If KCD doesnt take your fancy now (you dont see yourself wanting to play through it more than once/try out alt start etc) and think you can easily hold off on it …
Maybe Persona 5 (polished), or Ni No Kuni 2…
Both brilliant games with many hours of entertainment.
A quick easy no brainer if you download via PSN is Rogue Legacy. (I have put too many hours into this Castlevania Symphony of the Night rogue like/lite)
No doubt cheap too.
Mods moght be doable for KCD, but like Skyrim, nothing altering graphics (obvious really). We will have to see…
Nice thing about KCD is how much of the world the base game gets right.
I wont fire up Skyrim without at least eighty mods running (game is ugly/bland and missing too much without them).
The reason I like KCD so much is due to how right the base game is. In time I might consider modding it, but usually I do so for better immersive world.
Splashing puddles is the only thing that comes to mind as what I would want.
I knew I was going to buy KCD eventually and weighed up the cost difference for waiting for a sale (our households normal approach to games), and decided I would rather pay the extra just to be able to hike around in it now…
But then I never did the major quest line for Oblivion or Skyrim, and see practical value in games like this if they can get the world right.
The inbuilt dice game needs better AI. That is nearly the extent of my complaints list for KCD. (Fading HUD/removable crosshair would be the rest of the list)