My honest opinion on "From the Ashes" DLC

and with it a better steeple , even if still in wood. Not a rehash of the wreck it was before.

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One thing I have learned in games over the decades is to look ALL around the area I am in. especially buildings/ room/ dungeons, and KCD enforced this. Seen too many online play thru’s not do this. They quick scan and leave missing what they were looking for a mere meter away if looked slower/harder. Also a man with 6 stripes more than me once taught me what assuming means: Making an Ass out of U and Me.

Jesus Christ be praised.

If you survived childhood, you would probably get older. The average life span is so low because of the extreme high rate of child mortality.

If you have a group of people, and half of them dies in the age of 30, and half of them dies in the age of 32, you would get the average life span of 31, which would be considered as very old.
But if you have a group of people, and half of them dies in the age of 60 and half of them dies in the age of 2, the average life span will be 31 years of age, too. However, 31 would not be considered as very old and you will see a lot of old people too.
It is a myth, that 45-50 years old people were rare in medieval times. The average is just influnced by the extreme high child mortality rate.


Yeah this is a point many people seem to miss. “Average life expectancy at birth” is not the same as “normal lifespan”.
For as you point out the death rate among children is way way higher than among adults (have mostly to do with their immune systems not being fully developed) where children 0-5 years of age had by far the highest death rate and this screw up the numbers significantly. If a person manages to live to their 20th birthday chances where decent they might even see their 60th even in medieval times though it vary some over regions.
Even in pre-historic times a normal lifespan was at least about 45 years though again only if you first reached the age of 15 (about reproductive age) which I think barely over 50% of people born did way back then.


Exactly! I expressed similar views and explanations earlier in this topic and you are absolutely correct. People have some misconception that if one became 30 years old in the 15th century that person was like a 90 year old today, this is of course very much noth the truth. A 30 year old during the 15th century would have been one of the lucky to survive infancy and early childhood but beyond that the person is just that, a 30 year old. As earlier mentioned if one uses England in late medieval times, if one reached the age of 21 the life expectancy of that person suddenly became 64.


If one managed to survive war, disease ( Tuberculosis, Hans( leprosy) disease, cholera, Typhoid), plagues, infections from injuries causing septic shock, being bleed out as a “cure”, poor to no sanitation, poor hygiene. then ya, one could hit the lottery and live to a ripe old age of 65.

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And many did in fact do just that. I know it is Wikipedia but it has some really interesting facts about life expectancy in different area and eras. Look how crazy old the life expectancy is for scholars in the Abbasid-Caliphate or the Umayyad-Caliphate when after the Umayyad dynasty took huge part of the Iberian peninsula.

There really is some really fascinating information about all of this on Wikipedia if one does not want to or do not have the time to read hundreds of books about just one era and one area.

Look for example what happens in England with the life expectancy in the early/high era of the industrial revolution!

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Umayyad Caliphate of Córdoba was far more developed than Christian Kingdoms (at least, spanish ones), having Córdoba as the largest city at the time. “Their knowledge in the fields of “medicine, mathematics, astronomy, botany” exceeded the rest of Europe” (Wikipedia).

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Indeed it did, my primary in history is Abrahamitic religion-history with a focus on Islam. I have read tons of books and even written some smaller books by myself. The entire Islamic world at the mentioned era(s) was very advanced. Even the Ottoman Empire when they claimed the mantle of not only Roman Emperor but also that of Caliph, was in many places way more advanced than Western Europe. But nothing lasts forever and Europe did of course eventually climb to in most ways eclipse the Ottoman Empire in nearly every field.

Sorry for OT but Islamic History is what I work with so it makes me talk forever. Back to what we should have talked about in this topic!

Now I am even more OT, but I would love WH to make a game where we play as a citizen of the Eastern Roman Empire, aka The Byzantine Empire. There are literally an infinity of cool things happen in and around Constantinople during any medieval era! And no movies I have ever seen, have explored these possibilities so WH has an open treasure to just loot from!


Ya, Should been done better, listened more to fans reasonable requests, last longer, more rewarding after being done, more new stuff…… ya lets go back and discuss this.

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Lol :slight_smile:

You are correct dear sir, so hopefully my OT was not that annoying after all!?

Players lacking knowledge of what the past was actually like and conditions. have a romantical view of the past and blur todays living conditions together with actuality of the past. If they were subjected to the past I really doubt they would be so keen to be so glowing about living there. In a game as a game yes, saying this should be that or this… not so much.

There was a PBS show about a real family that agreed to live for a while in Victorian conditions in a Victorian age house and the father having a Victorian job.
No electricity, no vacuum cleaner no appliance they knew, Victorian clothing, food, food storage ect.
The found out it wasn’t as easy as their modern life. This more advanced then a 1403 stint.


Seem you miss the point made. The average life expectancy at birth of 30-35 years in medieval times did not occur because people died a lot around that age. The average land there because people a lot either very young AND at a much higher age 55-70.
The “lottery” to live to 65 was not as unusual as you seem to think.

I did not deny that. I just said getting to 65 was a lottery stacked against you.

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I guess I just misunderstood the intent of the comment.

If the average is 30 something the anything past that be “stacked against you” kinda by definition of the word average so it just feel a bit obvious but I think I get what you trying to say.

I remember that show! They also had a season where a family lived in the pioneer era as well. I think the names were Victorian House and Pioneer House, but I am not 100% sure on that.

In my experience almost all eras and even many modern nations are romanticized by those that do not actually live there. There are of course exceptions to any rule and I do not think that many people romanticizes Nations like modern Syria and so on. But take a look at modern India for instance, despite the poverty, dirty cities and many more less flattering qualities the nation is still for many people known mostly for how spiritual and how one can find harmony in ones life. I do not say that India is only bad, all nations and places have both good and bad qualities but I think India is a prime example of a nation that have had a good reputation in Europe that in many cases was just because a romantic view of the east and what was and is perceived to be the orient.

So I definitely think there is wisdom in what you say, I for one can honestly just agree and say that I would not want to live in medieval times as anything else than a very rich person… And that is only if I had to as I am more than happy with my modern life. But people having a romantic view of historic eras is not strange, we all have them to different degrees.

Is there any salvation for this DLC? No words from the developers, no news, no shi**? Nothing will be done, take it or leave it?

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DLC got little adjustments to it lately, but they do not plan further improvements, they would say it in stream, I think they mostly focus on releasing other DLCs which should bring more fun and stories.