Learn from the Witcher 3

40hrs in the game, played on max difficulty. Still no complex mechanics, boring protecting sign spam and rolling all over the place. And savescumming a lot. This is not what I call a difficult game

God, who cares what plebs like. This is not how you separate gems from other pretty crap

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anyone who gave kcd 71% is in serious need of help tbf

This wasn’t the intention to roll over the place, you are geralt not sonic.
If you can’t do it better, it’s not CDPRs fault.

I can do it too with KC:D even without mods.

Well, WH needs money and hope for good sales numbers, like they said themselfes.

Why, because the have a different opinion than you?


71% is not a rating out of a 100. It means 71 out of 100 people liked the game. With the Wither is it 97 out of 100.
Also @SasauCat if the non plebs who disliked the Witcher, which would be 5% then I do think it would be best for the developers to listen more to the plebs and less to the group that represents 5% of the reviews.I do not know what your 5% group would be called ´´MLG pro gamers´´?
Also this thread isn´t supposed to be about which game is better. It is supposed to be about being able to change the HUD, or at least have the ability to turn things off and on.


i admit if i played few games i’d probably think witcher 3 was amazing. but i played so many and spend a lot of time gaming. its not a bad game per se but it left a lot to be desired.

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Sure, who cares what would be best for games. Who needs unique ideas when you can just make a telltale game clon with rudimentary RPG elements, spend most of your budget on marketing and there you go, success.
And it’s 5% of people who own the game. I’m one of them, unfortunately, but I tried the game just recently and only because sir Vavra said a couple of good things about it. Otherwise I would stay away from it because I didn’t like how it looks, smells and everything since the beginning

I don’t even hate witcher itself as much as its fans annoy me. Why WHY overrate it so much and why they have to show off their perverted love to this game everywhere

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Guys just keep going of topic, if you want, just continue your own mini topic inside the one I made. It already seems this thread is not valid anymore. So thanks to the people above here who seem to ignore the topic and just point out their own agenda. I get the troll does it, but that doesn´t mean you should copy cat it. I guess I re do this thread later, but then just contact a mod to help make sure people stay on topic, instead of their own agenda.

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I know I am being little troll-ly here but I swear I don’t mean to offend anyone. But it is hard to not reply to someone when we disagree.
I do agree WH should give more options hud customization options to consumers.
But Witcher 3 is best game ever because it received “GOTY” awards argument is not good.
Destiny 1 received BAFTA GOTY…Awards doesn’t mean sh*t…
The whole gaming and most of the internet is getting dominated by children.
Now I am not telling Witcher 3 is a bad game but don’t shove “Witcher 3 is the best game ever” to the people who don’t like it. peace
For a lot of us KCD is much much better than Witcher 3.
Witcher 3 is not the only game with customizable huds.


Sorry you don’t like the game.

They are both totally different games, going for totally different markets and audiences. The Witcher 3 is a high-fantasy storytelling RPG, KC:D is a non-fantasy RPG which focuses on realism.

If you think The Witcher 3 is boring I encourage you to try and play it on the Enhanced Edition mod. The difficulty curve is so much higher there is literally no way you could spend “40 hrs” and get bored because the difficulty is non-fulfilling. The Enhanced Edition of TW3 is by a MASSIVE margin more difficult than KC:D with some of the difficulty mods at nexus attached…

But to each their own. I personally enjoy both games, both are two of my favorite RPGs. I’ve been a fan of The Witcher series since the first one was released back in 07.


The thread is about WitcheR 3 being influential to KCD.

several ppl discussed how its not a great game, therefore concluded there was nothing to take from it. On topic.

Then we have ppl insulting those who didn’t think it was the best game ever and how they must be wrong. Are you talking about those ppl?

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XBox One:
I agree. KCD fans should be able to customize these small points of the game which do not affect play through.


Think it was some bloke from Twickenham who gave it game of the year, obviously now that’s been overruled by you and Kirksty I won’t mention it again.

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You can just disable the dot with console commands.

Not on all platforms though.

Couple thoughts on this topic:

Enjoyment of different games is not mutually exclusive.
I can enjoy KCD without logic then demanding that W3 be crap. I like them both for a whole slew of reasons; some of those reasons overlap, and sometimes one game or the other does something better. I’m willing to get into that, but there are other things to be said, first.

Opinion is not fact.
Just because you personally did not enjoy a game, does not mean that the game is crap. Just because someone has a different opinion about a game than you, does not make them wrong. Calling someone unenlightened or ignorant – because they enjoy a game you don’t – makes you an asshole.

The Witcher 3 is an unfair comparison.
I realize the original point of this thread was to highlight things W3 did, that KCD could take inspiration from. That’s great, and the dev’s did exactly that (they’ve said as much on multiple occasions). However, it is really an unfair comparison to make, and here’s why.

W3 is the culmination of a decade worth of work in the Witcher franchise. The team is intimately familiar with the story, its characters, the world in which they live, and the software they are using to create all of that. CDPR, by this point, has multiple games under its collective belt, and years to iron out their bugfix process. They know their fans, they’ve heard what they wanted in a game before it even began to be created. They are familiar with the development process, and they know their limitations as a studio.

If you want a fair comparison, stack KCD against the first Witcher, from 2007. See how Warhorse, as a new studio, compares to the as-of-then largely unknown CDPR. Take a look at the bug list, the graphical glitches, the major crashes (a large portion of which still exist in the game to this day - link). Read about the planned expansions that never got developed, the console version that never happened. Compare Witcher’s 800k sold copies in the first 10 months to KCD’s 1 million+ in the first 4.

You might find, in the weighing of the two, that Warhorse isn’t doing so very bad after all.


19 posts were split to a new topic: Kindergarten

I’m not sure you’ve actually read my post, Rataj. I was making a comparison to Witcher 1, not W3. And I never even mentioned Skyrim, Bethesda, or any of their games.

My intention was to perhaps direct this repetitive and unequal comparison to something more constructive. Hence the comparison of Warhorse and CDPR as new teams, both releasing their first game. The data from that comparison paints KCD in a much better light than the ones trying to compare it to any games released third or fifth in a franchise.


Can I manually close this thread as an OP, and if so, how?

No you cant.
Selber Kindergarten!