Please give us the game option to save whenever we please, without savory schnapps

Logist, Immersion has nothing to do with save scumming nor is the opposite of it. Immersion has various meanings, but in gaming terms, it basically means "Deep mental involvement and fulfillment ". Again, opinions and interpretations are like a-holes, we all have one.

And yes, I already paid for the game and are simply posting to Warhorse Studios the one thing that I would like to be added to the options menu, in order for me to enjoy the game completely. Just like so many others post about changes or additions that they would like to see in the game. We are no different in that aspect! I’m glad that Warhorse Studios got my money and of supporting them with their first game.

If I never play the game again, due to no save scumming option, I’m ok with that. but that won’t stop me from reaching out and asking them for that added “optional” feature to the game, nor will it stop me from choosing not to buy their next game either, if it lacks that feature as well. But since I invested in this game, I’ll speak my mind and request any feature in the game that I believe needs to be fixed.

Do you think that I’m the only one requesting fixes, changes and additions to this game?.. News flash for you, this forum is filled with those types of requests. Just let people post their concerns and requests, instead of trying to pick a fight with everyone you disagree with. It’s quite simple actually.

glansky, No such thing as flogging a dead horse now. Just like the save and quit feature was added, so can manual and quick saves be added. That’s what patches are for and who says that Warhorse won’t add this “optional” feature?.. Do you work for Warhorse?.. Do you own Warhorse?.. No you don’t and you don’t know what the final outcome will be, nor do I. If there is a mod for save scumming, then apparantly, many people wanted this feature. Unfortunately, mods for this game are unstable with each new patch. Noting wrong with me requesting an “optional” quick savis to the game options menu. But keep ranting all you want, as I will too.

The second part of your post, I agree with 100% However, you broke your own rule in the first part of your comment.

Yes Wohanion, I know… When they added that feature is when I came back to play the game a second time. Unfortunately, I hated it, because it’s too time consuming and breaks my gaming immersion tremendously. I really tried to play that way, but it only lasted a few hours, before I got totally frustrated with all the quitting and reloading time of that feature. This has already been mentioned in a previous comment of this thread. Thanks for trying to help though!

Yes savvym, but that’s not allowed in the prologue part. It would take me around 150 hours just to complete that part of the game, the way I want to complete it. We are stuck in a day cycle in that part of the game and there is no sleeping allowed and no recipe, brewing nor plants for savory schnapps in the prologue game play.

Oh, come on now…
You will manage to get through the prologue…it’s not that hard.
You get an autosave when leaving the village and when you finish your horse ride there’s a bed. Then you go back to Skalitz, fight some weak bandits on your way and in the end you get beaten anyway and you’re done.

Nice spoiler.

No Endriago, because I don’t play the way most of you do. It would take me at least 150 hours to complete the prologue the way I want to complete it. In my first playthrough I got through about a third of the game that served as a learning curve, then decided to start all over playing it my way, which is impossible without save scumming in the prologue part of the game. That’s just how it is!

How exactly do you play?

Endriago, I pick every plant, put tons of guards and people to sleep with a choke hold and loot them. sell the equipment I don’t want sneak around and build up all those skills to the max possible. play some dice and make more money. Then once I leave the casttle, Kill that first Cuman and loot him, the I save Theresa and kill all the surrounding Cumans on horseback, then I’ll go in the opposite direction of where the game wants you to go and trigger that cutscene where Henry needs to reach the next town’s castle and kill and loot a lot more cumans and store everything I can carry on my horse when I’m finally satisfied with enough loot.

Then and only then, will I proceed to that escape curscene. Maxing out all of Henry’s skills that are available in the prologue and looting and making as much groschen as possible, are all the things I’ll do, before reaching that escape cutscene. I also would like to loot many of the homes in Skalitz before leaving, but there are no lockpicks available in that part of the game, so you must gain access to people’s keys to their homes in order to loot their homes and chests. It’s a very tedious and long process. Saving a lot is required in that part of the game, since Henry is so weak.

I wouldn’t stash anything on that horse, I did and couldn’t access it anymore once I got to Talmberg. Lost it all.

Aflicted, There has been some YouTube videos showing that sometimes you will lose some of your loot in transitions. All the loot from the town folk in Skalitz, can be stored in Henry’s chest and you will not lose any of it when you return later, but loot on the horse, anything can happen when arriving in Talmberg. I have never heard of someone losing everything though, until now. It’s still a risk I’m willing to take.

But that’s tutorial part.

You want to save every f… second to loot/maxout skills (btw with this stile of playing henry skills will be maxed out near the midgame even on hardcore, so it would totaly ruin the progression feel), and then talking about “taking a risk”? Dude, you’re not making sense.

Savvym, I know it’s the tutorial part, but I still want to complete it my way. :slight_smile:

KyG, That’s right and that’s how I enjoy playing all my games, but always with hard work and never through cheating… Max out my character’s stats ASAP That is always my number 1 priority. I’m making perfect sense and I always agree with myself 100% of the time. Do you ever disagree with yourself? Some people use God mode, which I have never used and think is ridiculous, but that’s their choice. And the risk factor was about possibly losing some loot carried on horses. Try to follow the conversations!

In the end…does it really make a difference if you ask the Devs to include it or if you just use a mod?

isn’t save/load sequense on every failure sound similar to god mode?:slight_smile:
Btw i disagree with myself a lot, so as any other normal human being.

All I can say is, good luck in getting your save anywhere feature.

I think this thread is pretty much done, as there is no solutions to be had, no minds are going to be changed. It’s just pointless opinions now.


It is. That’s why it has nothing to do with “immersion” until we speak about games, where death&reload is part of setting (like, Dark Souls for example). As KC:D is the game, where protagonist has just one life, and every decision should feel as a risky one - devs made whole system of save&load as it is.

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Endrigo, For me, yes it does. I do not trust 3rd Party sites for various reasons. I want everything included and managed by the makers of the game, or whoever owns the company at the time, due to mergers, etc. Also, other than not trusting mod sites and some mod makers, I have problems just trying to even install mods. I am far from tech savvy and just get lost and confused trying to install those mods. I tried a few with Skyrim and none got installed properly and I just gave up. I even went to YouTube to watch step-by-step videos on how to install mods and left with my head hurting.

Now if companies decided that they like certain mods made for their game, they could just purchase that mod from the mod maker and compensate him/her for their hard work. Those mods would now be owned by the game company and they could now maintain them. That would be my suggestion to game companies. However, if a company is dead set on not ever wanting certain things in their game, like an unlimited saves option, then we are stuck with mods or not playing at all. Now, since I have problems with mods, the only option I’m left with, is not playing the game. Sad, but that’s life and my reality.

I just recently upgraded my computer and spent close to $2000 in the process and I’m not willing to screw up my computer because of trying to do things I have no idea how to do in the first place. As an example, I just purchased a game from Steam that I had somehow missed, but it caught my eye, as I was searching game categories, to see if I had missed any recent games that I would like to play. Anyway, the game was L.A. Noir, so I bought it, just to find out that the game would not launch because of an MS Framework incompatibility issue. So I just refunded the game, because I am not messing with making changes that might let me play one older game, while possibly messing everything up and making all my newer games unplayable. I am also not one to make constant tweaks to my computer in order to play a certain game. I take my computer to a professional and then expect everything to run smoothly. I hope I have explained things in a way for you to understand. Bottom line: I am not a risk taker with messing with my computer.