) then all will be forgiven.

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Tell it to Chessqueen

Daniel it seems rightly pointed out user percentages aren’t the chicken little scenario some might think. But, beyond that, the absolute numbers aren’t good and it’ll get worse the longer radio silence persists. Unless there’s a game architecture problem or a financial inability to invest in further developing KCD, I don’t see why KCD shouldnt have absolute numbers on par with a game that was released long ago (ie M&B)

Current situation in a way has potential to become a bit of Audi and Hyundai in US market in 80s. If they just stopped making excuses, communicated better and addressed the damn issue, they’d have recovered well in the near term. Instead harm to consumer reputation and the attendant fallout took place and that took many years to undo

50-60 hours is not short, it’s the ideal length for a story driven RPG. Skyrim and The Witcher 3 are just stretched to make the game longer, but this will end in a boring experience. Long as an ocean, but flat as a puddle.

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…in YOUR opinion. And let me tell you, YOUR opinion isn’t worth more than my 12 year old nephew’s.
It’s simply just YOUR opinion. And you are not anyone of any importance to anyone really , neither in the gaming world or in the world at large. You’re simply one in almost 6 billion people on the planet who’s opinion matters as much as Banghur Pradha in Bangladesh.

Get off your high horse and stop trying to convey your opinions as facts.
They’re not.
Not even close.
W3 for instance is WAY more polished, has better (and more) story behind it, the dialogue scripts work better and are more fleshed out. You have more freedom and the game glitches out way more seldom. Especially in battle. And there are many more ways the game can end. the way through the game, story wise is also way more diversified.
YOU obviously now jack all but you have plenty of opinions…
THIS game ends without even letting you anywhere NEAR the main quest being finished. Drops you more or less mid story. Story wise this game is half finished if not less.
It’s beautiful (If you discount the crap vegetation 2d models) and fun but simply put not quite there yet.

No, but this is just YOUR OPINION. Not even worth to read.

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That’s YOUR OPINION about W3. You can almost compare the 2 games to media outlets. W3 = Mainstream and KCD = Non Mainstream, the latter having half of the funding to produce a product aswell. That’s MY OPINION :joy:

Well, what do you expect? I already finish the game, sometimes i just replay some saves to keep my fighting skills sharp.
There´s not much else to do, i can´t be the only one in this kinda of situation.

This is probably because he doesn’t realize this forum exists…:joy:

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I do not understand why people compare fantasy games with this game. Its not the same genre.
And to compare CoD with KCD is strange. There is no open world in CoD. etc.

There is no other 1st-person semi-historical medieval game with an open world based on true locations out there. So all this lists are useless.

btw, I give nothing about this Steam numbers. I play KCD, I have fun, thats important to me. Its a single player game so why should I care how many other people play it now, in a year or later?

The really interesting thing to me is: will Warhorse make another game like this? I would welcome it. Hopefully there are people who give the money for a new project and do not care for such “articles”. Only the numbers of sold KCD copies count. But thats another debate.


The Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come are both medieval RPGs, the one with fantasy and the other (almost) realistic. But the open world in both games is medieval with its castles and towns and NPCs. You can really compare both games as they are RPGs. But The Witcher 3 is just too overhyped and Kingdom Come was never meant to be a mainstream game.

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