PSN Refunds - UK

Hello everyone, made this account to let you know PSN are refunding for this broken game. I understand not everyone is suffering from the same problems and that’s great, however alot of us are and for an AAA priced game we expected better.

Both me and my friend got refunds from the notoriously stubborn playstation support. Mine was rather straight forward however he had to take a few extra steps.

When I rang I explained the problems I was having, the lady I spoke to said they have had alot of problems with people calling about the game and just returned the credit to my wallet without a fuss (didn’t even have to read my 100+ big list to her)

My friend however got the jobsworth who kept saying the usual “once downloaded and played can’t be refunded etc” however the policy does also state “unless the content is faulty” which obviously it is. If they still persist, ask to talk to the supervisor and let them know about the consumer rights act 2015, which the main 3 points are:

– be of satisfactory quality, based on what a reasonable person would expect, taking into account the price

(£54 and this broken? This is not satisfactory)

– be fit for purpose. If the consumer has a particular purpose in mind, he or she should make that clear

(Broken game, not fit for purpose, doesnt even always work)

– meet the expectations of the consumer

(Obviously doesn’t meet the expectations, it’s broken)

After this they have no option but to issue a refund, be sure to stand your ground, they will try alsorts to get you to get off the phone. But they will refund you as the game is broken.

We personally had problems such as:

NPC’s not talking
Crashing the ps4 causing hard resets (pulling plug)
Music looping
Frame freezes turning the game into a slide show
Quests not appearing
Unable to get off out horse
Getting stuck in conversations with NPC’s (forcing reset)
Textures not loading (like ever, not just slowly loading)

And many, many more. This is not acceptable for the price they are asking, the game wasnt even tested for the PS4. Go get your refunds to show the developers we won’t stand for this. Indy or not, do not ask for full price if your game is a broken mess.

Just to add, they only recredit your account, afaik they don’t give money refunds, atleast this was sufficient for us both


Sony - Refund :hushed: !! Thats a Story you never heared before. Well that is a surprise. But come on People, I know the Game can be really broken at this point and some People get mad. But give them a Chance to fix it. It is alot of Money but remember from which Publisher / Creator this Game comes. Give them the Time to proof their passion about this Game. This is no excuse for the Bugs and you have the right to get mad but…really a Refund ?


Trying to get refunds is not gonna make it easier for the devs to fix the Bugs…


I could have forgave them if the game was cheaper, say £30? For full price I expect a finished & polished product. This simply isn’t. Having to hard reset my console every time I play a game is inexcusable. The PS4 version should never have been released in this state, it’s as though they never even tested it it’s that bad. Maybe they did test it but thought the player base will just bend over for them while they patch it. Well I won’t. There are that many bugs it’s impossible for them to fix them all in a short time frame, it’s looking more at months rather than weeks to fix it.

It’s a shame because bugs aside the game actually is actually a good idea. But the bugs spoil the game completely. I’d rather spend my money on a game that works when I load it up, rather than cross my fingers it won’t crash this time.

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I can’t believe people are defending the Devs, have you got the ps4 version? Have you seen the amount of problems it has? You are what’s wring with the gaming industry, yes let’s all be happy with broken games on release and wait for patch after patch to fix them.

Would you rather not they hold off on release until the product is playable and enjoyable? The release on the PS4 reflects badly on the devs ( I know other platforms are buggy but I don’t know to which extent so I can’t comment on them)


Nope, i got PC. Im playing in My horribly underpowered Notebook that Normally is only Used for studiing or simple Games.
I Had Not one Game breaking Bug, im playing on lowest graphics and i Love the game for every one of its aspects.
It’s telling a wonderful Story, provides an immersive world and is Just Something completely new!

I dont think i’m Whats wrong with the gaming industry, i think you are. You are one of the Folks that buy Games Just to consume them, add them to their achievement list and then move on to the next one. Talking in Forums about beeing “the super Gamer” and “knowing them all, Played them all”. You are what Made Games an industry.
I am playing the game for the experience. And when i need to reload because of death i dont Mind, because now i can Look at the left Side of the Path rather than the right one.
I can wait for Patches, and when a Patch comes, that Breaks a Savegame, i Just start over new, trying a different playthrough.
I dont Play Many different Games. But the ones i Play i try to make a really intensive experience.

So i really advise you Not to call me the one who can be blamed for Things going Bad in the gaming industry!


I have the PS4 version, haven’t had many problems yet on basic ps4. Definitely just jinxed myself. As for the release, that could have been out of the devs hands. They’d already pushed the release back several times if I remember correctly. They have investors who want to see a return on investment and don’t care about the quality as much as them. I’d say with the amount of energy and passion they’ve put into creating this game, this isn’t the version they’d wanted to release to the public. But money talks and here we are.


I have the ps4 version and ive had about 4-5 crashes in the 20-30 hours of gameplay so id say that aint to bad. Yes the game has bugs but i can live with that playing a good game till bugs are fixed. Not enough for me to get a refund. Maybe you were over dramatic about so you knew youd get a refund xD


I Had Not one Game breaking Bug, im playing on lowest graphics and i Love the game for every one of its aspects.
It’s telling a wonderful Story, provides an immersive world and is Just Something completely new!
I dont think i’m Whats wrong with the gaming industry, i think you are. You are one of the Folks that buy Games Just to consume them

Yes, you are absolutely right.

I want to play so much, but I can’t save game, progress quest or interact with anything.
Apparently makes me a filthy consumer who is wrong with the game industry.
I can’t progress due to a critical bug, so I can’t understand a wonderful story.

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I’m as far from an elitist as they come. I play games to enjoy them. That said I also use money that I’ve earned from working so I expect a product I pay for to work, I don’t want to pay for games in hopes they actually work.

When you spend money you expect it will work do you not? Would you be happy buying a car for it not to work and be told it’s ok the mechanic will fix it in a few months. Of course not. I realise that metaphor is quite different but it’s the same principle, when you spend money on something you expect it to work properly. This game has failed to do that. I’m happy you are all enjoying the game and haven’t had as many bugs as my and my friend.

I was anything but over dramatic on the phone, I actually thought I would have to fight for a refund but the lady said they have had numerous people call up about this game and how broken it is and refunded me right there and then, no argument and no fuss. Just here’s your money back. The last time psn did this is with no man’s sky.

Yes, im expecting IT to work, But i dont need IT to work perfectly right now.
For you Car analogy: Most brand new car models dont work perfectly either. Offen the Compact have to do a Recall action. Alter small Things anderen then sell a new model.
Also a Car is Something you need for Work etc. A Game is Just a Game, with a Kittler Patience its going to become even better.

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So, if you read my post, how do you expect me to immerse myself in the game and enjoy a wonderful story, if I can’t neither progress nor save?
You say that you didn’t meet any bugs, but I assume that you don’t care at all about the ones who met them, and you chose to completely ignore such people as if they don’t exist.
I was really enjoying the game for hours, put it into my Favorites on Steam profile, but now I can’t play at all. Does this make me a filthy consumer?

I’m not refunding, I’m waiting patiently until I can resume my journey if this bug is getting fixed at all. I don’t know, if it is, and when. Just looking at the game I can’t play right now.

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Like I said not a great metaphor, I was trying to explain when you pay for something you expect it to work. Yes I don’t NEED the game to work but why should I be happy it doesn’t? If you enjoy the game & are happy it’s broken and buggy that’s fine! That’s your opinion and your entitled to it. This thread was made for those like myself who feel the game isn’t up to the standard we expect for full price.

By telling the Devs it’s ok the games broken just means any other games they make will release is the same state because it’s becoming more acceptable to release games this way. I’m not happy with that, I’ve been a gamer for many years and apart from the odd early access have never bought a game so badly done. You can’t argue the fact the game should be working to an acceptable standard, which it doesn’t.

Yeah you are right , absolutly agree with you. For a full price Game it is not acceptable. The biggest Problem is that so many players have so many differnt experiences withe the Game on each console. Some Ps4 / xbox Players have no Problems at all and only a few bugs, others like you have really hard chrashs and freezes. I play it on the x and have no probs, some friends are so mad about the game because they can´t play an hour without a freeze. And yes, that is no excuse that the Creators are only a small studio. In 2018 no Game should be released with a plethora of Bugs. But for myself, I can apologize some of these Points because I know the Background of Warhorse and when I take a look at bigger Companies like EA , which are trying to get mor and more money with all that Ingame Purchases, Lootboxes etc, I am still confident that they get the Problems fixed wit KCD. But I speak for myself, I know its a lot of money and I blame nobody who wants a refund. Maybe wait a week and look whats coming with Patches etc.

I guess I’ll look forward to hearing about the game being pulled from the PSN store then. Obviously if it is a broken product then it should really not be sold by the PSN.

@Atermi and If you read mine you would’ve noticed that im discussion with Samsam89 and thats why i did Not answer to your But to his post.

@Samsam89 i know, But you Made the Metapher so i Used it for Mine.
I fully understand that you want your Game to Work. You have the right for a product that can be Used AS expected. Dont get me wrong on this, im with you.
What i want to say is, that we all can get a nice Game Just with a little Patience. Noone forced us to preorder whatsoever. When im playing a Game right after Release im expecting Bugs (though Not gamebreaking).
We See, that sind people have Bugs, Others dont. So its possibly the different Machines acting different. (You dont need to have an Bsc in electronics or IT to get, that a ps4 is Like all other ps4 and of course much different to Xbox/pc). In an Open world scenario there are always Things acting together different than expected. This requires a Lot of Testing, on different Machines, with different characters and playstyles. Yes, it’s Up to the devs to do this, But their Ressources are Limited.
And i think that you are wrong saying, that accepting buggy Games will make devs to release Games Buggy in the Future.
I think when you are developing auch a Thing you want it to be as near as perfect as you can do. Its the Money that hinders you. The Publisher wanting a quick Release. And in the end its the Work of the devs, and when they dont do as their Publishers Tell them they can’t get paid. They need to make a living too.

So dont be that harsh (i’m talking to everyone now, actually in all parts of Life) to Others. Reasonable talking and discussion is nice, But i’ve read so much swearing in this Forum already… And that makes me kinda sad, because the was people are talking with each other(especially on the internet) is so fucked Up.

That’s pretty decent of them. Microsoft have always been good too I’ve found. They refunded me the Fallout 4 Season Pass because after I installed it all my content was wiped from my profile was deleted.

Yes agreed, but I do think they should have tested more than they have. It’s strange some bugs only happen to some and not others (on the same systems). I played the game thinking I can’t believe this passed testing, so many things going wrong.

I have in the past forgiven buggy releases, fallout for example, because they were actually playable with the bugs, but this game isn’t playable, when the game isn’t freezing up, it’s not even keeping my saves, so not only do I contend with reseting my machine, I then have to redo 2-3 hours of playtime all over again because the game didn’t save when I used a bed.

It is decent of them, the playstation supports policy is basically no refunds on digital games that have been downloaded and played, from my experience they only refund when they know a game is broken or not working as advertised (no man’s sky) otherwise they out right refuse any form of refund.

As a 3D artist and QA tester, I found this amount of bugs very funny. Aldo I dont mind it in general, simply because when you have a game on three different platforms something like this is expected, especially when the game is that big. I support devs but game is simply unfinished in this state and thats a fact. In an year or two, depending on how much resources they will invest into fixing it, this game will be a gem, one of a kind! :slight_smile:

P.S. - Playing on PS4!

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