What will hunting be like?

I haven’t seen a single open world (or so called “survival” game) with decent hunting and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I hope hunting is actually done well in this game. Skyrim, for example, has awful hunting, just awful, and it ruins the immersion of playing as a hunter character when you can just sprint up to the animal and pelt its butt full of arrows. Hunting should be slower, more methodical. I am really hoping for tracking as well, in order to find the animal, as opposed to just stumbling upon it (when you stumble in on a deer in real life, it bolts and good luck catching it.) The purpose should be to get close enough to the animal undetected to line up and take that one perfect shot to take it down.

Has there been any word on what hunting is going to be like?

What would you prefer the hunting system be like?


Nothing official on the hunting mechanic in game as of yet.

We’ve seen it shown very very briefly in some of the promotional video material, but all we know is that we will be able to hunt animals. No other detail has been released to date.

How that mechanic pans out in-game is anyones guess. However I agree with your sentiments and really like the idea of being able to track, using stealth, and take a kill in a measured and practised approach. I’m thinking The Last of Us style, where Ellie tracks and shoots the buck. That was pretty well done in terms of a scripted event. But I’d like to see something similar here in terms of it’s implementation (obviously unscripted and random)

How far down the rabbit hole would you go with it though… Will hunting mean baiting and trapping as well, or is it simply track and shoot. I mean you can go as far as having to consider wind direction, time of day etc. It just all depends on how much emphasis WH are planning on putting on this particular game mechanic. :confused:


I would love to have a full in depth hunting mini game with tracking, baiting, trapping, and skinning/cleaning.

With this game focusing on a main storyline we may not see it be as in depth as we want; However my experiences so far with the alpha and what I have followed from the Dev team I think its safe to say we will be closer to our expectations then ever before.

Here are some more threads on this topic if your interested.

Hunting Animals-Let’s Make it “Realistic”
Falconry for hunting
Hunting and Skinning?
Hunting mechanism

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Tanning… yea I didn’t even consider with my last post the whole skinning and cleaning thing huh :confounded: haha

If it was me… I’d just be giving my pelts to the local tanner to do the dirty work. ‘One fine wolf skin coat please kind sir…with matching breaches!!’ hoosar


I think the devs said something about that earlier they’re not “competing with hunting simulators”, not totally sure about that though. I wouldn’t expect something all that in-depth, but I think they will make it interesting nonetheless.

Since animals are NPC’s too and they already react on the player (sheep for example) it would be possible to let wild animals behave in a certain way too. Like running away when they see you. That is where the stealth mechanic could come in. I’d really like to see it in the hunting “minigame”. Some animals may attack you instead of running away then you either have to fight or run away yourself.
So if you want to hunt a deer for example you really have to be careful track the route maybe with help of the dog and then when you see the animal get slowly closer while making sure that you are not loud and barely visible.
Then you most likely would kill the animal with your bow.
But to make all this effort worth it you should really be able to do something with your prey like using the meat, leather and other stuff for different things. If Henry cant use it himself he should be able to sell those things

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Even if WH doesn’t make a full blown Hunting mechanic I would be very surprised if they didn’t add stealth effects to animal AI.

this is the sheep AI posted by Freix here. Now imagine the size of a predators AI tree.

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I would really hope they would add realistic effects like scavengers, so if you dont hit an animal in a vital enough area he will live longer and be able to escape and die further away, making your tracking process(blood trails,tracks.Would love a blood trail mechanic! :smile:) and giving scavengers and predators more time to eat your kill.

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I never really thought what it should be like after the kill, I am mostly concerned about the hunt, and if it is going to be like other “survival” games, like Rust. The “hunting” in Rust is so bad I hope that this game is nothing like it.

there’s hunting in rust?

I think its safe to assume that it will be closer to games like Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption but with much better AI.

I wouldn’t call it hunting, but yes. It’s just like Skyrim’s hunting. You run up to the animal and start hitting it until you do enough damage to kill it. I didn’t think RDR’s hunting was very well done either.

Rhetorical question, sarcasm is hard in text. I have bashed many deer butts with a stone myself.

Wasn’t saying RDR was anything special just assuming that whatever we get should be along the lines of those games, something basic. I don’t see WH making a super complex hunting mechanic with all the other features we wanna see.

Based on the AI tree that I have seen for the sheep im hopeful that the advanced AI alone will make for a better hunting experience. I personally would be satisfied if they would add some kind of blood trail and or tracks, even if its simple time based textures.

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We can always mod the hunting if it doesnt get the attention it would need to be actually immersive and engaging! :smile:If they dont have that much content with it, it would be cool to add a wind mechanic or at least a larger detection radius for the animals, just so it would be harder to sneak up on them. Maybe a trail mechanic, where the animals follow game trails and you can look at the trail and see how much its used, then sit on it and wait for your prey. Lots of things that would be awesome and thanks to the ability to mod, we can add them all! :smiley:


We’re allowed to have a dog companion right? I would like to see how a dog can help us hunt, like flushing animals out of their den so we can get them, or possibly even grabbing small animals for us.

Will we be executed if we poach in a Noble’s woods?

this has been discussed before in one of the other hunting forums but there has yet to be any official answer.

this game will have an advanced reputation system though so if this type of law existed during this time in Bohemia then there’s a possibility we may see it.


A wind mechanic would be cool, along with with a stillness mechanic, but since the focus is combat i would be perfectly content with whatever hunting mechanics they put in here, this is KCD after all, not Cabelas big game hunter: Medieval X-TREME!

Red dead redemption had pretty cool hunting