Stuck in conversation with the charlatan

I went to Sasau and sat down by his table and spoke to the character called “charlatan”. I agreed to become his apprentice, but when I try to exit the conversation by saying “I’ll go lock for those things” Henry goes back to the start wheter I want to or not and says "About those other things you wanted from me.

So now I’m stuck. I can’t exit the conversation.


I had saved just before talking to him so I just shut the game down and tried again, this time withouth sitting down, and it worked perfectly. So something about doing this conversation is broken if you sit down while talking to him.

I recognized the same when you were patroling with the guard
when you sit down and play the dice-game.
He just doesnt get up anymore, you cant talk to him and the quest doesnt go on… reload savegame helped too

Encountering a similar problem when asking about the remains for the Saintly Remains quest, he will say his lines of dialogue and then be I’ll be stuck in the conversation with him just kind of awkwardly bobbing his head forcing me to restart the application. I will try saving just beforehand and see how it goes. Also this happened to me twice, once whilst he was standing and once whilst he was sitting.

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Wow thanks stuck in this stupid dialog ,and I didn’t save, 3 hrs of gameplay wasted . Next time you make a game and take people’s money make sure the simplest of things work . Thanks alot warhorse Malakes.

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I have the exact same problem. Stuck in this dialog.

I’ve got the same problem; but not sitting down. Literally no escape from the convo.

Experiencing the same issue. Steam, version 1.2.5

Just experienced the same dialogue loop, but no sitting down. Steam 1.2.5 latest patch
Sad to see such a so gamebreaking bug reported a week ago still isnt fixed.
Plz tell us that 1.3 patch will fix this.

I had the same issue on Xbox One and I was not sitting down when I spoke to him. I was stuck in the same dialog loop. Very irritated right now. The save system in this game is ridiculous but that’s another issue entirely.

Same here, not sitting down, Henry just keeps saying “About those things bla bla bla”…

Yep happened to me to but the charlatan just stared at me forever repeating a shrugging animation over and over. I had to Alt-Tab and close game. Lost several hours of game play.

Same problem here…i lost 2 hours game…i hope they fix…in in stuck conversation in his house…

Alright I might have a way to actually do this quest. talk to the charlatan in his shop in sasau near the stocks. I have a theory on why this occurs. it seems like there’s a condition in the conversation for the charlatan that isn’t handled properly in the code. When you talk to him(in the tavern, meeting him at midnight in the monastery or anywhere outside his shop) the loop for the conversation tries to loop back to the menu where you trade with him but since his shop is not open/available it doesn’t know which menu to go so it loops around to the conversation about the relics. Though that’s just my observation. and it worked for me talking to him in his shop.

but I am stuck while I try to give him the shroud even though he has waited for him at his house.
I also noticed that point A and B of the mission disappear although I did them properly

The Save Method worked for me, but you have to try several times :smiley:

I tre 3 time yesterday…today i try again

I had the same issue (PS4) and tried talking to him twice - once on the side of the road and the second time when he was sitting outside the tavern. In both cases the dialogue got stuck (also in both instances I went through the whole “Miracles While You Wait” quest conversation with him). On my third try I talked to him when he was at his shop and started the Saintly Remains conversation straight away (chose ‘none of your business’ response) and it worked!

Any update from devs on this? No reply so far.

Same problem, thank god I just accepted a quest on the way and it saved otherwise hours of progress would be lost.