Questions and Answers Radzig not at Lookout

Ok, so what is the official word on this? Because i kind of want to know if i have to reload a save game from 20 hours ago (did a LOT of side quests). I am truly pissed of at this. I can accept a lot of bugs, and I have thus far. But a game-breaking bug like this, where the MAIN QUEST LINE can’t be finished - thats something I’ve almost never seen before in a game.

Found Radzig in Ratay. Conversation options were wrong. Went back to the lookout. No cutscene, no Radzig. Returned to Radzig in Ratay. No dialogue options, no mission. I can understand some minnor bugs in game but not a breaking bug in main quest. This game is over for me. Pity :frowning:

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got the same issue here on PC steam. No quest marker. I’m trying to do the whole running back and forth from the camp and sleeping there, but nothing is working. all hungry for 1.3!

Got the same issue with Steam version. Sir Radzig is standing there at Neuhof, doing nothing. Can’t progress anymore.
Got to admit that I was enjoying the game so far (had a caouple of quest breaking bugs, but was able to workaround them) but problem with the main quest? Man, as a software engineer, I’m insulted by the work of your devs and especially QA. Too bad that this game ended up a waste of money for me.

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Ok, so how do I contact the developers with this? Because this isnt acceptable. I would be satisfied with an assurance that they will fix it in an upcoming patch, but this silence is making me mad as hell. It basically feels like they are saying “Oh so you wanted to finish our game that we made? Well too fucking bad for you. Reroll and hope this bug doesnt happen again when you get to it in 20 hours playtime, LOL”

This is unacceptable, just unacceptable.

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So, right now, I retried all the possible strategies and solutions that were provided here by you, great folks. But none of them worked. And then, my character went insane and slaugthered everyone starting in Neuhof, then in Merhojed, Samopesh and finalizing his rampage in monastery. So it seems that one boi can conquer pretty neat territory. Done, game deleted. First rage quit of my life.

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Right, so I reloaded from the Runt fight, and I was wrong - it was 30 hours of gameplay that i would lose. Well, no matter, thought I. But when I went to report to Radzig at the lookout. HE. WAS. NOT. THERE. SAME BUG!

WHAT THE F-CK! I am literally fuming now. Deleted all save files in a rage and am considering demanding a repurchase. This is just crazy. I’ve never been fucked like this by a game before.


Been having the same issues here, its getting really frustrating and beyond ridiculous. I have submitted bug reports, support, and haven’t heard anything about how to fix it. I even talked to a WH member on the discord, and he basically just told me “well he has to be out there somewhere”. I haven’t seen anyone from WH even address this issue, which is kind of sad.

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I attempted to request a refund on steam. I had logged 37 hours and 46 minutes of playtime (10 of which were trying to solve this problem). They refused on the basis that I had played for more than two hours, despite the fact that there is no way to actually know about this bug until you’re at least 20 hours in.

Here is what I said in my refund request:

I am requesting a refund because the game is broken.

This game is an open world RPG game. It has a main questline, and side quests. We all expect that there will be bugs in new open world RPGs, but this one is different. It breaks in the main questline.

The main questline has the player fight a large and difficult battle, and then moves them to Rattay. You then must go north to Merjohed to interrogate a bandit, and report your findings to Sir Radzig at the Talmberg Lookout. In the previous quest, Sir Radzig was in another location, Neuhoff.

The player goes to Merjohed, but is forced to cure a plague in a sidequest before they can speak to the bandit (unless they lockpick). This requires going to the Monastery.

I list these locations because they are burned into my brain now. They all happen to be on opposite sides of the large open world map.

The problem: after interrogating the bandit, you must go to the Talmberg lookout to speak to Radzig. Except he is not there; he is in Neuhoff. Sometimes in Rattay. And when you speak to him in these locations, he will not allow you to progress with the quest.

No matter what I try (I have put over 10 hours into attempting to find a workaround for this issue) Radzig never goes to the Talmberg Lookout. This means that the rest of the main questline is locked behind this one event. Why does Radzig fail to go to the Lookout? The only explanation after my testing is poor coding and assumptions on the part of the developer. Since this issue is extremely prevalent among the playerbase, on all platforms, I can only imagine that Quality Assurance, bugtesting and playtesting was inadequate.

I detailed my attempts and thoughts on the official forum for the game (I am “username1”) Questions and Answers Radzig not at Lookout

There has been silence from the developer on this issue.

If you bought a digital movie on Google Play and the first half was great, but the second half was simply a black screen, you would demand a refund.
If you bought a hamburger and the first bite was delicious, but the middle of the burger was not cooked, you would demand a refund.

Even reaching this game-breaking bug requires playing until that point. The game uses a new form of combat system and takes time to get used to, and generally many of the systems are unfamiliar; this means it takes a “significant playtime” to even reach the point where you find out that the game is broken. This is a game that you only begin to reach that “endgame” when you’ve been playing for 70 hours, according to reviewers.

I was enjoying this game a lot. I am extremely annoyed and tired of developers/publishers releasing games unfinished. This, though, is a unique issue. Even in the most buggy of games, you can usually at least complete the main storyline.

For these reasons, and the ones I made on the game’s official forums under the name “username1” at the page Questions and Answers Radzig not at Lookout

I request a refund for this game. Developers should not be rewarded for such issues. And consumers should at least be able to trust that games they purchase are not so badly bugged.

(NB: many workarounds have been suggested for this issue on the forums, in the steam forums, and on YouTube. I have tried them all. Nothing worked. I want my money back. Thank you for reading.)

Here is what they sent in response:

We have reviewed your refund request.

We are unable to refund this purchase to your CARD ending with ## at this time. Your playtime of an included product exceeds 2 hours (our refund policy maximum).
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Playtime: 37 hours 46 minutes

Purchased: Feb 18, 2018 GMT

Requests are considered on a case by case basis and are not typically issued for purchases of released products that are more than 14 days old, or if the purchased product has more than 2 hours of playtime. For in-game items the refund period is 48 hours and the item must not have been consumed, modified, or transferred.

To learn more about the refund process, please visit

I am questioning whether they actually bothered to read my refund request. Steam is willing to sell broken products, and unwilling to help when they facilitated the sale of a faulty product. Therefore, I will not be using Steam again. Disgraceful. Their policy on refunds only makes sense if you find the game-breaking bug within 2 hours; you’ve all played this game for over two hours, so I’m sure you’ll agree that the first four hours are rather limited in exposure to the game mechanics generally, let alone the story.

Warhorse released a game that has not been tested. They have been payed already. Many of us paid for the game through Steam. Valve gets a cut on that sale. Valve is, as far as I am concerned, complicit in the new industry paradigm of “release the title, earn money, cool now we can afford to actually make the game we already sold”.

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Sucks man. I know i will not get a refund either. I mean its been 2 weeks, and a MAJOR quest breaking bug still hasn’t been addressed? Yea, I’m pretty pissed myself. I mean not even a mention if they are fixing it or not…

Yeah. The main problem as it seems for me is that developers are not even speaking up about this issue. A simple world from devs that they are working on it and will release fix in upcoming patch and a lot of this frustration would go away. I personally would agree to wait a couple of days. Week maybe. But silence for me means that they don’t give a poo about their product and relations with the community. I will never buy any game from this developer ever again. And will do my best to get that refund on steam.

the game designers are adressing the problem, i have a small conversation on Twtitter with Vávra

Here you can see the Progress of patch 1.3 and the issue with this bug

You think that’s bad, I’ve got over 90hrs and can’t advance the questline… a main questline. I hope when they fix this they do so for those of us who are currently stuck on it so we can finish the game, and not just preventing it from happening in the future. I don’t care if it’s a console command to kill the quest and restart / kill it. I already did everything needed including curing the village.

This is good to hear. I would imagine main quest bugs would be of prime importance. I just wanted to make sure it wan’t just me, so now I can ignore it for now and continue to rob everyone blind lol.

Jesus christ man its been three weeks and we still don’t have a MAIN QUEST FIX?!?!?!?!


I just cured the village and prisoner of the poison, questioned the prisoner then the game locks up trying to end the conversation. It wont save. I tried different times but there is a bug there. I guess I will keep on playing and skip the quest.

Can anyone confirm this bug is fixed with the latest patch?

I have updated to the latest patch and emailed the support team about this issue… They replied that it should be fixed with the 1.3 patch but I still have this issue in my game. Feels bad.

If his horse is there Punch it in the face it should run south of the point and radzig should be standing on the other side of the road in the field near the tree grove between merhojed and talmberg

I have just started playing on patch 1.3.4 and I’ve come across the same issue.

No Radzig at lookout point or neufhoff or rattay