Impossible. We only have 4 Years old emails from their Kickstarter Pledge. How can we deliver physical packages to an email? Or should we prefer to have two different databases, for digital and physical backers? How about upgrades from digital to physical and the other way around?
@wenga right now has exact this problem. He pledged for a phyiscal tier, and we send emails to his kickstarter email to please crate a profile on our website with this email and give us his address so we can send the package to him. He used a different email on the registration, so the system was not able to recognize him. Profile and pledge were not connected. We were just able to do it now, because he noticed he didn´t received anything.
But how can we send a physical package do a digital email?
Just recently he contacted us about about, so I had to find out what is happening. He claimend he used the same email, but he was not. So I had to search for the right pledge in our database manually and I found it. Right now. 3 Days after releae and more than a Week after we already send out the packages.