What do you want to see in Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

I like your idea about the realistic weapon damage on various body parts. It is one thing that has always bothered me in any FPS style game, or even RPGs that have “body damage” hit boxes yet the damage never effects anything the enemy can do in return.

I feel if someone is shot in the leg with a ranged weapon, then their movement should be impaired and their combat effectiveness should be reduced as well. Same applies to arms and even glancing blows to an armored head should cause some type of hindrance to the opponent.


First of all, I love the avatar… Klaus Kinski was a brilliant mad man, and that is his best movie!

All your ideas x 9000. Love it all.
To add to it:
If you decide to play a nasty psychopath lord who doesn’t hesitate to imprison and torture people… walking among the streets should elicit a fearful yet subtle response where people not necessarily run away from you, but rather looks sternly down into the ground to avoid eye contact, and try to focus on their work while slowly shuffling away from the lord’s eyes as much as possible.

If you play a nice lord, you should get friendly, subtly inspired smiles - in awe… the loyal look in their faces that show “they will follow you to the gates of hell and back.”

There should definitely be more contrasts in the world… not just everyone looking dirty, or everyone looking poor. By the way, since the game is set after the Black Death, the lower classes would have started dressing up in colorful clothing. In fact, the aristocracies of Europe was so worried about this trend that they started banning certain textiles being worn by the lower classes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dental hygiene in the middle ages:
Paradoxically Black teeth (tartar plaque) is something you would see on the wealthiest people, and not the poor. Only the very wealthy could afford sugar, and they actually wore their blackened teeth with pride. The poor would sometimes blacken their teeth with soot or charcoal to “appear” more like the wealthy. Especially after the Black Death had decimated much of Europe’s population, and the poor having started wearing colorful garments.

Death should be omnipresent, in one form or another…

Social psychology, morale as in the Total War games would be great. I really don’t want to see cities completely empty if I decide to make a surprise attack on it. Soldiers rampaging through the city, civilians fleeing for their lives. I think we should obviously not include children into the mix, as that’s just bad taste. But I prefer the mature setting to be authentic and not sterilized.


As someones already said, more gore/blood.

Noticed in the videos there was slashes going around which would most certainly cause blood.

Whether it’s because they are wearing a thick leather body armor I don’t know!

Makes you feel more badass when you actually see the enemy bleeding to be honest…


I’d really love to see some in depth customization options for our character. From what we’ve been shown thus far, I really like the direction WH is headed with the layered clothing approach. So hopefully that flexibility extends into other aspects of the character and game as well (hair style, facial hair etc.)

For instance, if pursuing the path of a knight; be provided with the option (once you’re knighted) to create and bare your own custom coat of arms. Which can be displayed on banners, shields and particular items of clothing.

Love the idea of tourneys (jousting, archery, melee etc.) to not only gain money and rewards, but also (and just as important) prestige and renown for your character.

Following on from those two points, a knight, especially one with money and prestige, was someone that would lead men. Being a landed knight, possessing some type of land or holdings would be a natural progression point IMO. Being able to then build and develop those holdings, in addition to fitting out and equipping your war band.

This prestige and renown should directly impact NPC perception and reactions towards our character. For example, if we’re a landed knight, with renown on the battlefield and tournament circuit; unique persuasion and/or intimidation options may present themselves during particular dialogue sequences. Other unique events and side quests should also open up to you once your station and prestige reach a certain level.

Realistic and period accurate combat techniques with a skill development tree to reflect those, is an absolute must. Realistic damage, and gore… to really capture the mood and brutality of medieval warfare.

There’s heaps more, but everyone’s covered most of the stuff above anyways.


I definetely want to see some pikes and any kind of unwieldy pole weapon in action, in duels and especially in anti-cavalry fights, to emphasize it’s weakness against flank/rear attacks, lower rotation speed and accuracy making player to keep lined-up formation in a large-scaled battles.

Don’t forget to implement complicated spear throwing system <3

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At the end of 1403 King Wenceslas IV. succeeded to escape from prison in Vienna and to depose Sigismund´s government. The decisive encounter took place in the summer of 1404 near Znojmo. The city, which held Prokop´s governors Jan Sokol of Lamberk and Hynek, Suchý Čert of the Kunštát and Jevisovice, was besieged by Sigismund´s and Albrecht´s troops. After two months of siege it was dissolved because Zikmund and Albrecht were poisoned.

What about stealth action in which i am going to poison Sigismund and Abrecht? :o)

The World
St. Barbora´s cathedral, Kutná hora

Law system:
Ius regale montanorum
The so called Book of Rosenberg, the unique source of medieval law

Horse customization:
like the bridle, saddle, girths, cinches, saddle pads, lead ropes, halters, stirrup irons, stirrup leathers

Blacksmith - crafting horseshoe
Mining – underground mining of silver ore

Ingame currency:
Pražský groš

Music, something like this, please :o)
example no. 1
example no. 2

Commemorative sword/accesory
hand forged buckle

Release date:
6 July 2015 .)

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I’m exited about the RPG-MAKING TOOLS (modding tools) they plan to release.

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Glad to see everyone liked my idea of a non-conventional fighter.

Clearly some of the more ruthless bandit groups(if the game will have any) don’t care about such
superstitions, especially since to make them seem even a bit smart at least one of them
will have a leader that can see the combat advantage a left-hander has:
Not many will have practise against a left-handed opponent, whereas everyone who has fought, would’ve fought against someone right-handed.

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The diseases were the leading cause of death in middle age. I would like to see how this affects the history and development of our hero.

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Alternatively get/buy/catch dog with different combat and tracking system then falcon

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Memorable characters. Friends you can literally steal horses with (like Gorn/Diego/Lester/Milten or Dandelion/Zoltan/Triss/Shani).

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  • Button remapping; which is a must for me because of my physical

  • Possible head tracking software/hardware such as Track IR.

  • SLI & Crossfire support for complex shader’s (blood splatter etc.)
    realistic physics (make a kill; let’s see rag doll physics)

  • Mod tools included for texturing and building.

  • Ability to go into every building, house, drawer, nook and cranny

  • Nice voice acting from NPC’s & main character

  • Making your own choice of what to say from options that could
    possibly weigh on you later (à la Walking Dead)


I want to see realistic fighting. Truly realistic.

Especially, one-and-half and two-handed swords are quite fast in reality. I don’t want to see Skyrim-like swords who weight tons and are incredibly slow, as they are also in many other games.

I really want to see a huge, alive world. The bigger, the better. It should have an economy of its own and NPCs should be reactive to the changes you make to the world.
Having a credible impact on the world is something rare in a game.

Possibility to continue to play indefinitely, with some random-generated quests and such an open world that leaves freedom after the main story is complete.

Modding tools, simple and easy to use, especially those map- and quest-related.
So the community can go on expanding the world and create stories, expanding the game indefinitely!

Co-op multiplayer. Be able to quest with friends would be truly awesome!
Adversarial MP is not important, but co-op is vital!


I would love the option to joust in the game. Either as a special event or just whenever.

I would like to be able to train and practice combat whenever I want.

Tournaments or arena type scenario please.

Since the game is first person, I would like a vanity button to at least view the character in the environment, even if I cannot play in 3rd person. I want to see the lovely outfit I have on please.


Well spoken, in my ideal game the NPC can have their own “development” their lifes change because of hunger or unexpected poverty so a town has a progress which you can discover when coming around again.

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It would be nice I you are able to build houses, maybe hiring a buildmaster who shows you a few blueprints and you choose one.

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I already gave a few hints of what I want to see in single replies now I summarize my wishes.
I would like to see:

  • A good combat system
  • A good hunting system (trailing)
  • A good social system. I don’t think that only the main characters reputation is important a there should be NPC with reputation so one can rise and other sink.
  • seduction of women (or men for female character) should be possible, also fitting consequences like angry man or father, bastards, marriage. Maybe to avoid a world of bastards a angry father could bring the main character to a judge who decides to cut off his jewelries. Or a burn mark to warn the people.
  • I would like to see next to the ‘usual’ crafting skills something like cutting wood, making blanks and building houses.
    • maybe this thinks can’t be learned by the main char but if someone builds a house I want to see workers doing that.
  • important is also the recognition of the main char. Nothing is killing the atmosphere more than NPC which do always the same.

There are a few other points I would like to see but to summarize it, I want to see details. I hope someone loves details like I do. This is a important point to the atmosphere of a game.


I’d like to see a decent take on the impact religion had on the people back then. Practically everyone was religious (maybe even pious) in the middle ages. Which means almost all of europe was christian and before Luther most of them were roman catholic. I think that would have had a big impact on life in the 1400s.


. A combat system with the feeling of Dark souls combat system
. an inventory system based on bags/purse/belt
. if you keep a big bag on you, it may bother you (in combat, to be discreet)
. If you drop it , you dont have acces to your inventory and it can be stolen

I’d like to see…

  • A big GTA-like map, be free to move all over, at all moments. Not like Witcher 2 then we are limited at one région by chapter.
  • Some choices who can realy change something in world and story of the game. (not like the telltale’s games…)
  • A good french dubbing (maybe for the 800’000 :stuck_out_tongue:)
  • Weapons, armors and clothes from a lots of cultures (arabian, viking, chinese,
    Mongolian…maybe a little bit of japanese)
  • Some easter eggs. :smiley:

That the most important :smiley: there is already a lots of good idea have been said here

Less important things

  • A double crossbows (like the navarre one on Ladyhawks )
  • Swiss Mercenary to help us at the war. :smiley: