Poll: What should be our next stretch goal? What about 3rd person camera?

Maybe someone should pin this topic @MadSmejki @warhorse @TobiTobsen @Hellboy @YuusouAmazing

I thought the third person could be good for exploring and whatnot, but in combat it would switch into first person. I wonder how would combat work in third ?
Anyway, I will probably mostly use first, but I would not mind presence of third if it does not take away resources from implementing first correctly.

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Long answer short: si.

I like the idea, and if it’s already there in development mode then why not? However, if it’s going to be useable in combat and stealth gameplay, it might take a lot of work to implement properly. A ‘vanity mode’ where you can freeze your character in place and rotate the camera around them (to take screenshots, for example) might be a good compromise.


I think it would ruin the idea but I have no problem with the game having 3rd person view cause I wouldnt use it anyways.

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No! It’s a waste of time, I have better ideas if you need some, KCD always was a 1st person game and should stay that way.


Just to be sure everyone understands. The 3rd person is some extra work, but the balanceof complexity, cost and possible gain (yeah, money pledged) is vry good. We use 3rd person for testing combat and animations anyway, so while it would need some polish, its not crazy amount of extra work, while it could make the game more attractive to people who suffer motion sickness (and there are surprisingly many) and those who just prefer 3rd person.


I absolutely don’t like this change!

Now the 3rd person whiners will swarm the forum like flies and vote for their dumb demands which weren’t part of the initial concept. And it wasn’t just not part of it, no, it was denied!
They didn’t care to read the description but afterwards they cried for 3rd person. Silly me, I informed myself beforehand and actually believed the words. How could I!

Under the impression of what was presented to me (videos, pictures and written infos) I decided to back this project. The combat was design specifically for 1st person and now you want to throw all of this over board? Just like that.

Obviously designing missions and stuff explicitly for 1st person would require some serious extra work to make it work in another perspective as well. For example, in 3rd person you can look around corners even you aren’t actually looking around corners!

After only 8 months this change comes up. There’s still over a year till the final product. What will change till then?
What promise will be broken next?
Will the silly multiplayer demands be announced as the next stretch goal?
Who knows.
How could I believe you anything anymore.
And why should I care any longer, it’s now ruined anyway.
Now features are up for popularity vote.

“Yes” just passed “No”.
Congratulations, the a**hls have won while the early supporters got stabbed in the back.

It was the first time I gave money on kickstarter and most likely it will also be the last time.
Now the money is gone. Of course, my bad I actually thought things would develop as advertized. I guess, now I just have to live with a knife in my back, huh.

Just a reminder:

Do you plan to implement 3rd person view?

We are sorry, but we do not plan to allow you to control your character in 3rd person view (TPV). You will be able to see your character e.g. in cutscenes, dialogues or in the inventory screen, you can also see your body and hands all the time. We believe that FPV allows for better immersion in the world; we also think that we can make the FPV combat work. Moreover the many of the systems, including combat, are designed with FPV in mind and wouldn’t work in TPV without a major redesign.[/quote]


Its not a change. 1st person will still be there and it will receive same amount of work. Its an extra feature for those who prefer it. And I repeat, that it doesnt come at cost of less work on something else.


So it comes at cost of a delayed release? I don’t like that neither


Did you read what he was just saying?

Any stretch goal would be some more work to do, and I guess they could even hire some more people if its too much. What do you think of warhorse? I think they know which things are doable and which not.


Stretch goal = extra money
There are more important things to get done.
So extra money should be used for that stuff.

Simply: No extra money for things that were denied! from the beginning and weren’t part of the vision presented to be backed.


I voted No. I think post #18 in this topic expresses my opinion in the best way. While you could supposedly raise some extra buck for this stretch goal, I somewhat feel that it waters down the concept of this game. The game, especially the combat, is being designed with 1st person perspective in mind. Allowing 3rd person in such an extent would definitely change the way this game feels or plays. A LOT.

If there was such an option, I would vote for being able to switch to 3rd person just for taking screenshots of your hero and the beautiful sceneries.Otherwise stick to your guns, the actual gameplay should be 1st person only. You won’t be able to please everybody anyway.


No. This is the game I pledged for.


Then tell me some things that are more important.
Third person view was one of the most requested features and warhorse proves by this poll that they hear what the community has to say. And Daniel changed his mind about first person what I think is a really good move of him. It proves that he is very open minded.

You can play the game in first person still if you want.


Yeah as long as you cant fight in third i think most people would be ok with it.

You can’t just hire a few more people when you recognize that you need more manhours. It’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s not something like a cutscene which you could easily outsource. 3rd person perspective is a core gameplay feature that needs extreme care, vision and dedication. And although I think that Warhorse is competent and capable video game development is probably among the most unsecure and among the hardest to predict businesses you could think of.

The point is that the scope of this game is ALREADY extremely high and nobody knows whether Warhorse will be able to deliver on time. Expanding this scope isn’t something that I personally consider reasonable. And something that you use for internal testing purposes isn’t really the same thing you really want to ship with you game. You need a whole different level of polish and work for that.

But at least they could stick to the rules they proclaimed on Kickstarter, no?

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We don’t need more things imo, especially not more core (gameplay) features. The game is already good and big enough and Warhorse has already a huge vision for KCD, a vision they yet have to deliver on. More for the sake of having more is not reasonable.

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I would be like to have it, but have it locked to the direction your character is facing and make the zoom level fixed. You could switch between a head-on or behind the head view.