Never been so disappointed in a game :(

Gameinformer’s review is up:

“A Noble Quest In Need Of Divine Intervention”

" Even if you are as in love with the premise as I am, however, the countless technical issues Kingdom Come requires you to suffer through land it in the stockade; until the developer brews up a comprehensive salve of patches and polish, you should avoid Henry’s adventure like the plague."

I have to wholeheartedly agree.

It’s been a while now Dear Warhorse Studios, where are the fixes?

That’s true still with what they have done so far in terms of depth is astonishing and some playthrough have been funny non probmatic bugs and others non at all. Maybe I just did things in diff orders or did it how they played it and planned it out. That’s the problem with branching depth need game testers alot of them and depends who your rolling with wink wink some dirty hoes out there oj

A while three patches in first month faster then any big aaa title

Oh sorry I hope not I haven’t had a bug as of yet on my seventy hour playthrough does it help if I played the good guy who tried completing all side quests n left the vengeance path until baptism of fire ? What happened with your bug did u back up to online storage n use regular saviour potions I drink like seven diff potions hardly affect me cos of perks n high level armour n stats etc even took first camp solo then again with the radz Bernd crew lol

That one got me and set me back a couple hours in first playthrough

How have you finished 2 complete playthroughs!? I’ve played nearly 200+ hours in two playthroughs because they both glitched with map and fast travel crashes completely stalling all progress and making the game unplayable. Me and some other guys think it might be a regional problem in playing in western canada. Where are you?

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Same here! :slightly_frowning_face: :rage:

I tried to complete the first of a series of side-quests called “Kuman-Camp”.
Wanted to loot the Kumans, because it is the task of the quest, but got bugged under the map and was back in combat mode.
All this would be half that bad, but every time I try to load the last save an older one I’m back in combat mode and therefore I can’t longer open chests, save the game, communicate with AI or complete other quests …

Thus, at the moment my almost 60h-Game is useless and not playable! :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

no, same here in Europe (Austria) :slightly_frowning_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Hindsight is always 20/20, but looking at it in retrospect they should probably have opted for early access on steam. They receive the revenue stream of up front, with an understanding by the gamer that it is not 100% complete and a work in progress. Then players can report bugs and issues they find, as well as make more suggestions.

I do feel like they truly care about their work…but they have investors to answer to and financial comittments and basically had to release it when they did. Anyone who has played some of the more recent total war games knows publishers like Sega set release dates and the developers have to get everything done that they can in that time frame…thus causing some shoddy releases and backlash.


This x 100%

They would’ve been able to more efficiently and effectively troubleshoot the game breaking mission quest bugs plaguing the game to date.

And since they would’ve been getting free Q&A beta testing by the fan base, this could’ve freed up the devs to begin working on DLC as well


i enjoy this game

its shitty to hear this but maybe just put it on your shelf for a little while. If you experience is that broken just wait, check the boards, and when a few solid patches have been released give it another shot. Whether it was release too early or not this is their first project and sure it has problems but they’re working to get stuff fixed and they know about the main issues. Stay patient.

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right, i mean it was put off a lot. Releasing it when it was was probably not 100% WH’s decision.

Not 100%? For consoles like 30% at the most that it’s shitty and they actually going to charge more money for things that they has planned for the main game… (Except for backers), the history it’s like half way or less …

That’s what I’ve done just been 2 and a half weeks and would like to play it soon. :frowning:

Most of those complaining are on consoles how would early access on steam help them?

Well after PC gamers got done beta testing it, by having better future access to a less buggier, more tested and polished game? Or releasing it early to console like for P C on steam?

I have to agree. I’ve come across quite a number of bugs, none particularly game breaking other than side quests are impossible to complete. All have the potential to cost you hours of gameplay (several have done so to me).

After this update, none of my autosaves will load. My last saviour schnapps save was 47 hours of gameplay prior, there is no way I can be bothered to go through all that again.

People will say what do you expect with a game at launch, I’m not particularly an avid gamer and don’t play many, but most I do play I get at launch and I have never experienced anything like this. It is a long, long way from a finished product that I would release if it was my call.

It’s a massive shame as, bugs and frustration caused by them aside, I haven’t enjoyed a game this much since GTA5 released on PS3 all those years ago.

I really hope they manage to work fast to have the game ready for the public but I think they’ve jumped two footed into a deep hole here. There is a lot of harsh criticism and backlash that will probably prove hard to recover from.

I think they have a good following. You have to consider the 1000s of people not on this forum. Be patient, things will smooth out. I hope so anyway, I love it and want more DLC and future titles

Probably closer to a million not on here.