Lady Stephanie or Theresa? Which do you choose?

Well then we’ll have to keep it quiet. We know Henry has no problem risking it all for good a horizontal mambo; after all, he did bed Lady Stephanie. I’m sure Lord Divish wouldn’t like that much


yep… if Divish would know it then it would be dungeon for Stephanie and executioner for Henry :smiley:

Wait - When you went hunting with him - Were you really supposed to “hunt”? It seems like he kinda likes a little Bondage - though those cumans didn’t know the Safe-Word :wink:

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They find him tied up.

“I was, uhhhhhhh, captured. Yea. Captured by these Cumans…Definitely no weird Cuman cosplay/bondage going on here.”


So, does a bird in hand have more than one meaning?


So what’s happens if you let Theresa get raped ? Can you still bone her ?

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Guys, can I say that either are terrible? I prefer a romancable lady that can fight and hold her own with a sword, ifyaknowwhatimean :slight_smile:

yup. What you do behind closed doors is you business, but you’d better father children, “be a man” and hope no one of importance found out

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she definitely gets raped, I’m not sure you can stop that. It is what, 3v1 in like the first hour of the game or so? Has anyone helped her and lived? I tried one time, and got wrecked immediately and said “sorry bout ya” the next time through.

yeah, you just whistle as you’re running to the horse. she escapes. how? not sure. runs out the back and hides in the mines?

crazy, i dont think i even knew how to whistle yet lol. I was like “have at you” swung like once and then got destroyed lol. I’m gonna try some stuff next time through I think

first time, i tried to choke one of the Cuman from behind (wanted to steal armor and weapons). second time, whistled


Gimme that sweet sweet nobility booty any day…just thinking of that magnificent chest all locked up there in that castle…phwoar I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

Oh and Theresa all the way.


Bird in hand :slight_smile: If you translated it in Czech word by word then yes, it would have more then one meaning. But quest is not called like that in Czech translation. It is called “slavíci”, which means “nightingales”- By the way, English saying “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” … we say “Lepší vrabec v hrsti než holub na střeše”, which could be translated as “better sparrow in hand then pigeon on the roof”. Meaning is the same.


I have helped her. If you sneak up behind them and distract at least one cuman, she gets away.

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I just sleep with every woman in the game that I can lol need that alpha male buff. Yes I am a sexist pig and damn proud of it lol

thx for sharing :slight_smile:

Don’t forget the tavern maid in Uhzitz. I’d love another crack at her, but alas one and done. And what’s up with the fade to black and Lady Stephanie. We were totally cheated. :slight_smile:


Exactly mate and other she made me travel over the whole world, didn’t even get an invite to these occasions either.

Something satisfying about boning a " lady " though.

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alas, the bewbs I really wanted to see lol