Please give us the game option to save whenever we please, without savory schnapps

Kyg, No, not even close. God mode is in the cheaters category and one that I avoid like the plague. Sorry to hear that you disagree with yourself. Most normal people never do!

I think you should consider switching to console gaming, cause you definitely sound like it would fit you like a glove. (no offence to any console users out there intended ofc)

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only fanatics and psychopats :smile:

Anyway, like Aflicted said, this thread is already pointless atm.

Aflicted, Most likely, but it won’t stop me from requesting it. An added unlimited saves option in the games option section would not deprive anyone from playing the game the way they want to, since it’s optional. Just like many things are optional with game set-ups. Some changes can be made during game play. This would be no different.

Kyg, Never! I have been a computer gamer my whole life. Better graphics and more memory would be the 2 main reasons for choosing PC over consoles. Good luck in trying to change my 60 year old brain!

Logist, It has a lot to do with game immersion. Save and quit serves the same purpose as unlimited saves, with the only difference being that save and quit takes forever and out of the game. Unlimited saves are quick and efficient, without taking you out of the game. The 2 options are not even close when it comes to the speed, efficiency and game immersion categories!

Kyg, Only people with low self esteem constantly doubt and question themselves.

Dear Warhorse Studios, how is that unlimited saves option coming along, since the last time I asked? Next patch hopefully. Thank you!

When the game first came out people were complaining then about the save system, I don’t see how there can be a problem because of how generous saving is particularly in normal mode.

Jayw123, Try saving in the prologue (other than with the useless and time consuming save and quit option). And no, I don’t use nor install mods either. and there are only 12 savory schnapps available in the prologue, which I would use up in the first hour of game play and there are no beds to sleep in. Good luck! P.S. KCD gave us an option to fast travel, which I never use, because it ruins my immersion and I consider fast travel as cheating too, but they won’t give us the option to save the game when we want to save the game, which I use all the time. Glad that everything works to your liking, but not to mine. Now the secret we may never know, is if you use any mods? Hmmm… I’ll go read some of your posts.

I just wish they would fix the save by savior schnapps. I keep getting a failed to load screen then it deletes the progress since my last true save. I play on the x box one x. Not sure why it’s not working. I thought they did a patch fix on the last update.

This is where design intent is clear and reasonable… even if a pain in the back side for those who are risk averse

Have played Hell Let Loose some. There are no saves. It was utterly brutal at first (COD WW2 is a piece of cake.) Now just brutal. Yeah it’s not an RPG but makes me appreciate the thoughtfulness WH put into the KCD save mechanic (minus exit saves being absent at launch)

Somehow I generally feel like the XBox One version of this game is seriously broken.

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Myspecialsum1, It looks like Warhorse still needs to work on more patches until they finally get everything in working order. Unfortunately, most all games go through this stage. As gamers and consumers, we win some and we lose some.

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For me it has nothing to do with weighng on my decisions, because my decisions would always be the same (depending on what type of character I chose to play), no matter how many times I might die in battle. It’s having to replay who knows how much previous lost time, leading up to that battle, ambush, unexpected event, etc. due to the save system. Just give us the option to save whenever we want. Those who love it the way it is, wouldn’t use that feature and would continue to play the game as it is now. Everyone would be happy, concerning saves at least.

No, this wouldn’t be the case. If a game gives you the possibility to do something you will tend to do it in a situation of frustration. It’s a legitimate option, after all.
It’s the same why people don’t want an easy mode for Dark Souls. Because eventually you would use it and ruin the experience.

In this case, your decisions wouldn’t have weight anymore. At some point some shit happens and you will think “You know what, I am just reloading now”. So the decision never had weight.

To me it happened once that I was killed by cumans on the road and the battle felt like a real decision between life and death (haven’t saved for an hour). And I was frustrated afterwards…and I would have reloaded. And this would have removed all of the intense feeling

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That’s a risk, and you’re risk averse

There are plenty of save beds within 30mins of walking/riding time within KCD. Last I played they weren’t broken. So understand the convenience aspect but not seeing the burden of taking time out to trigger a save to avoid losing who know how much time

Beth typically permits anytime saves in normal/easy mode but not HC. Creates wider audience. WH (Daniel) chose differently; don’t begrudge the decision even though I think it irks some

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That’s you and not me. I totally disagree with your opinion and assessment. Stop trying to think for others and just work on yourself. And I couldn’t care less about Dark Souls!

If you like super hardcore so much, then you should force yourself to start the game from the beginning every time you died. After all, your Henry only has 1 life to live. That would grow old in a hurry!

Wish WH built in that option^. But they didn’t. Just as WH didn’t build in anytime saves

^ - we’re only given one life. would be great to navigate all the hazards of KCD and come out it with the preeminent ‘one life’ trophy/achievement

Yes, I am very risk averse!

There is not one single bed to rest in, in the prologue. The problem isn’t beds it’s the lack of being able to save the game whenever I want to or feel like it. No one is going to change my mind on this, so stop trying. You play your way and I’ll play my way, or not play at all, until Warhorse gives us that unlimited save option, if ever? All I can do is ask them to please consider it. No one is forced to play a game, if there is something they hate about it, and this is the one thing that keeps me from playing their otherwise, beautiful game. I have no ill feelings towards Warhorse, nor am I upset at buying their game and supporting them the first time around, but they will not get any more money from me in their next game, if it does not have unlimited saves. It’s that simple!