Most annoying experience, bug or part you encountered? Jan Rucker wants to know. Please share your thoughts!

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Most annoying exp? game purgatory: Erik not in Vranik bug kills my ability to move forward in main quest line after +300h :confounded::face_with_head_bandage: coupled with game instability (fatal PS4 CE crashes) that occur whilst enemy hunting (+1200 - kill, loot, sell) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::skull:

Dislike current state? Haven’t turned corner on patching. Dislike in general? Post-epilogue-no battle & build sandbox. Battle=attack Cuman army at Pribyslavitz & bandit army at Vranik, defend villages against atk. Build=get upgradable home, Skalitz

Yes, Skalitz didn’t get rebuilt in RL. Point is to play and enjoy full richness of KCD environment and mechanics after completing main quest.

Most annoying bug? Really, that they keep cropping up.
Most annoying game experience? Combat.
Most disliked? The Playing with the Devil quest, one of the worst-written ever. Behind that, the convoluted Huntsman quest, for which – why do I have anything against Nicholas in the first place? Not the first time that Henry seems to be taken in by a posh voice.

wasn’t fond of unlocking farm animal backsides and its suggestion: Henry has a backdoor fetish or bestiality desires even if hallucinatory. don’t have any moral outrage over it. just think it was clumsily executed

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Are these forums being read by the devs? Would love to give my feedback, but I doubt anyone from Warhorse will seriously read it here (and I happily dumped my twitter and facebook a long time ago).


@Rhaeg :
@WH_janrucker has read and replied to the tweets (including mine above). don’t think he’d ignore your or anybody else’s response here. pls give your feedback

Hello there!

You can write your feedback here! Or you can contact me via email or even on the twitter :slight_smile: Sadly sometimes I am not able to respond that fast :confused:



Thanks for confirming :wink:

Yellow dot. (Console command to remove makes playing other aspects of game impossible)

Option to turn off compass.

Option to have HUD fade away when not in combat…

Restore to game (an option for) volumetric fog (using in game elements would make it conditional eg time of day; console command is on/off ~not as immersive)

Give players option to skip tutorial aspects. (Eg not have to learn swordfighting; My missus had done town perfect and beer WOULD HAVE BEEN COLD, if not for forced side quest that parents dont want me to do anyway… )

Sets of clothing/setting clothing sets (so we can quick key rotating outfits or getting ready for bed).

Make keys/buttons reconfigurable OR make the kick button ‘run’ when held… (or B a run toggle)

Hello, thanks for this initiative :slight_smile:

So for me:
Belts which are removed from tabard when worn over an armored chest:

Layers for armor and helm:

Bug with the Huntsman lodge (spoiler):

Not sure if this one is yet fixed or not, did not test since last patch.

Thanks a lot!

EDIT: I would add an easier way to manage mods!

Well ok then, here we go :slight_smile:

First the obvious and easy answer: the most annoying to me and many others are ofc the bugs that get introduced with every patch and that break the main questline and many other quests. While some have seen their game improve, my experience has gone from enjoying a stable game with some bugs to crashing at various points and not being able to continue the main quest anymore.

Assuming those problems will get solved eventually, there are some less urgent things that I’d love to see receive improvements or changes:

  1. Stealth system: I’ve read that some people seem to think it’s gotten bugged at the introduction of one of the patches, but personally I’ve always found it hard to make sense of it. For instance, when I’m in an area with multiple sleeping people around and stealth murder one in their sleep, it seems to be pretty random whether I’ll be able to get away with it quietly or whether everyone in vicinity all of a sudden wakes up and raise the alarm (the latter happening more often than the former). It could be that this is just working as intended, but in that case I guess I would like to hear/see some audible/visible clue that makes it obvious to me I failed at being stealthy. For instance, my victim would manage to yell out while I go for the kill or he’d thrash around making a lot of fuss. Right now it looks like people magically wake up after my perfectly silent stealth kill and it’s hard for me to determine whether this is working as intended or if there’s a bug here.

  2. Quests that seemingly have no alternative outcomes: I saw the “Playing with the Devil” quest mentioned above and that’s a perfect example. No matter what you do or try, things always seem to end horribly wrong and Henry gets the blame for it. It might be realistic that sometimes you just cannot save a situation, but a quest like this one that has no path to some reward or satisfying conclusion is one I will never pick up again in a next playthrough.

  3. Target locking with multiple opponents: I really love the combat system in this game, but this has to be its biggest flaw to me. The target locking just drives me nuts when multiple enemies are around me as just as I want to take a swing at someone the system decides to lock onto someone else and Henry turns around leaving himself open to the guy you wanted to target. Maybe I’m not understanding how you are supposed to do this, but it feels like the system was designed for 1v1 combat. What I’d love is to be able to simply target the character your mouse is pointed at.

I really love the game though (when it’s playable again :stuck_out_tongue:) and if you’ll do a “best parts of the game”-thread I’ll write something down as well :wink:.


I’m vexed by randomnes of black long loading screens after using water trough. Sometimes second, sometimes fifteen. Most annoying thing ever.

Yes and bushes, unpassable bushes.

These two things annoy me the most.

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What I truly dislike most about KCD is the lack of immersion!
WHAT?! You might say, as KCD has been promoted to be the most immersive RPG ever and WH obviously put much effort in unconventional and really creative ways to raise immersion.
BUT: Every stableboy, that just keeps on walking into a closed door, all the NPCs walking right through each other and all the peons sitting down in the tavern at the EXACT same seat that I already occupie KILL any immersion instantly.
All the NPCs that shout at me for not being welcome in their home RIGHT after they cheered that “Henry has come to see us” asskick me right back into my seat in front of the screen.

I really respect WH for their bravery to

  • stop me from quicksaving every 30sec
  • creating a whole new fasttravel system
  • respecting my choices and holding me responsible for them
  • being uncompromising in a fresh and creative way.

However clipping, missing collision control and some poor design choices make me never forget that it’s just that: A video game.


After 1.4.1 i keep crashing.

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@igotasweetass If your on PC, you can downgrade back to 1.3.4

The Screen Shake issue. When a bug can literally make you physically ill, it should get pushed to the top of the pile.


The combat wheel after 1.3 for people who play with inverted Y axis. It made the combat impossible. You shouldn’t apply inverted controls on UI, it’s like going into a menu and pressing up to go down the list, the brain just refuses to interpret that and much as I’ve tried I still cannot get over it.
Also speaking of combat, prior to 1.3 when I could actually play the game, by the time I managed to unlock all the combos, mid to late game, they were made obsolete since every enemy, from the lowliest bandit in rags to the full plate knights in random encounters died in two hits, sometimes three but not more. What is the point of unlocking new moves if you never get to use them?
Other than that there’s a long list of small annoying bugs/glitches that I have overlooked simply because the game is great, but please please pleeeease fix the inverted combat wheel so I can play KC:D again (or if it’s by design add an option to have inverted look Y axis with normal combat wheel Y axis). As it is I cannot go on and I really want to continue playing it because what works in it is great.

@DiePlage That shouldn’t be necessary. I answered his question, and i don’t feel like going through some complicated process to fix something they caused.

Hello everyone!

I am so sorry that it took me so long to finally write my response.
First thing I want to say that I am grateful for the feedback I get from you guys. Your opinion matters.
The second thing. I want to apologize that I am not able to reply to each one of you separately. But I have read all posts in here and marked down what you care about!

Thank you again! It´s much appreciated, that you participated and shared your opinions with us!

Have a good day everybody!

Jan Rücker
QA Department



Yes Sir, it is. We send the reports to


This mail too

You’re welcome Jan!
If you had asked me about the things I really love about this game the list would have gotten much longer.

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