When will the xbox version be fixed? (still unplayable)

I have a Feeling the “Close this” Ghost is around here somewhere…strange…am i the only one??

Maybe this will awaken the ghost? :smile:

What? This is the theme of this thread. Crying about xbox version.
And the funny thing why this whole Thread is for the a$$ is a second one which was created long before this one here. But i am quoting something of the OP to describe it again one more time.

The only ones who give a big middle finger are the people who are really thinking WH will never fixing the game. Maybe someone wants to open a new but with same theme thread again?!
I guess you forgotten to ask WH if the xbox version will ever be fixed because it is still unplayble.
And oh yeah dont forgot to notice that there are stutters and quest bugs. Last but not least, the performance. Just the sentences which was written tenthousand times before.

Really, i guess you didnt understand correct the Federal reserve System! XD
So dont come up to me with “the value of money”. it would be hypocritical to say you never spend money to non vital things in your life. Your problem is, as with many others, the patience.
And yeah, we also know that it is not funny and great, awesome, beautiful or whatever to release the games unfinished. Hopefully you write that often in the forums of the other studios too.
And if everyone is crying louder and more much louder, they still need time.

EDIT: And a little hint, currently i am not playing KCD due of the High/Ultra grass bug!

I send you a PM, please keep a more civil behaviour here in the forum. Thank you.

The theme of this thread is “When will the xbox version be fixed”
It’s not about crying or people trying to out-insult each other.

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yes but you guys took it too far, the thread is quite slanderous saying its “unplayable”. imagine what this bullshit does to sales of the game. . the thread needs to be locked.

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So now you want a exact date or what?
And have you ever saw a Studio which said you beforehand, that they will fixing and what they want to fix? It is logical. They are playing her game in the end self.

And with that.
I rest my case.

Not for nothing, but I am playing on the XboneX and it is playing just fine.
It stuttered for me before 1.4.3, but it worked through it.
Try a hard reboot(unplug power and everything).
play through the stutter for a game or so (in game).

It may not work, but it did for me. game plays fine.
and I am up over 130 hours.

Blockquote[quote=“Kirksty, post:48, topic:56697”]
took it too far, the thread is quite slanderous saying its “unplayable”. imagine what this bullshit does to sales

Highlights why I chose to get involved (with this forum).

An angry customer telling 10,000+ is the order of the internet- when happy customer dont speak up it skews the view.

I have never thought that others are not having issues; but like forum goers who would destroy every thread with their ‘free speech’ declaimations and whinging (rather than appropriate bug reporting etc); I would write that I (like everyone I knew playing the game) was having a problem free experience. (YES- It can and does happen)

What I came to see was that a few zealots on the ‘it works’ side of the fence (product working is key to saleability) were getting so badly attacked (and outnumbered) by angry people often without any level of courtesy or respect and heaven forbid any notion of manners…

This forum was misrepresenting the product.

True- happy gamers dont seek out solutuons to problems and hence werent being represented.
Nice once 1.4.3 came out how everyone vanished.

Maybe they are all happily playing- but they certainly have a lot less complaint(s) to register or roll with.

The forums are not overrun now with trolls (both sides) and so they are returning to being servicable and social.


Post 37- the all important post (those just tuning in and may have missed…)