Terrible Console Performance

I have boost mode on for everthing.

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Me too, it was and still is my understanding and experience that all games so far runs better with boost mode enabled. So I can honestly say that I have never disabled it after I enabled it and saw the difference in some older titles.

Same here noticed a big difference when it came out. Was playing the Witcher 3 and it made significant changes, found the console did not seem to work so hard in some of the graphically taxing environments, it also helps promote a more stable frame rate.

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Indeed! Love the Witcher 3 but I am ashamed to say that I never finished the game. With all the DLCs the size of the world in the Witcher overwhelmed me.

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I did about 4 playthroughs and that including both DLC’s. I wanted my platinum Trophey (which I got!) It was hard especially on death march mode, but I got through it. One of those playthroughs I did was to have not red failed quest lines in the quest log, that was hard, but I got it eventually lol.

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You are indeed a hardcore player my friend :slight_smile: That much is certainly true. I will retreat to my bed for the evening as I am old and grumpy and it is way past bedtime. But I do hope that you, me and the rest of the PS4-community soon will get a patch that mitigates the issues that now plagues KCD on PS4 and as I understand to some extent also on other platforms. I really would like to roll back the game to 1.5

Well, I guess we have to wait and see when the next patch come and just hope it will fix the issues.

Take care, thank you for a nice conversation and I am sure we will discuss other topics in the future on this forum :slight_smile: Good night all.

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Sure, no probs. See ya around

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True. But not all players tell us which format, so I’m not to know brah.

Well maybe my friend you should ask what platform they on first before you run your mouth. Since most of the topic consists of ps4 players, and your on an Xbox and not having issues does it not seem that your opinion on the topic of our consoles has any relevance. That’s not to say your opinion is not warranted, but there is a time and place for everything.

Cheers, enjoy your night further


It kinda says play on xbox. My opinion is as valid as the next persons. Enjoy your evening.

You do realise that all ps4s will have exact same FPS, so if another user says he’s getting performance drops so are you wether u know it or not.

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Don’t worry about him.

There is more than one possibility here.

I fully acknowledge that 1.6 has gone back to huge textures or something.
I bet it was so that they could launch the DLC on time.

I don’t really care for the issues specific to just that patch (they will be fixed)

Fragmentation is a thing.
Most consoles users don’t know anything about it. (Normally I would write ‘many’ instead of ‘most’
 but consoles is the lionshare of the gaming market and is not made up by a majority of PC techs
 or people who have maintained computers ‘for years’.

Many people bought this game physically.

There is no possible way for them to play any version other than whats on their disc, without framented data.

True, if they are on an SSD the lack on any discernable seek time to access any part of the disc mostly nullifies the issue.
Most console gamers aren’t using SSDs.

Complain as much as you like about 1.6.
Until gamers figure out how to make their systems make this game have an easier time loading its’ assets, we are going to keep having a whole range of issues.

Especially as warhorse now have two versions to develop for (with and without DLC) and 3-5 platforms to optimise for.

Never said I don’t have fps drops. just said they arent that noticeable to me in KCD as opposed to FO4

PS4 here, and nothing was fucked up for me w/ 1.6.
I don’t get it, and I don’t think even WH has a handle on it.
As they’ve indicated previously, users on identical consoles are seeing a wide variety of performance issues (and Non-Issues!).
All very odd, and frustrating.

I think it’s an idiosyncratic cache/refresh issue. I’ve had crazy things happen that were rectified simply by saving, exiting and restarting. Problem is that doesn’t work well as a strategy for gamers that are navigating large simulated landscapes/cityscapes

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You are the first I have met then, especially since WH admitted they where the reason for this issues and that they would rectify them in the next patch. So good for you that you have blood and dirt on armour and clothing and no pop in, your PS4 is obviously running on dreams and rainbows.


Crusader your comments keep flying in the face of the facts.

Not EVERY USER is experiencing issues. (Yes, even on the humble consoles; rainbows and unicorn hair irrelevant

With each and every patch version a different number of users will complain.
(1.3x was perfect, but this 1.4 version blows/ vs 1.4 fixes the issue with 1.3x. Change patch numbers to whatever- its happened with every release).

With a growing world population, even low selling games have vastly more units sold than ‘best sellers’ on older platforms.
Simply put- KCD has so many players that we are likely to find users experiencing any given problem at any gien time.
True, sometimes there are known identifiers that contribute to more consistant issues for more machines.
Mission critical and 100% reproducable errors in 100% of instances, are not going to be released via patches.
We do see trends.
When the texture set got dramtically downscaled, vastly more users had less pop in. Some had it worse. (True)
When that set gets returned to larger/higher quality again, its possible that the mixup of aystems in the wild exhibit a range of symptoms again, all over the place.

I agree that console hardware are relatively consistant.

I have a third iteration playstation.
I have slightly less heat sinkage than the units before mine. The units after mine had a board redo and got away with less cooling/weight, but are a lil noisier and have lessened video output quality (that only videophiles using test specific test patterns might show)

A few console generatiins ago it was true that the hardware was vonsistant throughout the life of the product
 but it hasnt always been that way.
Early PS2s had chips that got culled that affected a whole run of first gen game titles that depended on them. PS3s had seven hardware refreshes at my last count. Early units actually passed Superaudio CD info in a high quality method. Later units might claim ‘compatibility’, but running something doesnt mean it runs well.

Its worse on the xbox side of the coin where hardware evolutions are done and barely acknowledged.
The xbox one s replacing the xbox one
 does M$ supply outdated console tech to a dev team to test with (no way!) - so I have no idea on how Warhorse have dealt with the three vastly different sets of xbox specs they have to optimise for.
And who knows if users have external usb drives/SSDs/overheating and therefor throttling hardware etc.

Clearly there are differences ‘in the wild’ that long forgotten console generations never had to deal with.
And then we have digital purchses who download one file, the latest, that doesnt need patching, vs a disc based user who had to download 20Gb, that then modifies their disc install, and is in no way the same system environment as the digital subscriber has.

I personally have replaced my drive to a substantially faster hitachi unit.

Warhorse shouldnt have to worry about these things, and, sadly, their service departments dont get info whether we run mods or have our console installed in a drawer (gets hot and slows down).

Systems are not identical, no matter how much we insist they are.

Then we have user playstyles that can exacerbate issues that thwy havent dealt with with their software even on optimally working machines.

Obviously too much of this crazyness gets overwhelming and can delay their ability to respond in a timely manner to issues.

I believe an early issue in the game may have stemmed from their small number of playtesters all playing too similar in style, and not discovering the issues that a few hundred thousand users (the wild) brings.
Lots of people looted everything and played for hundreds of hours, perhaps dropping junk objects into the open world
 the build up over a time period more than Warhorse suggested the game should last for, perhaps 100 hours, and it was new/unfamiliar territory.

Many bugs and issues they have tracked down.

A few still elude them.

We as a community can help- truthful succinct feedback is very handy.
We might not understand that our drive which has been filled to the brim ten times over, having had thirty games installed and patched over years of usage is in a less than ideal state to install the game onto; but we dont tell them the probable cause of why our game has issues, if we dont understand the matter ourselves.

Most dont understand.
To many gamers -simply having all other games works is proof enough that the issue is with this software.
Thats obvious.

But in many cases the issue is actually the software on the users system, which is in no way similar to some ideal ‘out of box’ state.
Real world usage vs theorhetical.

I’d like to believe that all users have optimal console environments.
Most games dont push a console to its limits.
GTA5 was a great one for tech sites to use for benchamarking and comparing xbox vs playstation.

The streaming textures are taxing in ways that most games dont try.
The differences in drive speed revealed itself in all sorts of tech breakdowns
Notany games use streaming texture tech and a game like rage or wolfenstein moght optimise for framerate and so be based on simple objects or small world spaces/zones.targetting high framerate nets them a lot of leeway before errors are noticable to end users not trained to spot the differences.
Average gamer wont notice a games framerate swinging a little bit, eg 45 frames being noticably different to 50 frames

When people who’ve spent decades troublesgooting this sort of stuff and ARE aware of contributing factors and likely bottlenecks- it is worth trying to understand their viewpoint.

I can mix my lingo up and make this a simple or as technical as you like. I usually strive to not do tech talk and use everyday familiar terms as this stuff can be hard to digest.

1.6 is flawless for me. Again.l (like every patch before)
I am not on a console for this game, so my view, arguably is worth nil.
(Forum readers told me this back in Feb)
I said it then and it will continue to be an issue, so I will lokely say it again

Any fragmentaion exacerbates streaming issues.
With this game, most people will have serious fragmentation of data. Mostly due to the size and frequency of patches rolled out.

This game is the best example of a product deserving YMMV (your mileage may vary) to be tagged at end of posts in the forum.

KCD has had some optimisation to dramatically lessen asset quality (makes streaming data less and alleviates some burden) and this worked wonders for many.
If users cant sort out their systems Warhorse moght just drop the quality and call it a day. A game that works is better than a pretty game that fails on 12% of consoles regularly. (Fail here representing pop in/missing assets/slow loading textures etc)

The devs were honest enough to say that a full gallop horse through rattay might not be their optomosation goal (the game would have to look shite), rather they aim for realistic everyday gameplay scenario and the best graphics they can give.

They are still mixing up the formula to spoon feed the masses a perfect medicine.
Sure, some bugs are theirs, some ossues are our hardware setup/use.

Hence why I say: “a little from column A, a little from column B”

For some users the present game issue is exclusively to do with the latest patch, 1.6.

For others it might be a combination of things.
My aim is to help those in the latter group.

I have no criticism against you trying to help people, the opposite in fact. But we need to agree that a huge majority of players, even those that know how to take care of their consoles suffers from bugs that has to do with the 1.6 update. WH has as earlier mentioned even accepted that as a fact in regards to the ps4-systems. I have also mentioned earlier that I have four friends playing this game on ps4-pro, just like myself. They actually purchased the game because I recommended it. I even made a 49 year old woman from Ostrava that I work with to buy a ps4-pro and KCD because she loved the idea about a game that cared about her country.

We work together in Sweden by the way and I am a Swede myself. All of this players suffers the exact same issues after the 1.6 update. I cannot swear or promise that the pop in issue is exactly to the polygon the same on each and every persons console, but all have noticed that it became way worse after 1.6 and that it also brought with the no blood or dirt bug.

I do not want to repeat myself about how many consoles I have myself and that I have tried the game on all of them with more or less the same results except that the game runs even worse on a normal ps4 compared to a pro but no surprise there.

One of my friends is as earlier mentioned a programmer and has worked with Dice. He is now coding other things that has nothig to do with games but he still has many years in the gaming industry and he is way better than I am to decide if it is a console problem or if a patch screwed something up. He is certain that the 1.6 patch really did cause these issues and I am agreeing.

Then I am certain you are correct about many things you say and you seen like an educated person so I have no reason to believe you would write all of that text for no reason. Yes, some people thinks their consoles will perform perfectly after 30 installed games, hundreds of reinstalled games and updates with no maintenance such as database rebuilding or a total system reinstall.

But as you can see, that is not me nor the people I have mentioned. I want this game to work as intended and it did in 1.5

1.6 did make things worse and as mentioned WH has accepted that blame. So I think we should trust WH in this that the patch actually did somehing bad in regards to the ps4-systems.

In 1.5 if I rode full speed into Rattay it took some time for some, very few textures to load properly. In 1.6 it takes time for entire buildings, walls, people. Clothing. Floors, anything to load properly and of course the no blood or dirt.

This is written after I posted: I am ok with textures being blurry if I ride into a village or city at high speeds, I have no problems with at all as long as those textures load eventually. But when I can see people on the other side of a wall because said wall choose to not exist for a sec or two while other object are blinking in and out of existence until finally settling is quite disturbing and does nothing good for the immersion.


I don’t see many people playing this game from the Steam Charts https://steamcharts.com/app/379430
All I see is that the DLC added 1.500 extra average players for the last 30 days and the amount per day decreasing steadily to the average of 3000. When starting we had 95.000 players, after a month we had 40.000 and after 2 months only 11.000 and the 3th month and later merely 3.000. Comparing to the Witcher 3 which started with 51.000 players and now still has 10.000 players.

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