NPC routines are a waste of resources

I would agree, but nothing about KC is realistic. It’s less realistic than many other games.
Combat is a joke copy of mount&blade that has nothing to do with all the great “research” they did on medieval combat.
The food system is a joke. Many food items go bad too fast. It’s tedious. You can’t buy food from most people.
Nobody reacts to you being in their houses. You can just steal everything when nobody is watching.
Then the game is overly detailed in points that are completely unnecessary, such as having 16 slots for clothes, but limited inventory and stupid console style menu to navigate the ridiculous number of items.
The rpg system is uninspired and way too simple to be even remotely realistic.
Every character has the same size - even the guy described to be a giant and also dumb as bread. But he is neither really dumb nor any taller or more muscular than the rest of the NPCs.

No matter where you look at - if you take realism as a benchmark - fail, fail, fail. All we get is a walking simulator with nice forests.

Everything you said was based on the beta. You still don’t know what “realistic” means.

You’re such a tedious person, get a hobby or something ◔_◔


This cunt is good I must say. He ain’t using cheap bait and tackle like I normally do. We can still wriggle off his hook before it gets caught in our throat.




seems no

Do you know what means “beta”?


How is limited inventory unrealistic? =)
Have you even seen RPG system? In beta it wasn´t even working half the time, yet I was still quite impressed how complex it seems… And what RPG system has to do with realism goddamnit? :smiley:

Also, do you normally go around town, buying food from random people? Man, you must be fun at parties!

This will be completely different in the final game where there will be even more different stages of awareness for the people and how they react to you. In the garden they will probably only follow you around, to check what you are doing there, in a house they will try to throw you out or call the guards.
If you steal something, they will notice it, depending on how important the item was. Maybe they will never notice about an apple, but about the expensive sword on the table.
They will not know if it was you, but they will call the guards and rumors will spread around and people will get more sceptical around strangers like you.


That is impossible and foolish for you to try and claim if you aren’t a part of the team.

Wait, you are not talking to our community manager, are you?


Bro… come on, not even my cat is ignorant… :smiley:

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Че за херню ты несешь?

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Stop, don’t touch our community Manager.

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I’ll check ur IP, I’ll find u, & ur mom, & ur father, & ur dog. U know what i mean & what i’ll do. heh
Oh, U don’t. My bear will decapitate ur dog. I’ll alcoholize (funny word) ur father and ur mom will play my balalaika.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Baut WSOutlaw87. No offend to DrFusselpulli.

Too much vodka

Lol no I wasn’t replying to him, i was replying to the op.

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Can your cat type sentances that make sense?

Sounds great.
Though I have never seen a game that has done any major changes from beta to release.

I guess so, I hear some people think it might be a waste of resources though :wink:


Too bad i still hope you were answering to dr fuselfuli because that would be awesome start of meme thread

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