The AI in this game is putrid, far worse than any game i've seen in a long time

there’s a lot to like about KCD, and there’s a fair amount to be frustrated about. not paid to say so. there’s context. it’s not as tight as Dragon Age or Witcher 3 but it certainly isn’t worse than Fallout 4 (FO4). if you wanted a bug free open world RPG game from a startup company, you didn’t have realistic expectations. the hyperbole doesn’t help. it’s not actionable.

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I’ve got 60 hours in and I think I’ve seen them act stupid like that, maybe twice.

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Wow. I love how the counter argument is “it’s not the worst, there are worse.” Picking apart the guy’s choice of words instead of actually acknowledging that YES the AI is horrendous.

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I’m sure you believe a lot of things. I can’t help what you believe. The problem here is that you think your beliefs are important. People are going to disagree with what you think and say kid, all your life long, and not just you, every one of us. It doesn’t mean there’s some hidden agenda. Your insights of paid shills and disguised dev team members are great fun. I get paychecks from WH. I joined here all that time ago, as a mole. And I provided QA on their “screw the customers” review board. Now you can sleep at night knowing you blew the lid off the X Files.

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a falsehood is a falsehood and should be exposed as such. i provided specific comparisons for context. the AI is ok. certainly not great. not terrible. the bigger problem in the vid wasnt AI it was weapon balancing.

Somebody who uses “kid” in a forum comment is the one to be taken with a grain of salt.

His terms and contests are based on personal expectations and statements of large scale knowledge. You and I are expctd to regard the OP’s experience as a benchmark and therefore a valid reference. Putrid and the worst he’s seen. Obviously he had higher expecations and he’s disappointed.
Taking a counter-position to that is not the same as saying “The AI is wonderful”, but the majority of people are fine with taking anything other than complete agreement as an attack. Not just on forums, but in real life. It’s fairly idiotic.

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When you act like an adult I’ll treat you like one.

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The AI is “ok” is an exaggeration

Yep seems like ever encounter I’ve had in the game.

WeeScot you only came on this thread to school people on their attitude, you didnt bring a single argument to the table, just mocking and calling people kids because somehow they shouldnt be mad at the state the game is in. I’m sorry but people like you are a nuissance in every forum, always coming in with a passive-agressive attitude and never bring anything worthy to the discussion.

you make accusations about ‘these people (being paid or on dev team)’ and then you have the gall to talk about taking what someone else says with a grain of salt

You by no means have the right or privilege to judge that.

I came here to read the thread. Your detective badge is hereby taken away.

You need to live with the fact that people might not like what you say or do. The forum exists for interaction. You don’t like mine. Oh well. Doesn’t bug me much, that’s your privilege.

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why ok? because the following: the NPCs hesitate but once triggered the NPCs will chase after you. i have NPCs chase me back and forth over considerable distances to attack me. (horse archer got back and forth down path). the Cuman have shot the horse dead out from under me (NPC camp SE of Talmberg). they have also shot me dead with one shot. the bandits and Cuman with polearms have knocked me off the horse. etc.

i certainly give the KCD NPC conflict awareness more credit than the AI that drives FO4. for context, FO4 received awards including GOY and best game at Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences and British Academy Games Awards. Gamespot 9/10. IGN 9.5/10

Lol and it continues

Someone posts a few videos showing just how either terrible or buggy the AI is, and now people go from “the game is fine” to resorting to personal attacks.

The witcher 3: 2% 1 star ratings, Skyrim: 3% 1 star ratings

KCD: 21% 1 star ratings, I’ll leave it at that, the proof is in the pudding.

“Once triggered”

When does that happen?

If you people who dont like the game got your refund, what are you even still doing in this community? Forget about it and move on and stop being so childish coming back here to zone out your frustrations. You got your money back so goodbye?

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Mot everybody have gotten refunds because a lot of people bought digital copies.