The massive graphic downgrade is real. And here is proof (with screenshot)

nope, its historically accurate. European forests do look exactly like this.


There is no denying that the forest look vastly inferior in the final release.

Some people here argue that it was needed for optimisation and that the game could not possibly run at stable framerates if such foliage quality/density was in the final release.

Well I tend to disagree. Crysis 1 which came out 11 years ago could be modded with extremne textures and foliage density increase to insane levels and the game could run stable with some tweaks. Now here we are with vastly superior hardware 11 years later so I find it hard to believe that Pcs would not be able to run it pre downgrade if optimisation was made.

CONSOLES would not be able to run it for sure, which leads me to believe it was sacrificed in order for the game to be able to run on consoles…


Dunno man, you played horizon zero dawn ? Without a doubt the best looking open world game I’ve seen, played witcher on my pc doesn’t look as good, I couldn’t get over how dense and amazing it looked, and that’s on standard PS4 not even pro.

Don’t think I’ve played a game on my pc that looks as good.

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Exactly. people are forgetting the great games we have had recently which look miles better and were able to run on much weaker hardware. You know why thopse games ran fine?

they were O P T I M I S E D properly :slight_smile:


and i am telling you that a medieval forest in such a populated region would not have such lush undergrowth, it would look more like a park.

we could play the beta at 45 fps in the forest …

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Well there must be a reason why an actual photorealistic open world game still hasn’t been created. Something like that seems like it really would be beyond any hardware that’s currently available. Hopefully in the near future.

First: i dont talk about great gameexperience, play fun, i only talk about technic.

I dont know WHAT i see here, but this is far far away from old testing stuff like forest scene, water scene, all the ingame screenshots. now is see PS2 graphic ! No ambiente occlusion, no really shadows, horror texture like 100pixels.
Maybe i am spoiled, but… i saw other screens from last years and this isnt it.

And the best from all, is the bad perdormance. With my two 1080ti i have 32fps on UHD/ultra and with SLI fix, 36fps. I cant play this game :frowning:

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Yep. It was mostly at the military camp where the beta ran like shit.

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One is being created as we speak…Star Citizen.

Exactly. The downgrade would be more understandable if the game actually ran well. What was the downgarade for? I will be pretty damn pissed if WH does not optimize this game and give out a FREE HD pack in the future. It is sad to see such a fine work of art suffer due to poor obtimization.

Exactly man. fair enough the game was downgraded. If it performed flawlessly, I would accept that. But the performance, while not totally unplayable, leaves hell of a lot to be desired. Specific locations produce microstutter everytime regardless on settings and the siudden drops in seemingly empty areas with not a lot going on. And the worst part is, this is happening on 1080 tis, cards that obliterate far prettier games with no problem.

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i hoped you guys tell me i forgotten a super special hidden graphic option :smiley: but its really true yah ? you havnt good performance. :frowning: i dont understand this release, downgrade for better performance ok, to become 60fps in UHD ultra, yes, but it isnt. i hope they will fix it. and i hope we become high definition textures.

Lol, i was so suprised, that i quick check my other games, (witcher) if i have problems too. Maybe because new graphic driver :smiley:

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I sure as hell hope we don’t all turn into hd textures.

Yes, that is exactly what i don´t like. and it´s the same in many other games. i don´t want to be able to ride with full speed straight trough the forest. sure it´s easier, and i understand that this is more user-friendly, but for me it kills the immersion.

I don’t think they toned down the foliage for performance reasons, I think it was primarily intended for gameplay purposes. There are still some very densely vegetated spots within the forests and it’s a nightmare to hunt smaller game like hares and small deer there.

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Well, i see it the other way. It was d dream come true and great fun to hunt in those dense woods. As well as planing ambushes and such things. KCD once was unique with that, while you can gallop through woods in any single other game.
I sepend days exploring the once beautiful forests while now there is nothing speciall about it. Totally boring standart forests as in any other game. It kills of immersion and is simply not realistic. I hate to sneak at someone, basically standing in the open right in front of him, but he has to be blind not able to see me coming. 100% immersion killer.


I made the following edit to an earlier post of mine to anyone who cares.

In all fairness I wish to say that I was wrong about the value of KC:D. The amount of content in this title is very abundant and deep. The technical condition of the game notwithstanding :wink:

educate yourself. you clearly know not of what you speak.

To be fair, many games get downgraded. Rainbow Six: Siege is a prime example of a massive downgrade. It’s disappointing, but it happens. Irrefutable proof can be found with the gameplay screenshots provided in the KCD press kit, compared to the final “retail” version of the game.