No sli support

Hey, sorry for not responding. I am not able to respond to everything on the forums, i am doing that in my free time :slight_smile:

Anyway. In this topic you can´t find respond from Woody, our main programmer who was developing the SLI Support for KCD.

Have a good day.


Thank you for looking into it and responding. Much appreciated!

And yet most people can’t get a decent positive gain on SLI following those steps?

And as an AMD user myself, what about Crossfire please? It’s terrible the performance is highly negative gain.

Sorry i have no further knowledge about SLI.

Thank you for responding. I’ve personally tried all the tricks with no success. afr2, afr, SLI bits. Just like in other games, you can get the scaling going with inspector but the fps doesn’t match. I’ve exausted the options, please release a fix.

WH_Janrucker, While I appreciate you taking the time to write, it is a little odd that you have a programmer dedicated to SLI, yet end users have to come up with work arounds to get it working…maybe?

Not trying to be arrogant, but all myself and others are looking for is just a confirmation it will be working properly at some point…Or if this is something NVIDIA needs to fix, we can understand… Just looking for some sort of confirmation one way or the other…
IS there a way to reach “Woody” ?


Any updates?

Feel free to fix this already

lol… is there any plans to add multigpu support to this game?

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i guess (or better “hope”) that the plan to finally deliver are (mostly) bugfree game is priority number one!

So I don’t think so…

The guy they call Woody is a total joke btw (sorry if you read that but YOU HAD ONE JOB -.-)
If you ask “What’s with SLI” everything they do is referring to the reddit post where you can find no other info than “create your own sli profile and hope it works” :smiley:

IMO its kinda sad when a guy, who is responsible for the sli support, seems to have no clue what he is talkin about =(

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I got an email from a dev. This is the post.

lots to digest


that post was for an email from a dev to show thread. So as of today still no SLI. Sorry but this is pathetic…

Ibhave been reading two conflicting methods to get it working, with varying levels of success.

Tge proof of the pudding was 50%~speed increase (acceptavle scaling); though user(s) made no reference to stutter or framerate lows/jolts.

AFR2 (alternate framerate;see post below) was the method, and it needed to be forced via control panel applet (this was all Nvidia stuff so I kinda ignored it- just payed enough attention to whether ot is possible.
It was about ten days ago I saw (these forums) someobe put up a definitive guide to getting real SLI working.

For those running profiles - crysis profile worked well…

I don’t know what you are doing but SLI is working fine for me, you need to use Force Alternate Frame Rendering 2 and not the ‘nVidia Recommended SLI’ setting.

Yes, I can get sli to “work” but it doesn’t mean it works.

I think that is why @HughMungus1 has been writing; some methods actually work (eg improve rendering capabilities and net higher framerate/resolution…)

The two steps given (in a few places around the net) seem to be the best method.

I think people will agree that default and ‘easy to switch on’ is not presently in KCDs favour.
True for much dual card sheenanigans in present day computing.
(Suppose us pc gamers should just acknowledge that there is no point in having more grunt than an xbox and just buy one of those instead (like Microshaft really wants us to do))

No, SLI doesn’t work. I can upload a video on it.

It is working fine, I am getting both GPU usage at max and 30-40fps in 4K, try the method mentioned in this post.

Here is what you have to do.
A guy over in Guru3D forums has a fix (not sure if i can link to another forum so i’ll just repost the solution here). Use the RYSE compatibility bits 0x080040F5 and achieve about 70% scaling. At my resolution this means i’m now playing the game at 100fps (on 100hz monitor), which is absolutely perfect.

For those who don’t know how to use the bits:

Download Nvidia Profile Inspector.
Search for Kingdom Come Deliverance profile.
In the Compatibility section under “SLI compatibility bits (DX10 + DX11)” enter the bits 0x080040F5
Save the profile.

That’s it. If you have SLI enabled globally you’ll now enjoy this game with very good SLI scaling. Enjoy and spread the word.